2010-12-03 SPIN Weekly E-mail Update
Kyle Taylor
From:Alison Ortowski
Sent:Friday, December 03, 2010 3:03 PM
Subject:December 3, 2010 SPIN Weekly Email Update
Weekly E-mail for December 3, 2010
City "Decks the Windows" for the
My Southlake News
Meetings and Agendas
Development Activity
Upcoming SPIN
SPIN Meeting Reports
Meeting Follow-up
SPIN Meeting
11/15 - -
With a nod towards famous holiday window displays such as
Wayfinding Signage/Public Area
Macy’s, Bloomingdales and Saks Fifth Avenue in New York,
Beautification Priority Lists
Southlake business owners are adorning, embellishing and
bedecking their storefronts this holiday season. In a creative
SPIN Meeting
11/15 - - 2009
effort to increase foot traffic and holiday sales amongst
International Building Codes
Southlake’s businesses, the City of Southlake is sponsoring
its first “Deck the Windows” holiday decorating contest.
Upcoming SPIN
Starting November 20, 28 businesses in Southlake Town
Square and The Shops of Southlake will be vying for the
most enticing and eye-catching holiday window display,
December 6 at 6:00 pm
which will be voted upon by both residents and visitors. The
winner will be announced December 15.
SPIN #4 will host a city-wide
The “Deck the Windows” holiday decorating contest was
meeting to discuss the proposed
open to all Southlake businesses and an application had to
construction of a 3,000 sq. ft.
be submitted by November 10, which mandated all window
quick-serve restaurant with a drive
displays to be ready for public debut November 20,
thru on a 40,335 sq. ft. lot located
coinciding with Santa Claus’ arrival in Town Square as part
at 2120 E. SH 114, the northwest
of the “Home for Holidays” celebration.
quadrant of SH 114 and North
Kimball Avenue.
All participants will be included on a map and scorecard that
December 6 at 7:00 pm
will be posted on various websites (for downloading) and
available to pick-up at the Concierge Store in Southlake
Town Square (located next door to Five Guys).
SPIN #8 will host a city-wide
meeting to discuss a proposed
Numbers corresponding to the score card will be assigned to
revision to the concept plan for the
the participating stores and will be placed within the store
Garden District at Southlake Town
window for judges to see when walking the displays. Votes
Square, a neighborhood of
may be cast via text, e-mail or dropping off the score card at
residential buildings and
the Concierge Store.
contiguous open space which will
Only one vote per telephone number, e-mail address
complete the development of the
and name will be accepted.
Brownstone residential district.
Back to top
December 13 at 6:00 pm
The City of Southlake's Planning
Christmas is for Children Food
and Development Services
Department will host a city-wide
and Toy Drive
SPIN meeting to discuss revisions
to the City's Zoning Ordinance to
include requirements and
limitations regarding the
maintenance, handling and
temporary storage of soil
stockpiles (dirt piles) within the
City of Southlake and regulations
The City of Southlake Department of Public Safety is proud
for the sale of alcoholic
to announce our continued collaboration this year with
Christmas is for Children (CIFC).
December 13 at 7:00 pm
This year marks CIFC’s 10th Annual Holiday Food Drive and
this year the need to feed the less fortunate is greater than
The City of Southlake's Economic
ever. Christmas is for Children is dedicated to providing the
Development and Tourism
care, love, and joy that comprise the spirit of Christmas and
Department will host a SPIN
the Holiday Season.
meeting to present the findings
and elicit feedback on the
Since the beginning of CIFC’s food drive they have fed more
Economic Development and
than 8,000 families in need. Las year alone they fed over
Tourism Strategic Plan which is an
1,000 families and provided clothing and gifts for another
element of the Southlake 2030
1,400 children.
While most of us have the ability to provide for our families
December 13 at 8:00 pm
needs, a growing number of our neighbors in North Texas
struggle to put food on the table every day. Your continued
SPIN #11 will host a city-wide
support is needed now more than ever.
meeting to discuss a proposed
revision to the site plan for 2310
As in past years, boxes are available at both Southlake DPS
W. Southlake Boulevard to
locations where you can drop off the greatly needed non-
accommodate a smaller building
perishable food items and new toys.
that will house one restaurant
tenant, one general retail tenant
These wonderful gifts will allow CIFC to provide not only
and a drive-through wrapping
Christmas gifts but a wonderful holiday meal for many
around the rear of the building.
families who otherwise would go without. During the
holiday’s we at Southlake DPS feel the gift of giving is an
January 10 at 6:00 pm
important aspect of our celebrations and we hope you will
The City of Southlake’s Planning &
Development Services
Drop Off Locations are:
Department will host a city-wide
SPIN meeting to discuss proposed
DPS Headquarters (in the main lobby on the 2nd floor)
revisions to the City’s Sign
600 State Street
Ordinance to include regulations
Southlake, TX 76092
for logos on attached signs.
DPS West
February 28 at 6:00 pm
2100 W. Southlake Blvd
Southlake, TX 76092
The City of Southlake's Planning
and Development Services
For more information on Christmas is for Children, visit
Department will host a city-wide
SPIN meeting to discuss proposed
changes to the City’s Zoning
Back to top
Ordinance (Ordinance 480) to
address Assisted Living Facilities.
Upcoming Meetings
SPIN Meetings
12/6 - from 6:00
PM to 8:00 PM, Town Hall - Third
Floor Training Rooms
Building Board of Appeals
12/6 -
at 5:30 PM, Town Hall -
Executive Conference Room
TIRZ #1 Board Meeting
12/7 - at
5:00 PM, Town Hall - Council
City Council Meeting
12/7 - at
5:30 PM, Town Hall - Council
Library Board Meeting
12/8 - at
7:00 PM, Town Hall - Third Floor
Training Rooms
Planning and Zoning
12/9 -
Commission Meeting
at 6:00
PM, Town Hall - Council
Construction Alerts
For information on construction
projects, visit cityofsouthlake.com
The Planning Department
maintains a number of pages on
the City website that provide
useful and timely information
about all development cases in the
city. Click here to view.
What’s going on in your SPIN
Neighborhood? Email or phone
(817-748-8261) me anytime. You
don’t have to wait for the next
Standing Committee meeting to
report on something concerning
you in your neighborhood.
Alison Ortowski, Assistant to the City Manager
City of Southlake - 817-748-8261 - aortowski@ci.southlake.tx.us
Alison Ortowski
Assistant to the City Manager
(817) 748-8261 - Office
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