2010-12-06 BOA Agenda CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING: DECEMBER 6.2010 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Executive Conference Room, Suite 268 of City Hall TIME: 5:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: 1. Call to Order. 2. Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Members. 3. Election of Chairman and Vice - Chairman. 4. Approval of the minutes for the Building Board of Appeals meeting held on January 24, 2008. 5. Administrative Comments. 6. Orientation. REGULAR AGENDA: 7. Consider: Ordinance 986, Adopting the 2009 Edition of the International Residential Code for One- and Two - Family Dwellings, Regulating the Erection, Construction, Enlargement, Alteration, Repair, Moving, Removal, Demolition, Conversion, Occupancy, Equipment, Use, Height, Area and Maintenance of all One- and Two - Family Dwellings and Multiple Single - Family Dwellings (Townhouses) in the City of Southlake. PUBLIC HEARING 8. Consider: Ordinance 987, Adopting the 2009 Edition of the International Building Code, Regulating the Erection, Construction, Enlargement, Alteration, Repair, Moving, Removal, Demolition, Conversion, Occupancy, Equipment, Use, Height, Area and Maintenance of all Buildings or Structures, Except for One- and Two - Family Dwellings and Multiple Single- Family Dwellings (Townhouses) and Including the National Electrical Code as Referenced Herein, in the City of Southlake Texas. PUBLIC HEARING 9. Consider: Ordinance 988, An Ordinance Adopting the 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, Regulating the Design of Building Envelopes for Adequate Thermal Resistance and Low Air Leakage and the Design and Selection of Mechanical, Electrical, Service Water- Heating and Illumination Systems and Equipment in the City of Southlake. PUBLIC HEARING Building Board of Appeals Agenda December 6, 2010 PAGE 2 10. Consider: Ordinance 931A, An Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, Amending Chapter 15, Article III, "Fire Code" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, by Adopting the 2009 Edition of the International Fire Code, Repealing Ordinance Number 931 and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. PUBLIC HEARING 11. Consider: Ordinance 989, An Ordinance Adopting the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition, Providing for the Adoption of Local Amendments Thereto. PUBLIC HEARING 12. Consider: Ordinance 990, An Ordinance Adopting the International Mechanical Code, 2009 Edition; Providing for the Adoption of Local Amendments Thereto. PUBLIC HEARING 13. Consider: Ordinance 991, An Ordinance Adopting the International Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition; Providing for the Adoption of Local Amendments Thereto. PUBLIC HEARING 14. Consider: MEETING ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 3, 2010, by 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter,551 ea ,8, r I it o » - Lori Payne, TRM City Secretary = ' • i • 1 If you plan to attend this public meeting * d have treliSability$' at requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817 -748 -8016, and reasonable �'Cawnrfoala'��clvill be made to assist you. +aa