Item 7HCity of Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT July 26, 2006 CASE NO: ZA06 -092 P ROJECT: Plat Revision for Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Ethan Allen 1709 Addition REQUEST: DMS Architects, Inc. is requesting approval of a plat revision containing approximately 3.80 acres and proposing 2 lots for retail development. The property currently exists as one platted lot and a portion of one un- platted tract. The purpose of this plat is to establish two lots in conformance with the proposed site plan. No variances are being proposed. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider plat revision approval ATTACHMENTS: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Background Information Vicinity Map Plans and Support Information Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated June 30, 2006 Surrounding Property Owners Map Surrounding Property Owners Responses Full Size Plans (for Commission and Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (748 -8067) Dennis Killough (748 -8072) Case No. ZA 06 -092 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Greenway -1709 / Eleven Partners, LP APPLICANT: DMS Architects, Inc. PROPERTY SITUATION: 2171 E. Southlake Blvd. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, J.A. Freeman No. 529 Addition and a portion of Tract 1132, J.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan District and "B -1" Business Service Park District PROPOSED ZONING: "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan District HISTORY: - Zoning on the property was placed by the City with approval of Zoning Ordinance No. 480 in September of 1989. -A Plat Showing was approved by the City on November 12, 2001 for Lot 3, J.A. Freeman No. 529 Addition. -City Council approved a change of zoning and site plan to "S -P -1" zoning on July 16, 2002. PATHWAYS MASTER PLAN: The Southlake Pathways Master Plan recommends an 8 -foot Multi -use trail along the south side of E. Southlake Boulevard adjacent to the site. The applicant has shown the trail on the plan. WATER & SEWER: A 12" water line exists along the south side of E. Southlake Blvd. A 10" sanitary sewer line exists just to the west of the property on the south side of E. Southlake Blvd. P &Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5 -0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated June 30, 2006. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated June 30, 2006. N: Connmuiitv Development, MEMO 2006case5 06- 092PR.doc Case No. Attachment A ZA 06 -092 Page 1 Case No. ZA 06 -092 Vicinity Map Ethan Allen WE E Attachment B Page 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Feet o � 00 N M b � va ,� I I I I 1 I1 I I I I i I I I �I li I 1 DT 2 ACRES) 76,952.2 S.Fy r Il i I I 1 I1 I I I II I I'S1 I �z... III oi�: I I I I I" II l� LOT i I rya Ij I 2.03 ACRES/ L 88,290.2 S.F. SURVEYOR /ENGINEER IT _ SHEET fj I 1 1 �I�I 1 1 f� I 1 DT 2 ACRES) 76,952.2 S.Fy r Il i I f I L L a§ l� m� w m¢ w.uww a zoxlxc cgxxlsslax Q nnelme umnwm w n1c wrc cauxca NOTES: olr. 1. Selling portlan o aV lot within this oddilian by metes and bounds is viol ,, of slate Ngor low and dly ordinance on I. subJncl b floes v. _­log o1 uAllxes sntl bulltling permits. 2. The city of Snathl- rc . the right tore m fi .,h flan. elewI .. nxy n cm .eueN:y tat co twined within this —ti­ The mi 'ma eleraliane shown a based n the most Went information available at the time the 1— L plat ie filed and may l be subject to change. Pdditional ots, other M1an sM1Swn, , Iss s I to inimum f boor cn<nn. O vlcwrrr map I 1 I1 I I I II I I'S1 I �z... III oi�: I I I I5 I� I" I L I 599'3738 W � I I I I II e I I II r SURVEYOR /ENGINEER IT _ SHEET fj (saol a'w � ss coxlrn. . JOHx nsn z (z (zt�j eeo of z sHens --- - " u . ____ _ I I I f I L L a§ l� m� w m¢ w.uww a zoxlxc cgxxlsslax Q nnelme umnwm w n1c wrc cauxca NOTES: olr. 1. Selling portlan o aV lot within this oddilian by metes and bounds is viol ,, of slate Ngor low and dly ordinance on I. subJncl b floes v. _­log o1 uAllxes sntl bulltling permits. 2. The city of Snathl- rc . the right tore m fi .,h flan. elewI .. nxy n cm .eueN:y tat co twined within this —ti­ The mi 'ma eleraliane shown a based n the most Went information available at the time the 1— L plat ie filed and may l be subject to change. Pdditional ots, other M1an sM1Swn, , Iss s I to inimum f boor cn<nn. O vlcwrrr map PLATMVISTON TS I a :.LACK 1 ETHAN ALLEN 1709 ADDMON AN AMMON TO THE � I L I 599'3738 W J - - -- — 444.81 �n l i I I ` uea Ina f I L L a§ l� m� w m¢ w.uww a zoxlxc cgxxlsslax Q nnelme umnwm w n1c wrc cauxca NOTES: olr. 1. Selling portlan o aV lot within this oddilian by metes and bounds is viol ,, of slate Ngor low and dly ordinance on I. subJncl b floes v. _­log o1 uAllxes sntl bulltling permits. 2. The city of Snathl- rc . the right tore m fi .,h flan. elewI .. nxy n cm .eueN:y tat co twined within this —ti­ The mi 'ma eleraliane shown a based n the most Went information available at the time the 1— L plat ie filed and may l be subject to change. Pdditional ots, other M1an sM1Swn, , Iss s I to inimum f boor cn<nn. O vlcwrrr map REVD UUN 19 2 086 ZA 08-092 I.- n PLATMVISTON TS I a :.LACK 1 ETHAN ALLEN 1709 ADDMON AN AMMON TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS n LL's JULY 2008 / 2 LOTS tee. •1 }=* SURVEYOR /ENGINEER OWNER /DEVELOPER _ SHEET fj (saol a'w � ss coxlrn. . JOHx nsn z (z (zt�j eeo of z sHens REVD UUN 19 2 086 ZA 08-092 I.- n PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA06 -092 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 06/30/06 Project Name: Plat Revision — Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Ethan Allen 1709 Addition APPLICANT: Ethan Allen Global, Inc. Kristin J. Hatch Ethan Allen Drive Danbury, CN 06813 Phone: (203) 743 -8399 ENGINEER: Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. T. John Casey 1405 W. Chapman Drive Sanger, TX 76266 Phone: (940) 458 -7503 Fax: (203) 730 -9016 Fax: (940) 458 -7417 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/19/06 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT BEN BRYNER AT (817) 748 -8602. 1) Correct the gross acreage in the title block. 2) Revise the common access easements to comply with those shown on the proposed site plan. 3) Provide easements for water, sewer and /or drainage in compliance with approved construction plans INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS It appears this property lies within the 65 LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards in compliance with the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Additionally, the "Avigation Easement and Release" shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 should be executed on subsequent Plats to be filed in the County Plat Records. Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. A "Certificate of Taxes Paid" indicating that there are no delinquent taxes owed on the subject property from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. A copy of this information may be obtained from the Tarrant county Tax Assessor /Collector's Office located at 100 E. Weatherford St. in Ft. Worth (across from the old red courthouse). There is a service charge of $10 per account for this certificate. For more information contact the Assessor /Collector's office at (817) 884 -1103. Original signatures and seals will be required three blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. Case No. ZA 06 -092 Attachment D Page 1 A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off -site sewer extensions, off -site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. Case No. ZA 06 -092 Attachment D Page 2 Surrounding Property Owners Ethan Allen Owner Zoning Land Use Acreage 1. W2001 Wal Real Estate Ltd Prt C -3 Regional Retail 16.509 2. Greenway- 1709/Eleven 11, LP S -P -1 Retail Commercial 1.914 3. Gateway Church CS Office Commercial 13.675 4. Eqyinvest Owner II Ltd L1Y C -3 Town Center 13.078 5. Southlake Plaza 11 Ltd Prtn B -1 Retail Commercial 8.553 S -P -1 /B-1 Retail Commercial 11.219 Case No. ZA 06 -092 Attachment E Page 1 Surrounding Property Owner Responses Ethan Allen Notices Sent: Six (6) Responses Received: None (0) Case No. ZA 06 -092 Attachment F Page 1