Item 7QCity of Southlake, Texas
July 24, 2006
TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager
FROM: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services
SUBJECT: Authorize the purchase and installation of Bicentennial Park basketball court
lighting from Musco Lighting in the amount of $59,010
Action Requested: City Council authorization for the purchase and installation of basketball court lights
at Bicentennial Park through Musco Sports Lighting, Inc., for $53,646 with a 10%
project contingency ($5,364) for an amount not to exceed $59,010.
Information: Included within the approved FY 2005 -06 Park Dedication Fund (PDF) is $64,000 for
the lighting of the Bicentennial Park basketball courts. The addition of the basketball
court lights will increase the amount of usage available to residents, particularly
during the winter months due to early sunset and during summer months when hot
temperatures may prevent daytime usage.
The City has received a price of $53,646 for the purchase and installation of court
lights for the three basketball courts at Bicentennial Park. Because the proposed
purchase is through the Buy Board cooperative purchasing contract a sealed bid
process was not required.
The lighting system proposed is Musco's Light Structure Green TM. The lights utilize
a shield system and are designed to dramatically reduce glare and spill. Project
specifics are as follows:
Equipment and Installation Description:
■ Pre -cast concrete foundations
■ Galvanized steel poles
■ UL Listed remote electrical component enclosures
Also includes:
■ Smart Lamp TM technology that operates with less energy and extended life
with a system of timed power adjustments
■ 25 Year warranty and maintenance program that includes all materials, labor,
and 1 group re -lamp at the end of the lamp's rated life, 5000 hours
■ Guarantee of a constant light level of 30 over the life of the lamp
■ Control Link® System for flexible control and facility management of lighting
■ Player activation switches for each court
■ Lighting Contactor Cabinet
■ Energy savings of more that 50% over standard lighting system
■ 50% less spill and glare light than Musco's prior industry leading technology
■ Installation of poles, fixtures, and electrical to be done by Nema 3
Shana Yelverton„ City Manager
July 24, 2006
Page 2
Staff is recommending the purchase and installation through Musco Sports Lighting,
Inc., based on their proven ability to provide quality products, service and installation.
Musco has performed well on previous City lighting projects at Bicentennial Park and
Bob Jones Park (Soccer, Softball, Baseball and Tennis Complexes).
Consideration: Funding in the amount of $64,000 for the lighting of Bicentennial Park Basketball
Courts is available in the approved FY 2005 -06 Park Donation Fund.
Financial Impact: Not applicable
Citizen Input/
Board Review: Park Board recommended approval (5 -0) of the purchase and installation at their June
12, 2006 meeting.
Planning & Zoning Commission approved the Revised Site Plan for Bicentennial Park
at their July 20, 2006 meeting allowing for the placement of the lights.
This item is contingent upon City Council approval of the revised Site Plan for
Bicentennial Park to be considered on August 1, 2006.
Legal Review: Not applicable
Alternatives: Alternatives may include:
• Direction for purchase and installation
• Decision not to approve purchase and installation
Documents: Not applicable
Recommendation: City Council authorization for the purchase and installation of basketball court lights
at Bicentennial Park through Musco Sports Lighting, Inc., for $53,646 with a 10%
project contingency ($5,364) for an amount not to exceed $59,010.