Item 7OCity of Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT July 26, 2006 CASE NO: SP 06 -350 PROJECT: Sign Variance for Bailey, Banks, & Biddle REQUEST: This is a variance request from the Shops of Southlake Conditional Sign Permit requirements for the maximum number of attached signs. The subject property is located at 1221 East Southlake Boulevard, which is in the Shops of Southlake retail development on the southeast corner of Southlake Boulevard and Carroll Avenue. The applicant is proposing a total of four signs: two on the north elevation facing Southlake Boulevard and two on the south elevation facing the internal drive. The Shops of Southlake Conditional Sign Permit allows one attached sign on each facade visible from a street or internal driveway. The proposed signs are each approximately 17 square feet in area with 13.5 inch letters. Under the Conditional Sign Permit, the maximum sign area for the north and south elevations of this building is 56.25 square feet (per elevation) and the maximum letter height is 36 inches. Therefore, the proposed letter height is consistent with the Conditional Sign Permit. ACTION NEEDED: Cor ATTACHMENTS: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Please note that the clock shown on the south elevation and the unicorns on the north and south elevations are included in the revised site plan and are not a part of this sign variance request. Approval of a variance is needed to receive sign permits for these signs. The specific variance requested is as follows: Sign Regulation Current Re ulation Proposed Regulation Number of Signs One per facade Two per fagade on the north and south elevations isider variance request. Background Information Vicinity Map Site Plan Sign Details Sign Variance Application STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (748 -8067) or Dennis Killough (748 -8072) Case No. SP 06 -350 BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICANT /OWNER: George Foiles, Cencor Realty Services PROPERTY SITUATION: The property address is 1221 East Southlake Boulevard. The building is located in the Shops of Southlake retail center. STAFF COMMENTS: The sign criteria, site plan and application are attached to this report. The following variance from the Shops of Southlake Conditional Sign Permit is requested: • Number of Signs Each tenant shall be allowed one attached sign on each facade visible from a street or internal driveway. The applicant is requesting two signs on the north elevation facing Southlake Boulevard and two signs on the south elevation facing the internal drive. N: \Community Development \MEMO \SIGNS \2006 \SP06 -341 Wing Stop.doc Case No. Attachment A SP 06 -350 Page 1 Vicinity Map The Shops at Southlake , Case No. SP 06 -350 E Attachment B Page 1 1+000 0 1000 2000 3000 Feet �r n Ot = CD I IN 31 amll KU t3 -- --------- DUTHI �KE BDUEEVARD- mina IIJMW 3� -44 rs 64 Q3, ? ------- ME x Al . . .... -------- -- ---------- ------------- - -- ---------- --- ... WE PLAN 22m 1-- 1 — .wm xT euU — M� su�. mama m THE.W- TmP 2 A d b 1 0 1 ZA 05-0951 —. I I I map T � n b = CD 0 b 0 0 a NORTH ELEVATION BAILEY BANKS & BIDDLE SHOPS AT SOUTHLAKE b� a �- d b = CD 0 SOUTH ELEVATION BAILEY BANKS & BIDDLE SHOPS AT SOUTHLAKE � -j Case No. SP 06 -350 Attachment D Page 3 Sign Variance Application SF Demonstration Please demonstrate that the -following conditions are applicable to the_Egguested sign variance: 1. That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. Adhering to all of the requirements of the City's current sign regulation MI create a hardship for Zale / Bailey Banks & Biddle to maintain their national marketing identification, 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed. The attached site plan shows that the Bailey Banks & Biddle building stands alone from the adjacent buildings, Providing Mo smaller signs for Bailey Banks & Biddle will provide an architectural balance for their building and a consistent sIgnage theme with the adjacent retail buildings. 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. This variance will not injure the adjacent properties. The Bailey Banks & Biddle sign(s) along Southlake Boulevard is compatible with the shopping center development across Southl8ke Boulevard, 4, That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. The two Bailey Banks & Biddle signs are actually smaller than what is allowed on the sign criteria and will provide an architectural balance to the facility. Case No. SP 06-350 Attachment E Page 1