Item 5HCity of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 21, 2006 TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager FROM: Kevin Hugman, Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: Approve a contract with Aetna to provide employee medical benefits Action Requested: City Council consider approval of a contract with Aetna to provide employee and dependent medical benefits for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. Background Information: In May 2006, the City bid out its employee insurance benefits. These benefits include medical, dental, group life insurance (basic, supplemental and Accidental Death and Dismemberment), long term disability, flexible spending account (Section 125) administration, and optional vision coverage. Bids were received on June 26, 2006. A total of 28 carriers submitted 57 proposals for employee benefit plans. A summary of bids received is attached (Attachment A). Proposals were reviewed on the following criteria: • Experience and reputation • Proposed schedule of benefits • Rates • Provider network access / penetration • Reporting and cost management Three carriers submitted proposals for medical benefits, including Aetna, the current provider. Following initial review, United Health Care and Aetna were invited to meet with staff to make a presentation and answer questions regarding their plans. Aetna had proposed the same plan design as currently (dual option -- HMO and PPO); UHC proposed a single option PPO. Staff has determined that Aetna provides the best plan offering combined with the best rate. It should be noted that Aetna's initial proposal with the same plan design as currently, proposed a 22.9 rate increase. After initial discussion of plan changes to increase co -pays and deductibles, Aetna reduced the increase to a 10.6 average rate increase. Through follow -on negotiations, we have been able to gain an additional concession from Aetna for multiple lines of coverage (medical and dental benefits), and an underwriter review of more recent, favorable claims data. The rate increases proposed are: • Medical Benefits (HMO): 7.1 % increase • Medical Benefits (PPO): 13.1% increase Overall Medical Plan 7.3% increase Shana Yelverton, City Manager July 21, 2006 Page 2 The proposed plan will increase co -pays and deductibles for doctor office visits ( +$5), hospitalizations (20% co- insurance), Out-of-Pocket maximums ( +$500 individual/ +$1000 family), and pharmacy benefits ( +$0 generic / +$5 preferred / +$10 non - preferred). In addition to providing the best overall benefit plan and lowest rates, there are also other advantages to maintaining coverage with Aetna: • We have had very good customer service with Aetna over the past two years and employees have been generally satisfied with the plan coverage; • Changing carriers would result in some disruption to employees through changes in network providers, drug formularies, and ongoing treatment plans; • There will be less staff administrative work required than if we had changed to another carrier; • There are significant benefits to employees in having the same carrier for medical and dental benefits since there are occasions when the two coverages can and will overlap. Financial Considerations: The proposed medical insurance plan costs are within budget amounts for the proposed FY 2006 -2007 Budget. The estimated cost of medical insurance premiums is $134,221 per month, or $1.61 million annually (combined City and employee premium contributions). Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not Applicable. Legal Review: The City Attorney reviewed the Request for Proposals (RFP) and applicable documents. Alternatives: Denial of contract with Aetna; seek alternatives. Supporting Documents: Summary of Bids Received Aetna Summary of Alternate Plan Rates (Medical) Staff Recommendation: City Council approve a contract with Aetna for employee medical benefits, effective October 1, 2006 with guaranteed rates through September 30, 2007. Staff Contact: Kevin Hugman, Director of Human Resources Siimmary of Bids Received Insurance Company Agent Medical Dental Basic Supp Life I AD &D LTD Vision f=lex Plan Aetna Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X X X United Health Care Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X X Blue Cross Blue Shield Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin Al Boenker Insurance X X Ameritas Group Lifetime Benefits I Bob Mundlin X Total Administrative Service Corp. Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X X CompBenefits Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X X Guardian Life Insurance Co. Greg Thompson X X Guardian Life Insurance Co. Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X X Delta Dental None X Sun Life Financial Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X X Safeguard Lifetime Benefits I Bob Mundlin X X MetLife Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X AIG American General Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X X Dental Select Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X Principal Financial Group Summit Financial / Jim Vollmer X Mutual of Omaha Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X Unimerica None X Jefferson Pilot Financial Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X Standard Insurance Company Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X Prudential Financial Lifetime Benefits I Bob Mundlin X X Fort Dearborn Life Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X X CIGNA Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X X Unum Provident Lifetime Benefits I Bob Mundlin X X LifeRe Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X X Benefit Mana ement Admin (BMA) Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X AdminOne Corporation Summit Financial 1 Jim Vollmer X Spectera Lifetime Benefits / Bob Mundlin X VSP Lifetime Benefits 1 Bob Mundlin X 1 4 E 1 f c 1( 1� 1� 1` 1� 1. 1E 1; 1t 1f 2( 21 Z 2' 2 2 2! 2E 2; 2F 7/25/2006 Summary Of Alternate Plan Rates City of Southlake Effective October 1, 2006 Policyholder Number- 57000 • This exhibit outlines your renewal /proposed rates effective October 1, 2006. • Please refer to the Financial Conditions and Plan Design Exhibits for an outline of the level of benefits quoted, as well as the terms and conditions of this proposal. HMO Current - $20130 Spec/Non Spec, $500 Hosp, $200014000 OOP, $250 SPU, $100 ER, $50 Urg Care , $101 HMO Alternate - $25/35 Spec/Non Spec, 20% Hosp', $250015000 OOP, $150 ER, $70 Urg Cara, $10130145 RA HMO Coverage Categories Assumed Em to ees Current Rates Proposed Rates % Change Emp Only 138 $32103 $346.00 7.1% Emp + Spouse 15 $720.35 $771.57 7.1% Emp +Child ren 56 $636.37 $681.62 7.1% Em + Family 28 $1,056.30 $1,131.41 7.1% TOTAL 237 $120,596.51 $129,172.24 7.1% PPO Current - $151$25 Non Spec/Spec, $5001$500 Ded, 01500 Hosp, $20001$3000 Coins Limit, $10120135 RX PPO Alternate - $201$30 Non Spec /Spec, $5001$750 Ded, 2501500 Hosp, $20001$4000 Coins Limit, $1012515( PPO Coverage Categories Assumed Em to ees Current Rates Proposed Rates Change Emp Only 7 $486.23 $550.09 13.1% Emp + Spouse 1 $1,059.77 $1,198.95 13.1% Emp + Child ren 0 $967.64 $1,094.72 13.1% Em + Family 0 $1,687.29 1 $1,908.88 13.1 0 /0 TOTAL 8 $4,463.38 1 $5,049.66 13.1 Current Proposed Em to ees Premium Premium % Change Monthly Totals 245 1 $125,059.89 1 $134,221.80 7.3% (Page 1 of 1)