Item 7KCity of Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 30, 2006 CASE NO ZA06 -098 P ROJECT: Preliminary Plat for Camden Park REQUEST: Four Peaks Development is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for residential development. A summary of the proposal is as follows: Total Gross Land Area - 11.99 acre RPUD Area No. of Residential Lots Gross Plat Density Gross RPUD Density Net RPUD Density Open Space Avg. RPUD Lot Area Min. RPUD Lot Area 8.85 acre 14 new residential lots 2 existing residential tracts to remain "AG" 1.33 du /ac 1.58 du /acre 1.86 du /acre 1.37 Acres/ 15.48% ±19,000 sq. ft. ±16,000 sq. ft. Since the last City Council meeting, the applicant has withdrawn the variance request and has provided a street stub into the north property line. No other changes have been made to the preliminary plat. ACTION NEEDED: Consider preliminary plat approval ATTACHMENTS: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Background Information Vicinity Map Plans and Support Information Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated August 30, 2006 Surrounding Property Owners Map Surrounding Property Owners Responses Full Size Plans (A)r Connin v . on and Council Member.v Only) STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (748 -8067) Dennis Killough (748 -8072) Case No. ZA 06 -098 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY SITUATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION LAND USE CATEGORY CURRENT ZONING REQUESTED ZONING HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Case No. ZA 06 -098 Four Peaks Development 515, 545, & 565 Randol Mill Avenue Tracts 1D1, 1D2, lE, and lEl, B.J. Foster Survey, Abstract No. 519 Low Density Residential "AG" Agricultural District "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District There is no development history on this property. Master Thoroughfare Plan The Master Thoroughfare Plan recommends Randol Mill Avenue, or the future F.M. 1938 roadway expansion, to be an arterial street with 140 feet of right-of- way. Existinz Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed subdivision will have one (1) street intersecting with Randol Mill Avenue (the future F.M. 1938 roadway expansion) to the west. The applicant has withdrawn their request for a variance and a street stub has been provided to the north property. Randol Mill Avenue is currently a 2 -lane, undivided roadway. The north/south alignment of Randol Mill Avenue is planned to be a 4 -lane, divided arterial street with 140 feet of right -of -way (the future F.M. 193 8 roadway expansion). The future F.M. 193 8 roadway will ultimately provide access to State Highway 114 to the north. May, 2005 traffic counts on Randol Mill Ave (between F.M. 1709 and Florence Rd 24hr North Bound (NB) (4,065) South Bound (SB) (4,142) NB Peak A.M. (373) 7 - 8 a.m. Peak P.M. (349) 4 - 5 p.m. SB Peak A.M. (350) 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. Peak P.M. (352) 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Attachment A Page 1 Traffic Ini»act PATHWAYS MASTER PLAN: WATER & SEWER Use 9 Lots Vtpd* AM- IN AM- OUT PM- IN PM- OUT Single- Family Residential 16 153 3 9 10 6 *Vehicle Trips Per Day "The The AM /PM times represent the number of vehicle trips generated during the peak travel times on Randol Mill Ave. The Southlake Pathways Master Plan recommends an 8 -foot multi -use trail along the western edge of the development along the east side of Randol Mill Avenue. Additionally, the subdivision ordinance requires minimum 4 -foot wide sidewalks on both sides of the streets within the subdivision and must provide safe connections to City trails. A 6 -inch water line exists along the east side of Randol Mill Avenue. A 6 -inch sanitary sewer line exists along the west side of Randol Mill Avenue. TREE PRESERVATION: The only protected quality trees existing on the property are within Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 2. The existing trees around the pond located in Block 3 are Black Willow trees and not generally considered as a quality tree. The existing quality trees should not be effected buy the proposed subdivision development, but may be affected by building pad, lot grading and /or utility locations. See attachment D, page 3. DRAINAGE ANALYSIS: Drainage from this development will flow to the proposed storm sewer inlets in Camden Circle which will be connected to the existing storm sewer system in Myers Meadow. SOUTHLAKE 2025: Land Use Plan Recommendations Existing LUP Designation — Low Density Residential. The proposed development is not consistent with the land use designation. A comprehensive plan amendment for a change in designation to Medium Density Residential has been submitted (CP06 -003). Mobilitv & Master Thoroughfare Plan Recommendations The Mobility and Master Thoroughfare Plan recommends improving automobile, pedestrian, and bicycle connectivity throughout the city. The proposed development plan does not provide connectivity to neighboring properties. A street stub with sidewalks is recommended to provide a connection to any future development on the property to the north. Environmental Resource Protection Recommendations The Environmental Resource Protection Plan recommends the protection and enhancement of critical environmental and natural features, including trees and Case No. Attachment A ZA 06 -098 Page 2 ponds. The comprehensive plan amendment application indicates that the large trees in the northeast quadrant of the site will be protected. However, the proposed development does not protect the existing ponds on the site. An alternative site design that preserves these features and uses them as an asset to the development (such as in the form of preserved open space /small park) should be considered. P &Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (4 -1) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006 and granting the variances for street stub and street R.O.W. as requested. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated August 30, 2006. N: \Community Development \MEMO\2006cases \06- 098PP.doc Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment A Page 3 Vicinity Map Camden Park Preliminary Plat 1 000 0 1000 2000 3000 Feet �N Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment B Page 1 o � 00 0 y A CfQ � C9 W i rn NOT : EXCLXE :ICTUG DP/FL ?ED I , - 3, LOT 2, BLOCK I. AND LT I �, BLOCK I p'FLA SUMMARY LOT SUMM!!i" E ID 7,710L LOT`_ Ch 30 14 AC. FESDEI FI L LOTS Iq HGNI DI AI' MINIAll B I DIJ, I DT AREA I�.Ofi2 5 F 11 FRII I. ST CF S S PafF HI'I DIN' (1. ARFA tN S/ C 6 0 A rl ACC 15 -�i I S 1L_ I .:0% 9 8 /'C _, I f 1Rrl 3 ,ITF DATA U '1 J1�G -XI rG L D D L0, DLFSITY RLSELIGnAL GROSS ACPLAG 9 B5 AC -X.1 I IIG ZON. MC. AG IC T /, FE.GF ` F, II , 1NF li ll "N IiF NCI F'Y kF II) �I -AI C95 3EI.51PY -. B DL,' hC IE GF X51 Y I. C a, . ow�Er r P n D I p �f, inc 72 C l—r M h 30 So : bk 817 --32 e FAX E s 11.12 TEL.'. 8 1! 181-X7 . t:'.<Ei -4m4 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CAMDEN PARK to rzESneNTIAI_ LOTS 3 O:: °EN SPACE LOTS 11 99 A N _S R { SNA 1 { xo a f sow Dl- Norm BEN IAMIN J FOSTER SURVEY, r /\ alt 12o ABSTRACT N0. 519 N I 76248 CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS T11 F71.111� Fox E13311.1— IULV JDUR RR'D J U L 0 3 2006 6 -09E K E L L I E zAOeov� H l 1 'OT I. ELIDCti ' I A&DITIC) LOT :R2. I - S ORD i091P'Jf 7 , - , - , _, , -,L!C)E 740. P P.T r-T, - - - - - - - - - - - - - > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I s 15377 k w--.T i- 565 RllDGL 11" �j 0 mEsOutTE CT- a PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN foa CAMDEN PARK 14 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 8.85 Acles CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARPANT COUNTY. TEXAS JULY JUL 03 2006 0 " (n 200 F&d. S— DI,. Nprffi Fou Peaks F-.bmw. Inc, m 1. 124 C—,- St-. — 109 .-- T— � 7 Kseer 74248 T11. 8 I7.379.1M — T.�p 81 7-3294996 81].379 Q7,I KELL I E A� �d -1—. . RECD PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN foa CAMDEN PARK 14 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 8.85 Acles CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARPANT COUNTY. TEXAS JULY JUL 03 2006 0 " (n o � 00 I 1"P 1"P n I� V � ZOAED AG LDT 2R2, BLOCK 1 LI:O= LOWOMOTY , SLD E 74D, P ADDITION R.T RESXIENTIAL CAB, A, SL D, .C.T , owner. Fo�.w Pecks DevebpmeM, Inc. ]264'.ammerre.S�., 9.i10e 109 81 7ne: El ]:S2REP]d Afl, M Dorvid McMahan I PQOW E MY � 6 v SF ,�dtis � P• I GP ae ZOAEO R -PLO I ILLO = A£DW DEIYSYTY I RESOENT/AL I I___S ex io_�e N 1 INCH IN FEET NCX = 59 FEET TREE STATUS LEGEND O TREES TO BE SAVED O TREES TO BE REMOVED POSSIBLE REMOVAL TREE CONSERVATION PLAN r�z CAMDEN PARK 14 RESODIENTIAL LOTS 8.85 Ac— — IN 111E MY CIF SDJT-0LAIKE. TARRA.NT COUNID', TCC44 JNLV2G06 W l 1 200 Ri Snow Dl- N.r Sulm 120 Ke0a1,l 7624E T.I. 81],JN. 1225 rw. OI M79.12M K E L L . N 1 INCH IN FEET NCX = 59 FEET TREE STATUS LEGEND O TREES TO BE SAVED O TREES TO BE REMOVED POSSIBLE REMOVAL TREE CONSERVATION PLAN r�z CAMDEN PARK 14 RESODIENTIAL LOTS 8.85 Ac— — IN 111E MY CIF SDJT-0LAIKE. TARRA.NT COUNID', TCC44 JNLV2G06 W l 1 o � 00 ?T 1, 9L•J C1. 1 ].iC �n]ITIOII LOT 2F_, B DCR t i8 c._IOE 7.0. ' R.T.i -T I w a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' --- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -`` - -- _---- J vpL 5 >] G 55fl ML kU Q - 1e 1JJ SL C. . - - _ —___ . — vpL. 15 +55V 113 - .T.:.T. L 3.5 fl %11ML TILL — _r . - - -_ -- - - -- 1`= - - - - - - - - - .� � Wi t!• _ � FRED JOY 11aFY '.i ERS EIIT. IIICi 1 /+]L- 7048. Pr.. 53EG.P.T__.T. I _ 1 d MESQUITE CT 0 b� -&;-n TREESURVEY CAMDEN PARK 14 RESIDENTIAL LOTS a ""�' : 20J Itale3slaw Drt.e rlortn $.85 Actas Foue Peaks Davelognenr, 11k. )2b Canvsl¢1�e sr.. Rile I W r slualmw n1E State l20 )6228 CITY OF SOU11iLAl(E TARRANf COUMY. TE%A,S Selmvoke, 811J TexOa letaphone: 28LW3 +� �— Tol. al. 81 7..33 8179.1223 NLY2xN Fax 81]- 281.90)9 T= 817 3]9.1202 CPUSO¢9 �p k K E L L 1 E REM J u g 0 3 2006 -&;-n o � 00 im 1•'I` 1•'r n I� V � vaL 1� �o LN] - LOW ld ] I CH � FEET CALCULATIONS EXCLUDE LOTS 2 a 15, BLOCK I. AREA SUMMARY RESIDENTIAL LOTS RESIDENTIAL LOTS 69.382 6.14 AC. RIGHT- OF -WAV COMMON AREAS INTERNAL STREETS 15.14% I.34 AC. OPEN SPACE 15.48% I.37 AC. GR058 A—AGE 100 OOZ 8.85 AC. SITE DATA PROPOSED L.U.D.: PROPOSED ZONING! GROSS ACREAGE 8.85 Al. NET ACREAGE ].51 AC. GROSS DENSITY I.58 DU/ AC. NET DENSITY 1.86 DU/ AC. LOT SUMMARY / RESIDENTIAL LOTS 14 MINIMUM BUILDING LOT AREA AVERAGE BUILDING LOT AREA 16,026 S. F. Ia, 595 S.F. COMMON AREAS 3 L.U.D./ ZONING III .99 ACRES EXISTING L.U.D. • LOW DENSITY RESDENTIAL EXISTING ZONING; AS PROPOSED L.U.D.: PROPOSED ZONING! MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R -PUD O Ep: Four Peo18 D. -bp'- Attn. D-d McMahan 716 C­ SItT &1 107 S Ithila Teirs 7t 2 M.: 81 7-32;-EM FAX: 607d51 �M N �J / ,6EEn6E CAMDEN PARK n 161RMIDFN7IAIL LO 3 OPEN SPA LOTS @EING tlg 4 III .99 ACRES m. $U BEN -0AngFRACT VICINITY MAP SCALE I' = 1000' 2M RUIN Sr­ 0,1re IKal6'TXae2nb O T Lpw DreviXan J L'. m II B8 ma hxl PI I ntl I in M Bagmn J foNar SwM. AbNraal Na.S® od bnig o n�id, el bete eW ldn h¢I e bed I dreeribN in db le Leuis F_ BsW, eb� W y K. o . FaP 36T, Deee Xeaerd n! rwnm ceemy. dnw ibetl n desa to MNi tlL�. ximn. sI. Lin Kpe ® in vWC 13310. Pv�e 1116 I5M, Poq� 115, p T C T iN9 men � ie.uy - d . b'J ' I.I ., n d in Vddl ....... 1 /2• nen i� to '� — er Ina eouemX 1. of a ! . r er tale / y En! le 1. 1 . LopVre. Nn Vwww m ­ . E,. VNeoEOw 2 a. Sae 3e P9. Y� R T I T TK , I, .1, 1. , 6. m e Lol P6, 61ocb 8, NCE III— 60 ' 2'26 Mill, o dill 006.36 1 el lid leal obrg dww�be / ii, deee r nt n N .. e sno mp em ee ng i 52 , 9i ec ea,e N11 i NDE H. 1h 01.14 ­1. 01 516.60 I•Y abg IM .d ry5l -al -wd Ile. a! Rood 1 1 a Av 1 1p (F- i 19381 a /Btle m n�lend m IbN e ri 1 �y I. o1 RmEM Mil 1 oKNtE Ne on 9M SaK4�arEX Mi1N EB Om m l ol n.d Bwkr llral;�Yr 1nN TKNCE BoJA M'4I•SB•Ee4. 11.13 1.1 w 6 18. ioe rod iih .IRS 1640. 4d, didd np 4 I�drtl�lo �JesXn O'1Wdrre �Nn V re ri N V4mee 1SE45. h" 115 �D. R. i�L.f. red nlvnmp to M die10l - md" —iead n d Lm xres, r C H I � I V VN I I � J z y IT hr/ TA l 1 PR €UMINIARY PLAT CAMDEN PARK 161RMIDFN7IAIL LO 3 OPEN SPA LOTS @EING III .99 ACRES $U BEN -0AngFRACT 2M RUIN Sr­ 0,1re IKal6'TXae2nb 11111, NO 1 URVEY, ARSIIWACT NO. CIIN OF SO UIFPIAxE,TARRANIf COUNTY. TEXAS Ts1.817 ,3n.12M ALrAM 2C M IFOK. 817.379. ➢244 €€ €LLI€ ZAGSw r C H I � I V VN I I � J z y IT hr/ TA l 1 PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA06 -098 Review No.: Three Date of Review: 08/30/06 Project Name: Preliminary Plat — Camden Park APPLICANT: Four Peaks Development ENGINEER: Kellie Engineering, Inc. David McMahan 726 Commerce St, Suite 109 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 329 -6996 200 Rufe Snow Drive North, Suite 120 Keller, TX 76248 Phone: (817) 379 -1225 Fax: (817) 481 -4074 Fax: (817) 379 -1244 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 08/21/06 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT BEN BRYNER AT (817) 748 -8602. 1) All subdivision plats and lots must comply with the underlying zoning district regulations. As proposed, any approval for this plat is dependent upon receiving approval of an appropriate change of zoning. 2) Lots 2 and 15 of Block 2 are proposed to remain "AG" - Agricultural. Prior to any further development and /or final platting of these lots, an appropriate change of zoning must be approved. These are remainder tracts not included in the RPUD, but must be included in the preliminary plat for compliance with the subdivision ordinance. 3) Provide the name and address of owner(s) (phone and fax optional) and of the developer on the plan. Owners listed in the legal description are not labeled on the plan. Four Peaks Development is the `developer'. 4) Label the land use map designation on the Fred Joyce -Mary Myers property as `low density residential'. 5) Provide easements for water, sewer and /or drainage in compliance with approved construction plans. 6) The following changes are needed regarding rights -of -way: a) Label the width & type of pavement for the traveled roadway for Randol Mill Ave. b) Public streets meeting the minimum City regulations or as approved in the proposed RPUD must be provided. 7) The following changes are needed regarding the proposed lotting: a) Label perimeter dimensions (scaled dimensions OK for PP) along all lot lines. Case No. Attachment D ZA 06 -098 Page 1 b) Correct the side yards adjacent to the street for Lots 4 & 5. Remove the side and rear setbacks. 8) Include the existing developed lots (Lot 1, Block A, and Lot 1, Block B) as part of the quantitative land use schedule. 9) Show and label the area embraced by tree cover. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS A fully corrected plan that includes all associated support plans /documents and conditions of approval is required before any ordinance or zoning verification letter publication or before acceptance of any other associated plans for review. Plans and documents must be reviewed and stamped "approved" by the Planning Department. * All development must comply with the City's Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and detain all post development run -off. Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off -site sewer extensions, off -site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. Case No. Attachment D ZA 06 -098 Page 2 Case No. 06 -097 Review No. _ Dated: June 22, 2006 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Fairfield Estates (Zoning Change/Development Plan) Comments due to the Planning Department: June 22, 2006 Contact: Keith Martin Phone: (817) 748 -8229 Fax: (817) 481 -5713 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on June 12, 2006 . Comments designated with a number may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P&Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. Bufferyards The minimum of a 10' -B type bufferyard is required to be provided adjacent to the property boundary line along Randol Mill Ave. Tree Conservation Plan 2. Provide building pad locations on the plan. Identify tress to be preserved in green, possible removals (but intended to be saved) in yellow, and removed trees in red. Tree Conservation Analysis: 4. The only protected quality trees existing on the property are within Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 2. The existing trees around the pond located in Block 3 are Black Willow trees and not generally considered as a quality tree. The existing quality trees should not be effected buy the proposed subdivision development. However, the 2 Oaks trees located in Lot 6 (total of 60 caliper inches) and 5 of the Oak trees located in Lot 7 (total of 96 caliper inches) will likely be removed by the building pad location. Recommendations: 5. Adjust building pads and /or lot boundaries in a manner that will allow preservation of the trees. 6. Move utilities from the rear lot lines to the front in particular along the east boundary to preserve existing trees. Only provide utility easement where absolutely necessary and place in a manner that will maximize tree preservation. Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment D Page 3 Case No. ZA 06 -098 Review No. 2 Dated: 7/13/06 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Camden Park (FKA Fairfield Estates) -- Preliminary Plat Contact: Cheryl Taylor, Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748 -8100 Fax: (817) 748 -8077 Email: ctaylor(aci.southlake.tx.us The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 7/20/2006. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. The right -of -way for a local residential street is 50' with a curb and gutter section equal to 3 Fb -b. If requesting a variance, a letter of request must be submitted. 2. Provide all necessary easements for water, sewer and drainage. * Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: 1. Detention may be required with any new construction. The difference between pre and post development runoff shall be captured in a detention pond. The proposed detention pond must detain for the 5, 10 and 100 year storm. Describe how increased runoff from site is being handled. 2. If detention is not proposed with this development, documentation supporting and certifying that detention is not necessary will be required from the engineer prior to approval of construction plans. Is the detention pond in Myer's Meadow adequately sized and constructed to handle the volume of runoff proposed by this development? 3. How will off -site runoff from the north be captured in the proposed drop inlet when property owners construct wood fences around their lots? All storm sewers collecting runoff from the public street shall be RCP. This property drains into a Critical Drainage Structure and requires a fee to be paid prior to beginning construction. The discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance # 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: * Submit Civil construction plans to Public Works Administration. Ensure that plans conform to the most recent construction plan checklist, standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website under Public Works — Engineering Design Standards. http:// www. cityofsouthlake.com/PublicWorks /engineeringdesign. asp * An access permit from TxDOT is required prior to construction of a driveway on FM 1709, FM 1938 or SH 114. Submit application and plans directly to TxDOT for review. * A Developer's Agreement will be required for this development and must be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be approved by Public Works prior to placing the Developer's Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. * Any hazardous waste being discharged must be pretreated Ordinance No. 836. This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of construction plans. *= Denotes informational comment. Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment D Page 4 Surrounding Property Owners Camden Park Preliminary Plat 43 27 26 1 30 13 19 37 17 36 26 16 P - 5 1 16 1 32 14 , 39 33 C 13 24 lt ---j 4Q 7 8 9 16 11 12 2 5 34 31 6 42 4 3 2 28 1 41 Owner Zoning Land Use Acreage 1. Myers Meadow HOA R -PUD Medium Density Residential 1.05 2. Mayton, James E Jr & P R R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.322 3. Kopp, William D & Lauren R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.322 4. Thompson, Kenneth R & Linda R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.324 5. McElyea, Thomas & Dana R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.32 6. Wilkins, Sharon Bailey R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.309 7. Schragin, Gary & Rebecca R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.376 8. Kulesza, Anthony G R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.404 9. Cox, Howard & Ruby R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.409 10. Jones, David C & Melinda R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.411 11. Ekadi, Kofoworola R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.413 12. Barlett, Leland & Anna R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.322 13. Valdiviez, Vincent R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.416 14. Agonafer, Dereje & Carolyn R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.416 15. Bracken, Terence & Elaine R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.416 16. Smith, Charles R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.407 Case No. Attachment E ZA 06 -098 Page 1 17. Reece, James & Deborah R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.361 18. Foutz, Bryan & Gina R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.347 19. Wheatley, Anne & Tim R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.39 20. Liu, James R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.328 21. Sirles, Glen & Linda R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.327 22. Payne, C Ray R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.327 23. Rich, Bobby & Nancy R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.327 24. Kharabanda, Anil & Neeta R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.327 25. McFarland, David & Tiena R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.345 26. Kingsley, James & Eileen R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.373 27. Siu, Rodney & Carla R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.383 28. Richardson, John M Jr R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.398 29. Haverkamp, Roger & Monica C2 Low Density Residential 1.0 30. Hudson, M R & Evelyn Found. AG Low Density Residential 9.623 31. Fred Joyce -Mary Meyers Ent R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.383 32. Milhoan, Rusty & Lisa AG Low Density Residential 1.0 33. Loggins, James & Vanessa AG Low Density Residential 4.0 34. Fred Joyce -Mary Meyers Ent R -PUD Low Density Residential 2.0 35. J D Tanner & Associates AG Low Density Residential 4.0 36. Barker, Louie F & Mary K AG Low Density Residential 4.0 37. Wilson, Mary AG Low Density Residential 2.2 38. Free, Charles W AG Low Density Residential 2.0 39. Free, Charles W AG Low Density Residential 2.1 40. Garrett, Ross W & Karen L SF-IA Low Density Residential 0.0 41. Lochridge, Scott & Holly R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.36 42. MDC- Johnson Place Estates ltd R -PUD Low Density Residential 11.1 43. Cain, Alvin T AG Low Density Residential 2.1 Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment E Page 2 Surrounding Property Owner Responses Camden Park Preliminary Plat Notices Sent: Forty -One (41) Responses Received as of 12:OOPM August 30, 2006: None (0) Case No. ZA 06 -098 Attachment F Page 1