Item 5GCity of Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT July 26, 2006 CASE NO ZA06 -096 P ROJECT: Preliminary Plat for Johnson Place Estates REQUEST: Jones & Boyd, Inc. is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for residential development. On May 2, 2006, City Council approved a zoning change and development plan for an "R -PUD" for Johnson Place Estates. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the approved zoning change and development plan. A summary of the proposal is as follows Gross Land Area Net Land Area No. of Residential Lots Gross Density Net Density Average Lot Area 43.51 acres 34.69 acres 54 lots 1.24 du /acre 1.56 du /acre 0.46 acres ( ±20,063 sq. ft.) ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider preliminary plat approval ATTACHMENTS: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Background Information Vicinity Map Plans and Support Information Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006 Surrounding Property Owners Map Surrounding Property Owners Responses Full Size Plans (for Commission and Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (748 -8067) Dennis Killough (748 -8072) Case No. ZA 06 -096 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: MDC- Johnson Place Estates, LTD APPLICANT: Jones & Boyd, Inc. PROPERTY SITUATION: 2440 Johnson Road and 430 Randol Mill Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts 613, 6D, 8, 8A, and 8A2B, J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521; and, Lots 1 — 3, Block 1, Father Joe Addition. LAND USE CATEGORY: Light Density Residential CURRENT ZONING: "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District HISTORY: -A preliminary plat was approved by City Council for the Father Joe Addition on August 6, 1991. -A final plat was approved by City Council for Lot 1 of Father Joe Addition on August 6, 1991 as well. -City Council approved a final plat for Lots 2 & 3, Father Joe Addition on October 1, 1991. -A change of zoning from "CS" to "SF -IA" was approved by City Council on Lot 1, Father Joe Addition on January 6, 2004. -A plat revision was approved by City Council on December 16, 2003 for the Johnson Place Addition. -City Council approved a change of zoning to "R -PUD" and a development plan for Johnson Place Estates on May 2, 2006. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Master Thoroughfare Plan The Master Thoroughfare Plan recommends Randol Mill Avenue, or the future F.M. 1938 roadway expansion, to be an arterial street with 140 feet of right-of- way and Johnson Road to be 2 -lane, undivided collector with 70 feet of right - of -way. Right -of -way will be dedicated for these roadways. Existinz Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed subdivision will have one (1) street intersecting with Randol Mill Avenue (the future F.M. 1938 roadway expansion) to the east and one (1) street intersecting with Johnson Road to the south. Both Randol Mill Avenue and Johnson Road are currently 2 -lane, undivided roadways. The north/south alignment of Randol Mill Avenue is planned to be a 4 -lane, divided arterial street with 140 feet of right -of -way (the future F.M. Case No. Attachment A ZA 06 -096 Page 1 1938 roadway expansion). The future F.M. 1938 roadway will ultimately provide access to State Highway 114 to the north. May, 2005 traffic counts on Randol Mill Ave (between F.M. 1709 and Florence Rd 24hr North Bound (NB) (4,065) South Bound (SB) (4,142) NB Peak A.M. (373) 7 - 8 a.m. Peak P.M. (349) 4 - 5 p.m. SB Peak A.M. (350) 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. Peak P.M. (352) 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Traffic Impact Use # Lots Vtpd* AM- IN AM- OUT PM- IN PM- OUT Single - Family Residential 54 517 10 30 35 20 *Vehicle Trips Per Day "The The AM /PM times represent the number of vehicle trips generated during the peak travel times on Randol Mill Ave. PATHWAYS MASTER PLAN: The Southlake Pathways Master Plan recommends an 8 -foot multi -use trail along the creek that crosses a small part of the proposed subdivision on the west side of the development. Additionally, the subdivision ordinance requires minimum 4 -foot wide sidewalks on both sides of the streets within the subdivision and must provide safe connections to City trails. The applicant received approval of a sidewalk and trail system as part of the zoning change and development plan approval. WATER & SEWER: A 6 -inch water line exists along the east side of Randol Mill Avenue. A 6 -inch sanitary sewer line exists along the west side of Randol Mill Avenue. TREE PRESERVATION: The applicant has demonstrated a good faith effort in designing the subdivision and the layout of the utilities to preserve as many quality trees as possible. Over approximately 80% of the quality existing trees on the proposed development site are located within open space areas and outside of building pads. Medians have been provided to plant new trees and landscaping within the right -of -way and the utilities have been placed on the sides of the streets where they should not conflict with existing trees or future landscaping. DRAINAGE ANALYSIS: The Johnson Place development drains in 4 directions. The eastern portion of the site drains to two (2) proposed detention ponds - one at the northeast corner of the site adjacent to Randol Mill, and one at the southeast corner of the development along Randol Mill. The outfall of the two ponds will be along the roadway of Randol Mill. The western portion of the site drains also drains to three (3) proposed detention ponds - one at the southwest corner of the site near the park which will outfall directly into the creek, and one on either side of the entrance to the subdivision along Johnson Road, both of which will outfall Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment A Page 2 to the existing culverts at Johnson Road. SOUTI]LAKE 2025: Land Use Plan Recommendations • Existing LUP Designation - Low Density Residential. The proposed development does not meet the criteria for LD- Residential. Definition of LD- Residential — "detached single - family residential development at a net density of one or fewer dwelling units per net acre ". The applicant received approval for the proposed land use with City Council noting that while this plan is non - compliant with the low density Land Use Plan designation, it follows the general idea of what Council wants on this site due to the open space. Environmental Resource Protection Recommendations • The Environmental Resource Protection Plan recommends the protection and enhancement of critical environmental and natural features, including trees and ponds. P &Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5 -0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006 and stipulating that Lot 8, Block 5 will have a 40 foot setback. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006. N:ACommunity Development \MEMO\2006cases \06- 096PP.doc Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment A Page 3 Vicinity Map Johnson Place Estates Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment B Page 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Feet o � 00 b � va ,� , - -- g 2Dd AG �$1« --�T- 1 Z� rmrg: BETIA ,r 19C 1 1P- l 1 J.� % Wing A(. H Z IS L 5 J _ - I - \ a inn_ ua g �. w / I F l i I �-- 1 '�i I . 'll -4'LS i1 I s _ 1 J I jut nson� 'Park T ,�� IS i kv V 1L, 2 t 7 l i' Sr a �c �f�l 3 I ' 5 a J U a i t S - - _ I - L IA l 1r , Q T <T_� C ��- - 1 % a 9 r . Fla x Aree Suroroery Legend A �� g g a� �"dll�" g` Rl "' �� d � 6 11 i �s t/ _ - Res dental Lots n.al i za.93 ac. d 9 \ ,�' C J 11 ��'l� 7 } - 9 Rghrofway D11illi L.I 6 M oq y L aw— glht1 -- +H -FI+FF :. (. �6 < LLC L � `� Il � � � �I �j ,' a Randol mll zo7i 0 an. e' M - uary Nall x f y - '� I L� ; �jS �., z Internal Streets 15 09 % 6.55 ac ICI x' _ C 1s TYPe Q n�ffa nd '�' \ , I " T - � Open Space 23.91 % 10.38 ac. Reservat o n for Future L ng.AG� - �5 J 13 g 5 t P - - In— , npen;Pace _ r _ , "� rt/' TXDOT F 1938 � Expansion 1 52 % 0 66 ac. 100.00% 43A2 ac. GressAcrea e 6 internal Pmect Tail l l 9 i l -r s e Sid— Site Data I Omss Acreage 1 3.92 ac. Net Gross De s� 1 2 ac Aq 9 tlu /at. Il Net D—ity� 1.50 du /ac. yt z Lol Summary Hx, '�4, ResdenWal lull 59 H all 1fl ��i � M1linimum Building Lot Area Zon 18009 s,f, - — r 9 i f n : � g AG Average Building Lot AYea 2070 s.f. o t Common Alas 15 1, w-' ' = - F. ,D : U.D. /Zoning I O H N 8 R O L D �— r t 9 9 LU zon ing: AG SIF-1A 9 tl2ntlal Z t } _ Zenmg SFIA 1� 11 In, LI A ce,,rt RP P p d LAD: Wd Lm Deny ty Residential S Prapo_etl Zeri ng RPUD �( SAGE GROUP INC. Prepared for: l� Vi WStaPlannlrig Mad Y Devel Co oration Lan �C 4 hi d,c3 re Lecture Ge Q O 545 E. John Carpenter Freeway I", 0 Q Zoning Case # ZA05 -169 N I "n �saa I aeo Suite 1500 Je O i�,mV22-044 _ r 99 3 Irving, Texas 75062 13 APR 06 /� A O Fax 9J2� T Residential P.U.D. Development Plan & Pedestrian Access Plan y I ■ � / J Received Apri 124, 2006 Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas I.- n o � 00 0 1•'r 1•'r n b � va ,� I L� • 1 ¢ a I� n. r s� I m P we m - _GALLANTSWRT ( �.l f9 w t. 58,9'44` 4IW 616921 k � I g POB xy r 7 1.1 21 tees 1. v. S89'4277'W 606.9Y ".1 rarcnt 1 4 _ Jal nve .e ea _ e� .ea face t ,1 st mm , t m 3 t ea. , °mot t e9 a ee. f > > �o�a - m 1 6 6 32 feet t .-Fa, mrn ,ro r a " n, m k t ,• Neee.u�nex I e, i 21 I f1 — E flEG a Bomar, �9 got s „ s wetee .t.;.�oE. Eo rxs nssoc�amti�'ucx .urns o:oeaRt ,o .xo PRELIMINARY PLAT JOHNSON PLACE ESTATES NE FNmP SANEY. ABSiR,M N0. 511 L.UfE. TA -T CW— 1pA5 ° WC- JOHNSON PLACE ESTATES, LTD. OWNLR/OEVFLOP S.s ,km ��Y r�xr. ate. 15ro (a,7 aw- JONES @ 90YD WN S4RVEM/EWNLER c` a Nb u. T�exaoi613i� tox (m,) eaT -eua 4 Nn a. law CASE No: ZA 05 -096 snese + n awn .iiji ai 2nn6 V z V y N n ..I N69'20�32 - _ .t I C %APN.0 SCALE 4 8427 '2532 E y.�. �� � 1.1 IIT I L� • 1 ¢ a I� n. r s� I m P we m - _GALLANTSWRT ( �.l f9 w t. 58,9'44` 4IW 616921 k � I g POB xy r 7 1.1 21 tees 1. v. S89'4277'W 606.9Y ".1 rarcnt 1 4 _ Jal nve .e ea _ e� .ea face t ,1 st mm , t m 3 t ea. , °mot t e9 a ee. f > > �o�a - m 1 6 6 32 feet t .-Fa, mrn ,ro r a " n, m k t ,• Neee.u�nex I e, i 21 I f1 — E flEG a Bomar, �9 got s „ s wetee .t.;.�oE. Eo rxs nssoc�amti�'ucx .urns o:oeaRt ,o .xo PRELIMINARY PLAT JOHNSON PLACE ESTATES NE FNmP SANEY. ABSiR,M N0. 511 L.UfE. TA -T CW— 1pA5 ° WC- JOHNSON PLACE ESTATES, LTD. OWNLR/OEVFLOP S.s ,km ��Y r�xr. ate. 15ro (a,7 aw- JONES @ 90YD WN S4RVEM/EWNLER c` a Nb u. T�exaoi613i� tox (m,) eaT -eua 4 Nn a. law CASE No: ZA 05 -096 snese + n awn .iiji ai 2nn6 V z V y N n o � 00 i A� f7 b� Ri:rin . n I I n q gnnF u V l l: J y \ l b z w n I LEUENa I � s > • ' S I i I � — � r v mY N�wn�a b� LenawelM I� ! NO E: ALL CURD RETURN RADII ARE A 2a f`EEf UNLESS OTfiERN15E - NOTED. x I s I I I �, I I " PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PLAN JOHNSON PLACE City of Southloke. Tarrant County, Texas OF Ri:rin . n I I n q gnnF u V l l: J y \ l b z w n TREE CONSERVATION PLAN � NY y g %5 €: a J � m Y Q ZM0� W 2 U Q r.ifisli $ g cli w �n g _ �.��' --_ _ =mac _ .Rraieat=. s- Y+`.+.0.'eg - J•`.. x -F z�, 1z ; I m c t' I 5 I! i B•A, - -- ��� � , ' I1 ' wm Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment C Page 4 iemm ono III D OMIN ION � �bll semi Y m� o � � B oe B eu m Attachment C Page 4 PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA06 -096 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 07/14/06 Project Name: Preliminary Plat — Johnson Place Estates APPLICANT: MDC- Johnson Place Estates, LTD Bruce Scasta 545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 1500 Irving, TX 75062 Phone: (214) 630 -0481 ENGINEER: Jones & Boyd, Inc. Jeffrey M. Winkler 3601 NE Loop 820, Suite 102 Ft. Worth, TX 76137 Phone: (817) 847 -8444 Fax: (214) 630 -9560 Fax: (817) 847 -9974 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/03/06 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT BEN BRYNER AT (817) 748 -8602. 1) The POB must be tied to a survey corner or previously filed subdivision corner. 2) The following changes are needed with regard to easements: a) Show the ultimate 100 -year floodplain limits and tie down the ultimate condition 100 -year floodway by metes and bounds. Designate the area inundated by the ultimate 100 -year storm as a drainage easement. b) Provide easements for water, sewer and /or drainage in compliance with approved construction plans. 3) The following changes are needed regarding Right -of -Way dedications and interior street geometry: a) Change the name of Cross Rail Drive as there already exists a Cross Lane and a Cross Timber Drive within the city. b) Show all proposed street improvements on the plan. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS A fully corrected plan that includes all associated support plans /documents and conditions of approval is required before any ordinance or zoning verification letter publication or before acceptance of any other associated plans for review. Plans and documents must be reviewed and stamped "approved" by the Planning Department. All development must comply with the City's Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and detain all post development run -off. Case No. Attachment D ZA 06 -096 Page 1 Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off -site sewer extensions, off -site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment D Page 2 Case No. 06 -096 Review No. _ Dated: July 14, 2006 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Johnson Place Estates (Preliminary Plat) Comments due to the Planning Department: July 14, 2006 Contact: Keith Martin Phone: (817) 748 -8229 Fax: (817) 481 -5713 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on July 3, 2006 Comments designated with a number may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P &Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. Tree Conservation Comments: The applicant has demonstrated a good faith effort in designing the subdivision and the layout of the utilities to preserve as many quality trees as possible. Over approximately 80% of the quality existing trees on the proposed development site are located within open space areas and outside of building pads. Medians have been provided to plant new trees and landscaping within the right -of -way and the utilities have been placed on the sides of the streets where they should not conflict with existing trees or future landscaping. Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment D Page 3 Case No. ZA 06 -096 Review No. 2 Dated: 7/13/06 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Johnson Place Estates -- Preliminary Plat Contact: Cheryl Taylor, Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748 -8100 Fax: (817) 748 -8077 Email: ctaylor(Wci.southlake.tx.us The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 7/20/2006. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. GENERAL COMMENTS: The minimum curb return radius for public streets is 30'. Contact David Barnes, Fire Marshal, at 817- 748 -8233 to discuss a variance on this requirement. Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: This property drains into Critical Drainage Structures #16 and #17 and requires a fee to be paid prior to beginning construction. The discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance # 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: * Submit Civil construction plans to Public Works Administration. Ensure that plans conform to the most recent construction plan checklist and include the City of Southlake standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website under Public Works—Engineering Design Standards. http:// www. cityofsouthlake.com/PublicWorks /engineeringdesign. asp * An access permit from TxDOT is required prior to construction of a driveway on FM 1709, FM 1938 or SH 114. Submit application and plans directly to TxDOT for review. * A Developer's Agreement will be required for this development and must be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be approved by Public Works prior to placing the Developer Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. * Any hazardous waste being discharged must be pretreated Ordinance No. 836. This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of construction plans. *= Denotes informational comment. Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment D Page 4 Surrounding Property Owners Johnson Place 11 57 37 1L SID 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 38 1 � 41 40 39 4 4 23 3 28 22 29 21 45 50 20 46 30 31 47 19 LA CT 18 33 32 U 17 44 0 16 42 48 52 p 34 35 z 15 51 z RA T 36 53 55 55 54 14 Lee 13 m 27 26 24 25 1 2 L] Owner Zoning Land Use Acreage 1. Richardson, Anna Leslie SF-1A Low Density Residential 1.0 2. Berkenbile, Stephen & Janet SF-1A Low Density Residential 1.0 3. Garrett, Ross W & Karen L SF -1A Low Density Residential 0.974 4. Ewan, John D Jr & Lynn SF -1A Low Density Residential 1.0 5. Gallagher, John & Yvette SF-1A Low Density Residential 1.034 6. Mower, Stephen C & Paula T SF -1A Low Density Residential 0.990 7. Cunningham, Robert R & Beth SF -1A Low Density Residential 1.007 8. Geist, John J & Pilar D SF -1A Low Density Residential 1.034 9. Smart, Vole W & Beverly SF -1A Low Density Residential 1.073 10. Johnson, Derrell & Kitty SF -1A Low Density Residential 1.3 11. Holcombe, Vera Jane SF-1A Low Density Residential 12. MDC- Johnson Place Estates SF -1A Low Density Residential 18.462 Case No. Attachment E ZA 06 -096 Page 1 13. Smith, Edward C & Tracy R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 14. Williams, Robert & Mai F R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 15. Fore, Stan & Lisa R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 16. Milke, Keith E & Dina M R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 17. Guy, Bradley C & Meredith A R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 18. Holbert, Barbara A & Andrew R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 19. Chaturvedi, Purnima & Sanjeev R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 20. Rodriguez, J Hector & Rebecca R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 21. Stiller, Robert A Jr & Jane R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.344 22. Quintanilla, Jose & Ana R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.343 23. Lee, Jae Y & J Lee R -PUD Medium Density Residential 0.442 24. Purvis, Willis N & Avis SF -IA Low Density Residential 1.747 25. McFadden, John L SF -IA Low Density Residential 1.377 26. Bryant, Kreg & Tambra SF -IA Low Density Residential 0.659 27. Weinstein, R A & Michelle SF -20A Low Density Residential 1.209 28. Trailhead HOA SF -20A Medium Density Residential 2.735 29. Dickerson, Donald F SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.577 30. Denkeler, Michael L SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.459 31. White, Paul E & Janice D SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.478 32. Thompson, Herlinda SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.463 33. Skay, Robert M & Doris A SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.463 34. McDuff, Frank M Jr & M C SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.460 35. Beaudry, Bart & Elizabeth SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.554 36. Adelaar, Glenn & Rowena A SF -20A Medium Density Residential 0.545 37. Loggins, James G & Vanessa AG Low Density Residential 4.0 38. Fred Joyce -Mary Myers Ent Inc R -PUD Low Density Residential 2.0 39. Rowsey, Bryan M & Christy AG Low Density Residential 0.682 40. Potysman, Mary Noble AG Low Density Residential 4.508 41. Thorne, Kenneth L & Rebecca AG Low Density Residential 10.0 42. Johnson, G K AG Low Density Residential 1.67 43. Johnson, D E AG Low Density Residential 0.50 44. Johnson, G K AG Low Density Residential 1.0 45. Johnson, D E AG Low Density Residential 2.9 46. MDC- Johnson Place Estates AG Low Density Residential 11.1 47. MDC - Johnson Place Estates AG Low Density Residential 2.7 48. Johnson, G K AG Low Density Residential 0.597 49. Johnson, D E AG Low Density Residential 0.06 50. Johnson, Derrell E AG Low Density Residential 7.3 51. Zamores, Francisco S AG Low Density Residential 2.0 52. Warner, Jesse & Sue AG Low Density Residential 2.25 53. Hookstratten, Joanna AG Low Density Residential 1.1 54. Tarrant County AG Low Density Residential 2.292 55. Hookstratten, Joanna AG Low Density Residential 0.88 56. Hookstratten, Joanna AG Low Density Residential 0.791 57. Free, Charles W AG Low Density Residential 2.1 Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment E Page 2 Surrounding Property Owner Responses Johnson Place Notices Sent: Forty -Seven (47) Responses Received as of 1:OOPM July 13, 2006: None (0) Case No. ZA 06 -096 Attachment F Page 1