Item 9ACity of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 26, 2006 TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager FROM: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of recommendation to the Southlake City Council for the appointment of the Chair of the Board of Directors for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, for the remainder of the unexpired term Action Requested: Tax Increment Reinvestment Board (TIRZ) Number One Board of Directors discussion and recommendation to the City Council regarding the appointment of the Board's Chair for the remainder of the unexpired term through December 31, 2006. Background Information: Section 311.009(f) of the Tax Increment Financing Act (the "Act ") states the following: "Each year the governing body of the municipality shall appoint one member of the board to serve as chairman for a term of one year that begins on January 1 of the following year." In January 2006, the City Council appointed Keith Shankland to serve as Chair for the 2006 Calendar Year. Mr. Shankland's City Council term ended in May, and subsequently his position on the TIRZ Number One Board of Directors was also vacated. Upon approval by the City Council, Resolution No. 06 -027 appoints a Chair for the remainder of the unexpired term, which runs through December 31, 2006. Financial Considerations: Not Applicable. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable. Legal Review: The City Attorneys have been involved in the TIRZ process and can respond to any legal questions or issues which may arise during the course of the meeting. Alternatives: Input towards the discussion as desired. Shana Yelverton, City Manager July 26, 2006 Page 2 of 4 Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: ■ Copy of Resolution No. 06 -027, appointing a chair to the TIRZ Number One Board of Directors for the remainder of the unexpired term, which runs through December 31, 2006. This resolution is an item scheduled for consideration by the City Council at their August 1, 2006 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Place as an item on the August 1, 2006 TIRZ Number One Board of Directors Meeting Agenda to approve a recommendation to the City Council to appoint the Chair of the TIRZ Board of Directors for the remainder of the unexpired term, which runs through December 31, 2006. RESOLUTION NO. 06 -027 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING A CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City "), after public hearing, passed Ordinance No. 682 creating a Reinvestment Zone as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311 (the "Act ") on September 23, 1997; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 682 established a Board of Directors to administer the zone; and WHEREAS, the City passed Ordinance No. 761, amending Ordinance No. 682 relating to the manner of appointment and terms of office for the members of the Board of Directors of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One on December 7, 1999; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 311.009(f) of the Act, the governing body of the municipality that created the reinvestment zone must appoint one member of the board to serve as chair for a term of one (1) year that begins on January 1 of the following year; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the municipality duly appointed a member of the board to serve as chair for a term of one (1) year that began on January 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, the appointed chair vacated his position on the governing body of the municipality and the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors on May 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Act and Article III, Section 1 of the Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, the City Council is responsible for appointing a member of the board to serve as chair for the remainder of the unexpired term, which runs through December 31, 2006; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all matters stated in the preamble of this resolution are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the City Council hereby appoints to serve as chair of the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for the remainder of the unexpired term, to end on December 31, 2006. Section 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs that this action be made part of the City's permanent records. Section 4. That this resolution shall become effective from and after the date of its passage. Resolution No. 06 -027 August 1, 2006 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF 2006. APPROVED: Andy Wambsganss, Mayor ATTEST: Lori A. Farwell, City Secretary