2010-11-19 SPIN Weekly E-mail Update
Kyle Taylor
From:Alison Ortowski
Sent:Friday, November 19, 2010 3:21 PM
To:Kyle Taylor
Subject:FW: November 19, 2010 SPIN Weekly Email Update
Attachments:cc111610results.docx; 2010-11-18_Agenda Results.pdf
Can you forward this email to Ron Evans? I’m having trouble getting it delivered.
Alison Ortowski
Assistant to the City Manager
(817) 748-8261 - Office
Follow The City:
From: Alison Ortowski
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 3:08 PM
Subject: November 19, 2010 SPIN Weekly Email Update
Weekly E-mail for November 19, 2010
Happy Birthday SPIN!
Latest News
Meetings and Agendas
SPIN (Southlake Program for the Involvement of
Development Activity
Neighborhoods) celebrated its birthday on November 2,
2010, marking 17 successful years of community
Upcoming SPIN
SPIN Meeting Reports
Created by ordinance in 1993, SPIN’s mission is to provide a
forum which fosters open and timely communication between
the citizens and city government regarding programs,
activities, and issues affecting the quality of life in the
community in order to provide positive relations and a
Meeting Follow-up
stronger sense of community.
“SPIN was an idea born out of a need and desire to involve
11/16 - City Council Meeting -
the community in city issues. It was an innovative idea at the
See attached for results
time – an experiment, if you will – that has served the city
well for many years,” said City Manager Shana Yelverton.
P&Z Meeting
11/18 - - See
attached for results
SPIN helps the City serve the citizens of Southlake by
reaching out to them through the town hall forum concept. By
emphasizing public participation, the City ensures the
Upcoming SPIN
provision of the highest quality services possible through the
encouragement and integration of public involvement and
feedback into projects around the community.
December 6 at 6:00 pm
“The value of communication in a growing city cannot be
overstated. The SPIN program has been a significant tool we
SPIN #4 will host a city-wide
have been able to use to get information out and accept
meeting to discuss the proposed
feedback – the forums they hold give everyone in town a
construction of a 3,000 sq. ft.
chance to be “in the know” about city projects, laws, and
quick-serve restaurant with a drive
development,” said Yelverton.
thru on a 40,335 sq. ft. lot located
at 2120 E. SH 114, the northwest
Since its inception, SPIN has held more than 700 public
quadrant of SH 114 and North
meetings with thousands of citizens in attendance. This year
Kimball Avenue.
is likely to be SPIN’s busiest year yet, with over 50 meetings
and 1000 attendees expected. These numbers illustrate how December 6 at 7:00 pm
SPIN is one of the most effective tools that the City uses to
increase public participation, which helps to provide better
SPIN #8 will host a city-wide
service to citizens. For more information about SPIN, visit
meeting to discuss a proposed
revision to the concept plan for the
Garden District at Southlake Town
Back to top
Square, a neighborhood of
residential buildings and
contiguous open space which will
Tree Lighting This Saturday
complete the development of the
Brownstone residential district.
December 13 at 6:00 pm
The City of Southlake's Planning
and Development Services
Department will host a city-wide
“You’re Invited...
SPIN meeting to discuss revisions
to the City's Zoning Ordinance to
From horse drawn carriage rides and windows a glow with
include requirements and
good tidings and cheer…
limitations regarding the
maintenance, handling and
To a festival of trees full of ornaments which capture
temporary storage of soil
memories of a life time…
stockpiles (dirt piles) within the
City of Southlake and regulations
Tell the kids to be good because Santa is making his list and
for the sale of alcoholic
checking it twice…
Just before his special visit to start the season right…
December 13 at 7:00 pm
The City of Southlake's Economic
Development and Tourism
Department will host a SPIN
meeting to present the findings
and elicit feedback on the
Economic Development and
Tourism Strategic Plan which is an
element of the Southlake 2030
December 13 at 8:00 pm
If you haven’t already heard about the Southlake Community
SPIN #11 will host a city-wide
Tree, lend us your ear. The tree which will sit in the foyer of
Town Hall, will have some very special decorations this year,
meeting to discuss a proposed
one could even have your name on it!
revision to the site plan for 2310
As part of the Greater Southlake Women’s Society Festival
W. Southlake Boulevard to
of Trees celebration, you now have the opportunity to order
accommodate a smaller building
the first annual limited edition ornament created by renowned
that will house one restaurant
artist Trish Biddle. Your personalized ornament will hang on
tenant, one general retail tenant
the Southlake Community Tree throughout the holiday
and a drive-through wrapping
season. To place an online order, click here.
around the rear of the building.
January 10 at 6:00 pm
The City of Southlake’s Planning &
Development Services
Department will host a city-wide
SPIN meeting to discuss proposed
revisions to the City’s Sign
Ordinance to include regulations
for logos on attached signs.
February 28 at 6:00 pm
The City of Southlake's Planning
and Development Services
Department will host a city-wide
SPIN meeting to discuss proposed
On November 20th it will be a night of holiday magic as
changes to the City’s Zoning
Santa Claus helps light up Town Square! The festivities
Ordinance (Ordinance 480) to
begin at 5:30 pm with live entertainment from the Southlake
address Assisted Living Facilities.
Community Band and local Southlake school choirs as well
as fun holiday arts, crafts and foods!
At 6:30, Santa has scheduled some time to help the Mayor
Upcoming Events
and City Council turn on the lights of Town Square and then
he will pose for pictures in the Town Square Gazebo!
Tree Lighting
11/20 - 5:30 PM,
Carriage rides start that night as well and continue through
Southlake Town Square
the holiday season.
City Offices Closed
11/25 - for
And finally, the City invites everyone to participate in the first
annual “Deck the Windows” event. Local shops will get
festive with elaborate decorations for their windows and we
City Offices Closed
11/26 - for
need your help figuring out who wins the decorating contest.
From November 20th through December 15th “voters” will be
Carriage Rides Begin
11/26 - in
able to choose their favorite from a list on a special holiday
Southlake Town Square
ballot. The winner will be announced just before Christmas.
For more information go to www.VisitSouthlakeTexas.com or
Curbside Leaf Recycling
12/1 -
click here.
Southlake 2030: Land Use
12/2 -
For more information, visit
Committee Meeting
at 6:00 PM,
Town Hall - Council Chambers
Back to top
Construction Alerts
Holiday Trash Collection
For information on construction
projects, visit cityofsouthlake.com
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, no trash collections will
take place on Thursday, November 25. Thursday collections
will be picked up on Friday, November 26th, and Friday
collections will be picked up on Saturday, November 27th.
For more information, visit the City's Trash and Recycling
The Planning Department
Back to top maintains a number of pages on
the City website that provide
useful and timely information
about all development cases in the
city. Click here to view.
What’s going on in your SPIN
Neighborhood? Email or phone
(817-748-8261) me anytime. You
don’t have to wait for the next
Standing Committee meeting to
report on something concerning
you in your neighborhood.
Alison Ortowski, Assistant to the City Manager
City of Southlake - 817-748-8261 - aortowski@ci.southlake.tx.us
Alison Ortowski
Assistant to the City Manager
(817) 748-8261 - Office
Follow The City: