1999-10-14 * *OFFICIAL MINUTES * *
4 October 14, 1999
9 Committee Members Present: Gary Fawks, Chair and City Council Representative; Jerry
10 Lawrence, Vice Chair and CISD Representative; Wendi Carlucci, City Council Appointed
11 Citizen; Patsy DuPre, City Council Representative; Steve Harold, CISD Representative.
13 Committee Members Absent: James Glover, Parks and Recreation Board Representative.
15 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services for the City
16 of Southlake; Steve Johnson, Assistant Superintendent for the Carroll Independent School
17 District; Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, City of Southlake; Brent Kline, Total Project
18 Management (CISD Capital Project Management Consultant); John Eaglen, Administrative
19 Assistant.
22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chair Gary Fawks at
23 7:06 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments — Mr. Polasek mentioned that he was aware
26 that the packets for the CISD representatives were delivered to the CISD Administration
27 Building, and that prior to future Committee meetings all packets would be delivered to the
28 Committee members residences.
30 Mr. Fawks asked that Vice Chair Jerry Lawrence also be provided a copy of the draft agenda
31 prior to the meeting for review in addition to himself. Mr. Lawrence asked if the agenda
32 could be sent via e -mail, and Mr. Polasek confirmed that it could. Mr. Harold asked if the
33 draft agenda could be forwarded to him via e -mail prior to the meeting, and Mr. Polasek
34 confirmed that staff would comply with the requests. Mr. Polasek confirmed the e -mail
35 addresses for Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Harold.
37 Consider:
39 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of minutes of the August 12, 1999 Meeting — Motion was
40 made to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1999 meeting.
42 Motion: Lawrence
43 Second: Carlucci
44 Ayes: Fawks, Lawrence, Carlucci, DuPre, Harold
45 Nayes: None
46 Approved: 5 -0
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2 Agenda Item No. 4, Revisions to the Procedures of the Joint Utilization Committee, Article I,
3 General Powers, Section 1.03 and 1.03(b) - Mr. Polasek stated that this item was placed on
4 the agenda due to the discussion at the August 12, 1999 meeting, regarding the possibility of
5 the addition of another Committee member appointed by CISD. Mr. Polasek explained that
6 increasing the membership from it's current six (6) member structure to seven (7) members
7 does not alter the quorum requirement of four (4) members. Mr. Lawrence mentioned that
8 the CISD already had a candidate in mind for appointment should this item be approved. Mr.
9 Lawrence stated that CISD plans to appoint Mr. John Rollins to the Committee. Mr.
10 Lawrence said that Mr. Rollins would have been in attendance at the meeting if it were not
11 for a prior conflict.
13 Motion was made to approve the revisions to the Procedures of the Joint Utilization
14 Committee as proposed.
16 Motion: DuPre
17 Second: Harold
18 Ayes: Fawks, Lawrence, Carlucci, DuPre, Harold
19 Nayes: None
20 Approved: 5 -0
22 Discuss:
24 Agenda Item No. 5, Recap of Joint City /CISD Project Review Process - Mr. Polasek stated
25 that this item is on the agenda for the Committee members to review the process for project
26 review discussed at the August 12, 1999 meeting. Mr. Polasek briefed the Committee on the
27 summarized process for City and CISD Project Review. Mr. Johnson mentioned that with
28 several upcoming CISD capital projects, it would be important to coordinate interaction
29 between CISD and the City's Development Review Committee (DRC) to facilitate CISD
30 compliance with the construction process. The Committee concurred with the summary of
31 the project review process.
33 Agenda Item No. 6, Community Services Project Update - Mr. Polasek stated that in
34 anticipation of the length of the CISD project report, there would be no Community Services
35 Project Update this month. Mr. Polasek stated that due to the increasing number of members
36 and staff representatives attending meetings, he would research the availability of the
37 Community Center at Bicentennial Park to hold meetings.
39 Mr. Lawrence asked if the Committee would consider having meetings at alternate locations
40 between the City and CISD. Mr. Johnson suggested that the CISD annex off of Kimball
41 Avenue could be available to host committee meetings every other month. Mr. Poe asked if
42 there was a requirement to hold meetings within the Southlake city limits, as the CISD annex
43 lies within the borders of Grapevine. Ms. Carlucci suggested that hosting meetings at
44 different locations would be confusing and may impact the quorum requirements. Mr.
45 Polasek stated that the City can continue to host the monthly committee meetings, and would
46 check on the availability of the Community Center at Bicentennial Park.
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1 Mr. Lawrence asked if it would be easier on staff to begin committee meetings at six o'clock
2 versus the regular seven o'clock time. Mr. Harold suggested that six o'clock would be the
3 earliest that he could arrive, but he did not have a problem starting at that time. The
4 committee decided to change the beginning time for future meetings to six o'clock.
6 Agenda Item No. 7, City Project Update - Mr. Polasek introduced Senior Civil Engineer
7 Shawn Poe, who provided an update on the impact of State Highway 114 (S.H. 114)
8 construction at the intersection of S.H. 114 and Dove Road. Mr. Lawrence asked if the City
9 staff have been in contact with Mr. Jackie Mayfield of CISD Transportation. Mr. Poe
10 confirmed that City has been in contact with Mr. Mayfield to keep him informed of the
11 projects and their impact on transportation.
13 Mr. Lawrence asked about the impact at intersections during peak traffic periods, citing
14 Peytonville and F.M 1709 as an example where school transportation has already been
15 impacted. Mr. Poe stated that the peak timings on the lights have started too early, allowing
16 more access to traffic on F.M. 1709 and restricting access to school traffic on Peytonville.
17 Mr. Poe stated that the City has submitted a request to the Texas Department of
18 Transportation (TxDOT) to push back the traffic light peak timing that will allow greater
19 school traffic access onto F.M. 1709. Ms. DuPre asked about the response timeline from the
20 state, and Mr. Poe replied that the state generally provides a prompt response. Mr. Poe stated
21 that with the closed loop lighting system already in place, once the state responds with
22 changes it would be easy to update the traffic light timings.
24 Mr. Fawks replied that there will be a permissive left turn at all lights along F.M. 1709. Mr.
25 Harold asked if the traffic light will be removed at the intersection of F.M.1709 and
26 Peytonville. Mr. Fawks stated that the impact of traffic is along F.M. 1709, as drivers cannot
27 turn left. Mr. Fawks followed that the changes in light timings will allow a left turn on a
28 green light, but right now most intersection lighting is off -timed anyway. Mr. Poe stated that
29 the intersection of Peytonville and F.M. 1709 is the one intersection that allows a permissive
30 left turn onto Peytonville.
32 Ms. DuPre asked if the school district has discussed limiting driving privileges to only upper -
33 class students. Mr. Johnson replied that this issue has been discussed internally. Mr.
34 Lawrence stated that this discussion arose from the lack of parking spaces at Carroll High
35 School, and this problem will increase in the second half of this school year. Mr. Harold
36 stated that there are additional parking spaces in the front of the school. Mr. Johnson
37 mentioned that he has visited Carroll High School at peak times and there is available
38 parking. Ms. DuPre stated that with the current traffic situation, the School District may
39 wish to consider limiting driving privileges for a period of time to help mitigate traffic. Ms.
40 Carlucci responded that there would be a lot of parental complaints over the implementation
41 of such a policy.
43 Agenda Item No. 8, CISD Project Update - Mr. Fawks introduced Mr. Brent Kline of Total
44 Project Management (TPM) to provide an update of Carroll I.S.D. projects to the Committee.
45 Mr. Johnson stated that it would be beneficial to brief the Committee on the scope and
46 timelines for all of the Carroll I.S.D. Capital Projects, and then provide an in -depth report on
47 the proposed intermediate middle school on Kimball Avenue.
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2 Mr. Kline briefed the Committee on the scope and timelines of the Carroll LS.D. Capital
3 Projects approved in the 1999 bond election.
5 Ms. DuPre asked if the School District applies for permits on earthwork. Mr. Kline
6 confirmed that the School District applies for permits in this area as required, and will need
7 to discuss the necessary first steps to project construction on the upcoming projects with City
8 staff. Ms. DuPre mentioned that Mr. Kline might discuss the process with Interim Planning
9 Director Karen Gandy and Public Safety Administrative Operations Coordinator Malcolm
10 Jackson. Mr. Kline mentioned that School District staff has met with City Staff in the past
11 and that they will continue to coordinate with them so that necessary process requirements
12 are not excluded. Ms. DuPre mentioned circulating project information to City Staff for
13 feedback on who to include in the process.
15 Mr. Fawks mentioned that the necessary players meet in the Development Review
16 Committee (DRC), and asked if the School District staff can utilize this review process. Mr.
17 Kline stated that the original intention of School District staff was to hold monthly progress
18 meetings with necessary City Staff, and that a review meeting needs to occur at this time.
19 Mr. Johnson asked if CISD projects could be placed as an item on the DRC meeting agendas.
20 Mr. Poe replied that DRC reviews projects that have been submitted into the approval
21 process. Ms. DuPre suggested a separate meeting to discuss specific, upcoming CISD
22 projects. Mr. Polasek suggested that Mr. Kline consult Director of Public Works Ron
23 Harper, and that he could provide CISD representatives with necessary contacts to assist in
24 the approval and construction process. Mr. Lawrence asked if this would help reduce
25 duplication, and Mr. Polasek confirmed that speaking with Mr. Harper would.
27 Mr. Kline outlined the Carroll Middle School project. Mr. Kline stated that the guaranteed
28 maximum price (GPM) was approved by the School Board last night, and contracts are being
29 drafted. Mr. Kline stated that the landscaping and sidewalk design is planned to occur
30 outside of the scope of the general contractor. Mr. Johnson stated that construction on the
31 project is scheduled to begin in mid October. Ms. Carlucci asked if having a different
32 landscaping and sidewalk consultant design this portion of the project increases sensitivity to
33 removing trees and natural foliage. Mr. Kline explained that this process simply has another
34 consultant performing the design service for the landscaping and sidewalk portions. Ms.
35 DuPre asked if this item impacts the City approval process. Mr. Kline stated that it does only
36 in the context that when the School District applies for a permit, plans on this portion of the
37 project are forthcoming, and thus it requires a letter of assurance for compliance with
38 regulations and an implementation timeline.
40 Ms. DuPre asked if CISD understands that City Staff does not have the authority to grant
41 variances, that approval for variances must come through the City Council. Mr. Polasek
42 stated that as an example from Parks and Recreation (re: Trail System Master Plan issues),
43 Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry submits a letter that City Staff
44 has reviewed the proposed alternative and indication is made as to whether or not it meets
45 the necessary requirements. Mr. Polasek said that this information is then utilized by the
46 Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council in their decision making process.
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2 Mr. Lawrence stated that there have been discussions regarding seeking a variance for the
3 sidewalk requirements on the south sidewalk across from the driveway, and asked if CISD
4 could request a variance directly from the City Council. Mr. Fawks replied that CISD must
5 provide a revised site plan. Mr. Kline asked if CISD had the option to wait until deciding to
6 renovate the existing Dragon Stadium to request a variance. Ms. DuPre replied that the
7 option was valid for the east -side of the facility. Ms. DuPre mentioned that when Eckerd's
8 came forward with a variance request regarding changing a canopy, that they had to go
9 through the Planning and Zoning Commission with a revised Site Plan.
11 Mr. Harold asked why variances are not requested all at one time. Mr. Kline stated that they
12 try to think about issues during the course of the project and integrate requests. Mr. Harold
13 asked in the Middle School example, why was there not a request for a variance to all of the
14 sidewalk requirements for the project. Ms. DuPre replied that there may have been a general
15 request, but that the City Council did not grant the variance. Mr. Fawks stated that to his
16 recollection, the request for the project was not to include any sidewalks, and that the City
17 Council was not comfortable with that alternative. Mr. Fawks said that when the Site Plan
18 was approved it required that the project meet City requirements for sidewalks on certain
19 sections, but provided relief from the requirements in other sections. Mr. Fawks stated that if
20 this project's review process had gone through this Committee, maybe the issues could have
21 been ironed out prior to Site Plan approval. Mr. Harold confirmed that he understood the
22 issues involved concerning his question.
24 Mr. Kline briefed the Committee on the high school activity building, softball field, and
25 track. Mr. Kline stated that the landscaping construction will constitute tree mitigation, as
26 landscaping was broken into five (5) phases. Mr. Kline stated that last summer phases two
27 (2) and three (3) were completed. Mr. Kline stated that there was no buffer -yard requirement
28 on Peytonville, and that exterior trees would be relocated to the interior. Mr. Kline said that
29 he will need to review the approved requirements with Landscape Administrator Keith
30 Martin. Ms. DuPre mentioned that if changes were written down and documented during
31 approval of the Site Plan, there should not be problems. Mr. Harold asked if when something
32 is written down, is it in the format of a formal agreement capturing the intent of all parties.
33 Ms. DuPre explained that in the motion waivers to City requirements are stated and kept on
34 record, and that staff will review what was approved and work in that context. Mr. Kline
35 mentioned that there is a formal developer's agreement prior to construction. Mr. Harold
36 asked who signs these agreements, and Ms. DuPre stated that it is signed by the City and the
37 developer of a particular project (in this case CISD would qualify as the developer).
39 Ms. Carlucci asked about the softball field project. Mr. Kline reviewed aspects of the
40 project. Ms. Carlucci asked if the project is on schedule, and Mr. Kline confirmed that at this
41 time the project is on schedule. Mr. Lawrence stated that one item that will be brought
42 forward soon is a rendering of the activity building. Mr. Kline confirmed that one
43 requirement in the process is a rendering with elements such as elevations for a proposed
44 facility. Mr. Kline stated that in this case the height of the brick on the outside of the
45 building is different, and the purpose of a rendering is to compare what was approved and
46 what is proposed, therefore allowing City staff to measure compliance.
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1 Mr. Harold asked if this change was due to the use of the ten foot (10') versus the sixteen
2 foot (16') brick. Mr. Kline stated the purpose of this is mainly aesthetic, in that the sixteen
3 foot (16') brick makes the building look top - heavy. Mr. Lawrence added that this also helps
4 accommodate the aesthetics of fans placed on top of the building. Mr. Fawks stated that
5 CISD must always be cognizant of the fact that City Staff does not have the approval to grant
6 variances from what the City Council approves, and that this is done to protect both the
7 Council and Staff.
9 Mr. Polasek asked for clarification on the softball field, and that it was his understanding that
10 CISD had constructed a field last year. Mr. Johnson replied that there is a field at the Junior
11 High School constructed this spring, and that this was an additional field planned for Carroll
12 High School. Mr. Polasek asked if the field at the Junior High School was being planned for
13 use by the High School this season. Mr. Johnson referred Mr. Polasek to Athletic Director
14 Bob Ledbetter for the planned field scheduling this year.
16 Ms. DuPre asked if there is a softball league sponsored through the City, and Mr. Polasek
17 stated that the Southlake Girls Softball Association currently shares the three (3) fields at
18 Bicentennial Park with the High School. Ms. Carlucci asked about the timeline for the field.
19 Mr. Kline responded that the track and the field should be in by the end of February, but due
20 to field establishment the field would not be ready for play until the following season.
22 Ms. DuPre asked about the Traffic Management Bond (TMB) program impact on
23 Peytonville. Mr. Poe stated that the road will be expanded to it's ultimate width from F.M.
24 1709 to the last entrance in the Carroll High School parking lot, where it will back down into
25 two (2) lanes from a five (5) lane width at the intersection. Mr. Lawrence asked about the
26 timing, and Mr. Poe stated that the goal is to have this project done by the beginning of 2000-
27 2001 school year.
29 Mr. Polasek asked if practice for girls softball is scheduled to occur at Bicentennial Park.
30 Mr. Johnson replied that the team anticipates practicing and playing on the same field at the
31 high school.
33 Mr. Kline updated the group on the Johnson Elementary project, which is a four (4)
34 classroom addition with a breezeway connecting them.
36 Mr. Fawks stated that the reason they have pressed the issue of sidewalks with developers is
37 the City wanted to get sidewalks to the schools built, that if you get sidewalks to the school
38 and then they stop it does not complete the effort. Mr. Lawrence stated that the school isn't
39 disputing the City Council's logic in regards to new schools, but that it is problematic in the
40 cases of the older schools, where development has ceased and developers cannot be
41 compelled to install sidewalks. Mr. Lawrence cited Carroll Middle School as a primary
42 example. Mr. Polasek stated that they would be reviewing and updating the Trails Master
43 Plan this year.
45 Mr. Kline updated the committee on Durham Elementary/Intermediate school addition of the
46 gymnasium and expansion of the serving line. One item of concern to the School Board is
47 that there is a temporary Certificate of Occupancy (CO) on the building. Mr. Kline
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1 mentioned that once the landscape is completed, a permanent Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
2 is possible.
4 Ms. DuPre said that SPDC is committed to making a loop sidewalk. Mr. Polasek said that it
5 would basically go from FM 1709 past Bicentennial Park to Highland, down Highland, and
6 then back down Shady Oaks forming a loop around Bicentennial Park, Carroll Junior High,
7 and Durham. This is part of the Trails Master Plan and the timeline for this project is to be
8 determined by SPDC later in the month. Mr. Polasek mentioned that funding is currently
9 allocated in the FY 2000 Parks Capital Improvement Budget, and pending SPDC approval
10 the project could be completed within the next two (2) to three (3) years. Mr. Polasek
11 described that the trail would be a six -foot (6') off -road trail. Mr. Polasek stated that there is
12 close to six million dollars ($6,000,000) tentatively programmed for trail development over
13 the next few years.
15 Mr. Fawks asked where the gymnasium would be placed and, asked about whether anything
16 could be done in the design of the new gym in order to accommodate indoor soccer. Ms.
17 Carlucci stated that she would like to insure that the proposed new gym would be big enough
18 to hold a basketball game. Mr. Kline stated it was an elementary sized gym. Ms. Carlucci
19 mentioned that she had reservations about using it for joint utilization with Parks and
20 Recreation. Mr. Fawks stated that this gym could be used for youth basketball. Mr. Polasek
21 stated that the greater concern of the City is that access to the current gymnasium will not be
22 impeded due to construction of the additional gym. Mr. Kline stated that access to the
23 current gym should not be restricted due to construction on this project.
25 Mr. Harold asked about whether or not the issues have been resolved with the Durham gym
26 and the money that the City was going to pay to the School District.
28 Mr. Fawks said that the last he heard on this issue was that the City presented the School
29 Board with payment options at a joint meeting. Mr. Fawks stated that the School District
30 responded that payment could occur in the future. Mr. Johnson mentioned that alternatives
31 for payment were discussed at the meeting, such as paying things off over time. Mr. Fawks
32 stated that there was never a formal agreement on this issue. Mr. Harold suggested that in
33 the future communication between the entities needs to occur, and not allow issues to fester
34 on one side or the other.
36 Mr. Lawrence mentioned the funding shortfall regarding the natatorium, and that this may be
37 an area where joint use is a viable option. Mr. Fawks stated that this committee has passed a
38 resolution supporting the natatorium and he understands that SPDC would support the
39 natatorium project as funds became available. Mr. Polasek mentioned that nothing official
40 had been developed, but one funding alternative discussed informally has been a lease
41 arrangement allowing for the City to receive usage proportional to the funding provided. Ms.
42 DuPre stated that her understanding was that there was the intent for the community to use
43 the facility more than other school districts. Mr. Johnson corraborated this, stating that the
44 bond package sold to the public was that the natatorium will be utilized as a joint use facility.
46 Ms. DuPre requested that this issue to be put on the agenda of the next meeting in order for
47 everyone to get all the information on the project. Mr. Fawks stated that it was vital to
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1 involve the Parks Board and the Community Services staff in the design process rather than
2 coming to them with a finished design and then asking for help with funding. Mr. Harold
3 suggested that in the future any project that could be utilized as a joint use facility be brought
4 forward to the Committee.
6 Mr. Lawrence inquired about the availability of funding for the natatorium for Fiscal Year
7 2001. Mr. Polasek that currently there is no funding allocated for a natatorium in this period,
8 however SPDC is considering revisions to the Parks Five (5) Year Capital Improvement
9 Program (CIP) later this month. Mr. Polasek stated that SPDC could decide to shift project
10 priorities in considering the plan.
12 Mr. Harold suggested that the City should inquire about the possibility of the stadium being
13 joint use, as renderings are available for this project. Mr. Polasek stated that City are
14 reviewing the potential programming for the facility. Mr. Johnson stated that at the joint
15 meeting, the City did express that there may be some potential options for joint use of the
16 stadium.
18 Mr. Kline updated the committee on stadium transportation, and mentioned that plans call
19 for presentation to the City Council sometime in January. Mr. Fawks stated that it is very
20 important to have public input from residents regarding the project, and suggested having
21 meetings with the neighbors. Mr. Fawks cautioned Mr. Kline to allocate time in the project
22 schedule for having meetings with the citizens.
24 Mr. Kline said they had received a letter from the neighbors, and that the School District sent
25 them a letter addressing their concerns. Mr. Kline stated that they would go back and look at
26 the project schedules and review the possibility of having special meetings, and analyzing the
27 potential to combine projects in response to scheduling meetings around the holiday season.
29 Mr. Kline updated the committee on the Carroll Elementary kitchen expansion, which will
30 impact the existing facility with a sprinkler system that has to be integrated into the facility.
32 Mr. Kline updated the committee the Intermediate Middle School at Kimball. Mr. Kline
33 mentioned one issue with this project is road construction, and plans have centered around
34 reducing tree removal. Mr. Kline stated that road expansion will occur on the west side of
35 Kimball. Mr. Fawks asked how this impacts Kimball as a whole. Mr. Poe responded that
36 the City will have to narrow back down to a two (2) lane road, and that the Thoroughfare
37 Plan calls for a four (4) lane divided roadway. Mr. Fawks asked if the proposed layoff will
38 run into a four (4) lane stretch and jam back into a two (2) lane road when the school's right -
39 of -way runs out. Mr. Poe stated that the road will taper off into two (2) lanes. Mr. Poe stated
40 that the transition will be specified in the design phase, and that one (1) lane of the road will
41 be in the existing right -of -way. Mr. Poe said that right -of -way will have to be obtained all
42 along Kimball Avenue, and mentioned that there are funds available to design the Kimball
43 project in Fiscal Year 2000. Mr. Harold asked if the road was going to be divided, and Mr.
44 Poe replied that it would be. Ms. DuPre asked how many property owners along Kimball
45 will the City have to obtain right -of -way from. Mr. Poe responded that the project will
46 impact several property owners along Kimball, but several property owners have dedicated
47 right -of -way for the project.
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2 Mr. Fawks stated that his concern is that the right -of -way designated for the expansion of
3 Kimball required by the Thoroughfare Master Plan may not be sufficient, and that
4 additional right -of -way must be obtained. Mr. Kline asked if the City prefers having the road
5 aligned and centered, as it is currently. Mr. Fawks replied that he would like to know the
6 impact of the School District's planning on the City's future plans. Mr. Poe stated that the
7 City will be able to work with this plan and utilize the right -of -way currently available, and
8 additional needs will be identified once the design process begins.
10 Mr. Fawks asked if the current project plans will require a school zone on Kimball. Mr.
11 Kline responded that he believes that a school zone will be required. Mr. Fawks mentioned
12 that traffic flow will be heavy on Kimball, as it will run from State Highway 114 to State
13 Highway 26. Mr. Lawrence replied that the same debate occurred in regards to North White
14 Chapel, and in that case the school zone did not negatively impact traffic flow. Mr.
15 Lawrence stated that he believes that the same situation will occur in regards to Kimball
16 Avenue. Mr. Fawks replied that Kimball Avenue will differ because the road is adjacent to
17 industrial properties and will provide access to major thoroughfares.
19 Mr. Kline briefed the Committee on other features of the project. Mr. Kline mentioned that
20 the northern boundary road is planned to accommodate a potential future road providing
21 access to F.M. 1709. Mr. Kline stated that if this through road becomes a reality, it would be
22 beneficial to provide access for school bus traffic.
24 Ms. DuPre asked if the playing fields could be utilized for practice. Mr. Lawrence replied
25 that someone had approached him on the potential for donating backstops on the fields and
26 using them for practices. Mr. Polasek stated that the City has allocated funding in the Parks
27 Five (5) Year CIP for joint use ballfield development. Mr. Polasek inquired about the
28 proposed detention area. Mr. Kline mentioned that the area will be fenced off and will have
29 restricted access, and a pipe will be installed underground to allow for drainage. Mr. Fawks
30 asked where the water will be directed. Mr. Kline responded that the water will flow to the
31 north.
33 Ms. DuPre stated it would be nice if the detention area could be utilized as practice areas.
34 Mr. Harold replied that there may be a pond at that location. Mr. Kline stated that it is likely
35 that the area will not be suitable to be utilized for a practice area. Mr. Kline said that it is
36 important to remember that the area has a significant drop -off of fifty (50) feet, but that the
37 land will be balanced.
39 Mr. Fawks mentioned that one area of concern is the adjacent neighborhood behind the
40 school, as the neighborhood has drainage problems. Mr. Kline suggested that there have
41 been no discussions with the neighborhood to date. Mr. Fawks stated that the neighborhood
42 will need to hear the plans for addressing drainage.
44 Ms. DuPre asked if the fields are to be lighted, and Mr. Kline stated that they would. Mr.
45 Lawrence provided information on the lighting designated for the facility. Mr. Kline stated
46 that with the selected lighting, the impact of field lighting will be minimal to surrounding
47 areas. Mr. Kline stated that the lighting meets the lighting ordinance, except with the
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1 number of foot candles on the field. Mr. Kline stated that he reads that municipalities and
2 governmental entities are exempted from the ordinance, and asked if the school district
3 would qualify. Ms. DuPre stated that she understood that the exemption was removed, and
4 then corrected that by stating that the exemption was not removed due to safety issues
5 regarding Public Safety. Mr. Kline stated that the lighting has thirty (30) foot candles, and
6 understands the ordinance has a maximum of twenty (20). Ms. DuPre stated that this issue
7 should be discussed with Public Safety Administrative Operations Coordinator Malcolm
8 Jackson, and that this would be an item for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr.
9 Fawks stated that he hopes that the School District will take the time to gather public input
10 and provide information to the public on these issues.
12 Ms. DuPre inquired about impervious coverage. Mr. Kline stated that the school district
13 determined that two hundred and fifty (250) spaces will be required on a daily basis. Mr.
14 Kline stated that for special occasions, widening of certain areas increases the total number
15 of available parking to three hundred and eighty (380) spaces, and that would be right under
16 the impervious coverage requirements. Ms. DuPre stated that no one wants to have the
17 situation on Kimball that is present with Rockenbaugh Elementary, where parking for events
18 obstructs traffic on Byron Nelson. Mr. Kline stated that for events like curriculum night, the
19 event will be staggered between grades. Ms. DuPre suggested coordinating these events with
20 the sports associations as well to mitigate the impact on parking.
22 Mr. Fawks inquired about rooftop enhancements, and Mr. Kline stated that they are not far
23 along enough in the project to have that elevation information. Mr. Kline stated that the air
24 conditioning units will be on the rooftop, and that the facade will reduce exposure of the
25 units. Mr. Fawks replied that he hopes that the School District will reduce exposure to the
26 rooftop units. Mr. Kline stated that it will be more complicated to cover the units in the two
27 (2) story areas, and that a study will be done to cover items on the rooftop.
29 Mr. Fawks inquired about the trail on Kimball, and Mr. Kline outlined the trail plans. Mr.
30 Poe stated that the Kimball portion of the trail will be built by the City when the road is
31 constructed.
33 Ms. DuPre asked why the School District is not constructing the future gymnasium, and Mr.
34 Kline replied that this is due to budgetary issues. Mr. Lawrence mentioned that schools
35 would like to have two (2) gyms, and the current gymnasium will be partitioned to allow for
36 more use. Ms. Carlucci inquired about the dimensions, and Mr. Kline provided the
37 information.
39 Mr. Kline mentioned the plans for tree mitigation on the project, and stated that the current
40 calculations estimate around five- hundred (500) three inch (3 ") caliper trees will need to be
41 mitigated. Mr. Lawrence clarified how this estimate was calculated.
43 Mr. Lawrence stated that as the project progresses, the School District would like to bring
44 updated information to the Committee.
46 Mr. Fawks stated that the space allotted for the project mitigate the impact of the
47 development. Mr. Fawks stated that items for consideration by CISD are drainage, lighting,
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1 roof top units, and tree mitigation issues. Ms. Carlucci stated that she does not see a regular
2 playing field area on the plans. Mr. Kline stated that there is a green area on the south end of
3 the project that is a reserved for playing areas.
5 Mr. Fawks asked if a neighborhood SPIN meeting to cover these points would be beneficial
6 in the project planning process. Mr. Kline replied that he would prefer to hear from SPIN
7 prior to City review. Ms. DuPre suggested that this should be the goal for this process.
9 Mr. Harold asked if the Committee could get a listing of contact numbers for the members
10 and staff. Mr. Polasek stated that he will send out an initial listing, and asked the Committee
11 members to provide any revisions or additions to him, and he would have an updated list
12 available at the next meeting.
14 Agenda Item No. 9, Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects, and Goals - Mr. Fawks reminded
15 the Committee about the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee meeting at 7:00
16 p.m. on Monday, October 18, 1999. Mr. Fawks mentioned that it would be beneficial to
17 have school principals present at future meetings to address Joint Use issues at their
18 school. Mr. Johnson agreed that this would be a beneficial exercise. Mr. Lawrence
19 mentioned that right now the facilities utilized for Joint Use are limited. Mr. Fawks
20 asked that this forum be made available to the principals at meetings where it is feasible
21 to have them on the agenda.
23 Ms. Carlucci asked that the City look at purchased property and evaluate if there is room
24 to donate to the community based organizations, including the Greater Southlake
25 Women's Club and the Women's Chamber of Commerce, to construct a building suitable
26 to host meetings. Ms. DuPre suggested the possibility of including these groups in
27 planning for the Community Center, and that they could contribute and construct a wing
28 of the facility. Mr. Fawks mentioned that he is not sure of the legal implications of such
29 a request. Mr. Polasek stated that the City Attorney would have to evaluate the feasibility
30 of potential actions on this proposal.
32 Mr. Fawks mentioned the potential for a Star Center ice hockey rink in Southlake, and
33 stated that if the City can donate land, the Stars hockey club will construct a facility and
34 run it. Mr. Johnson asked about the land requirements. Mr. Fawks stated that the land
35 needs are around an acre, and maybe two (2) acres if parking is required. Mr. Fawks
36 inquired about the possibility of using land adjacent to the stadium. Mr. Lawrence stated
37 that there could be a potential conflict on Friday nights during the football season. Ms.
38 Carlucci inquired about Town Square, and Mr. Fawks stated that this would be an
39 expensive donation. Mr. Lawrence stated that it is an intriguing idea to incorporate this
40 facility with the stadium. Mr. Kline stated that there would be issues to discuss, and the
41 facility would impact the parking planning. Mr. Fawks replied that he has asked City
42 staff to review several potential locations, including Bicentennial Park.
44 Mr. Harold asked who would own the property. Mr. Fawks stated that at this time he is not
45 aware of the answer to that question. Mr. Polasek stated that the Parks and Recreation Board
46 will need to provide input on this item also, especially if Bicentennial Park is a consideration.
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1 Mr. Fawks stated that this item is for informational purposes only at this time, and more
2 information on the project is forthcoming.
5 Agenda Item No. 10, Adjournment — Chair Gary Fawks adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
10 ry Fa ks, Chair
11 ��R Y 1 4,JZ E-0 c:_
12 Attest:
14 A271.Z.94...,Ge...—
15 _Ateve P ek, Deputy Director of Community Services
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1.01. The powers of the Southlake Joint Utilization Committee shall be to develop and
adopt for recommendation formal arrangements for the joint use of C.I.S.D. and
City of Southlake facilities and /or special projects.
1.02. The affairs of the committee shall be managed by its established membership.
Number, Tenure, and Qualifications
1.03. The number of Joint Utilization Committee members shall be seven (7) from the
following community bodies. Each member shall serve a two (2) year term,
from July 1 through June 30, except as noted below. (The initial term is
deemed to have commenced on July 1, 1993.)
Voting Committee Members
a) Three (3) representatives appointed by the City Council of the City of
Southlake. Two (2) of which shall be members of the City Council.
b) Three (3) representatives appointed by the Carroll I.S.D. Board of Trustees.
Any member appointed by the Board who is not a member of the Board shall be
a resident of the City.
c) One (1) representative from the Parks & Recreation Board as selected by the
chairman of the Board.
Ex- Officio Members
a) One (1) ex- officio member from the Carroll I.S.D. staff shall be present at each
meeting of the Joint Utilization Committee.
b) One (1) ex- officio member from the City of Southlake staff shall be present at
each meeting.
No ex- officio member shall exercise voting powers.
The terms of the original members shall be staggered to achieve continuity on the
committee. Initially, the non -City Council appointee and the non - member Board
appointee from the School Board will have the one (1) year term, while the remaining
committee members will serve a two (2) year term.
Regular Meetings
2.01. The committee shall hold regular meetings once per month as determined by the
majority of the members, and such meetings shall be posted in accordance with
the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. City of Southlake staff will
be responsible for all meeting preparation and posting requirements.
Special Meetings
2.02. Special meetings of the Joint Utilization Committee may be called by or at the
request of either co -chair or any committee member. All special meetings
agendas shall be properly posted in compliance with Open Meetings Act, Article
6252 -17 V.T.C.S.
2.03. Notice of all meetings of the Joint Utilization Committee shall be given in
writing at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting to the Committee
members. However, in an emergency situation, staff may exercise the right to
wave posting of notice as defined in the Open Meetings Act.
2.04. A majority of the voting members, four (4), of the Joint Utilization Committee
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the
Manner of Acting
2.05. The act of a majority of the voting committee members present at a meeting at
which a quorum is present shall be an act of the Joint Utilization Committee.
2.06. A vacancy on the Committee for any reason may be filled by either the City
Council, the C.I.S.D. Board of Trustees, or the Parks and Recreation Board, as
appropriate, for the unexpired portion of the term.
2.07. The Committee may act to recommend, to the entity that appointed the member,
whether it was the City Council, C.I.S.D. Board, or the Parks and Recreation
Board, the removal of an individual from the Joint Utilization Committee when
in the judgement of the Committee, the best interest of the Committee's charge
would be served by such member's removal. Any member who misses two (2)
consecutive meetings without a valid excuse may be subject to removal. A
majority of voting members of the Committee who are present at a meeting shall
determine the validity of such excuses. The Carroll I.S.D. Board, the Southlake
City Council, and the Parks and Recreation Board will have ultimate removal
power over their respective appointees.
2.08. C.I.S.D. or City staff members shall be responsible for keeping minutes of the
meetings of the Committee. These minutes shall be kept on file for review in
the office of the City Secretary of the City of Southlake and the administrative
offices of C.I.S.D.
3.01. These procedures may be altered, amended, or replaced and new procedures
adopted by a majority of the Joint Utilization Committee present at any regular
or special meeting, if at least three (3) days written notice is given of an
intention to alter, amend, or repeal these procedures at such meeting.
F r ks, Chair