2010-11-08 CITY O F
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Council Chambers in Town Hall
Parks and Recreation Board Members present: Chair John Slocum, Vice Chair Tina
Wasserman, Secretary Julie Landesberg and Board members Margaret Adams, Sherry
Berman, Elaine Cox, Gregg Formella, Kevin Smith and Randy Williamson
Parks and Recreation Board Members absent: None
Staff present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Recreation Superintendent
Steve Moore
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. Chair Slocum called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments:
A. Construction Management Report — The November Construction Management
Report was distributed in the meeting packet. Director Tribble responded to
questions concerning the trail restoration grant, Corps of Engineer lease of
property adjacent to Bob Jones Park, matching funds related to Safety Town and
the landscape design for medians in Southlake Boulevard.
Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation
Board meeting October 11, 2010 — There were no corrections to the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 3B. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members — The
Board considered the absence of Park Board members Tina Wasserman and Kevin Smith
from the regular Parks Board meeting held October 11, 2010.
Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, including the minutes and absences, as
Motion: Berman
Second: Smith
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, Wasserman and
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 9 -0
November 8, 2010 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Approved by Parks Board 1/10/11
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t •
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
No one was present to speak during Public Forum. Public Forum was closed.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Appoint one Parks and Recreation Board Member to SPDC
Matching Funds Policy Workgroup — At a November 2, 2010 joint meeting of City Council,
SPDC and Parks Board, the current SPDC Matching Funds Policy was reviewed and key
issues were identified. A work group consisting of one (1) representative each from the Parks
Board, SPDC and City Council will develop recommended revisions to the SPCD Matching
Funds Policy. Parks Board member Elaine Cox volunteered to serve as the Parks Board
representative on the work group.
Motion was made to appoint Elaine Cox to the SPDC Matching Funds Policy Workgroup to
represent the Parks and Recreation Board.
Motion: Adams
Second: Berman
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, Wasserman and
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 9 -0
Motion carried.
Park Board member Tina Wasserman left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion: SPDC Matching Funds Policy — The Parks Board discussed
a list of key issues regarding the Policy including:
1. Eliminate Section III; Director of Community Services section from existing policy.
2. All requests should be placed on the discussion agenda for SPDC consideration(Section I).
3. Section V, last sentence should read: Projects may also be forwarded to the City Council for final
approval as recommended by the Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) and the
Parks and Recreation Board.
4. Section VI should be expanded to include language similar to: While every intention is to
complete approved projects, the City reserves the right to decide not to complete respective
project if found to be in the best interest of the City.
5. Section VIII should include definition of "shovel ready" versus anticipated projects.
November 8, 2010 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Approved by Parks Board 1/10/11
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1. Request submission to Parks and Recreation Board of all potential requests exceeding a
specified $$ amount to facilitate summarization and prioritization prior to budget preparation.
Deadline for subsequent years consideration to be established (ie April) Additional time may be
necessary for "in -kind matching" (see more detail below).
2. Need to manage expectations of applicant via application process. Staff should not discourage
3. Generally speaking, matching funds should not be considered for CIP projects. Exceptions
should be approved by Parks and Recreation Board, S.P.D.C., and City Council PRIOR to
initiation of matching funds request.
4. Matching funds projects should have a useful life of at least 5 years.
5. Keep built in flexibility for all matching funds; a request does not have to be matched 100% or
rejected. An analysis should be made by the Parks and Recreation Board for all matching fund
requests to determine what benefit is being received by the City versus requesting entity. With
that analysis, the Parks and Recreation Board can recommend a match of any percentage or
recommend denial of a match.
6. Documentation should be submitted to Community Services Staff to support requested match.
Community Services Staff shall forward approved documentation to the Parks and Recreation
Board with appropriate application forms. (NOTE: application process for in -kind services
differs; see separate section below).
7. Parks and Recreation Board requests quarterly status reports indicating current status of all
pending requests, as well as confirmation of matching fund that had been completed during the
respective quarter.
8. All applicants should receive explanation of final matching funds decision in writing, outlining
details of decision.
9. Any potential conflicts of interest should be referred to City Attorney for disposition prior to
approval of respective matching gift.
10. It was decided to appoint one representative from the Parks and Recreation Board; one
representative from S.P.D.C.; and one representative from the City Council to serve on the
S.P.D.C. Work Group to complete a draft revised Matching Gifts Policy. Elaine Cox was
selected as the designated representative for the Parks and Recreation Board and will report back
to the Parks and Recreation Board after S.P.D.C. Work Group meets.
1) An application for in -kind services should be developed that requests sufficient supporting
documents to enable reviewers to obtain necessary comfort that the costs associated with the
desired match are reasonable and approximate existing market rates. It should be understood that
in -kind matching should only apply to items that would have to be purchased by the City with or
without the in -kind matching gift. matakimg
2) The organization making the request should oo their prior to submitting a request to
match an in -kind service. The requestor should provide sufficient financial information from
third party vendors regarding arms length cost of materials and services being matched(architect
fees etc). Community Services Staff will audit the respective documentation and submit their
findings to the Parks and Recreation Board. Additional time should be anticipated for approval of
November 8, 2010 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Approved by Parks Board 1/10/11
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to the Parks and Recreation Board. Additional time should be anticipated for approval of in -kind
services as two Parks and Recreation and two S.P.D.C. Board meetings will be necessary; initially
on the respective consider agenda than on the consent agenda, if appropriate.
3) Funds for in -kind services will not be expended until the project is complete. If it is determined
during the project that it is not in the Cities best interest to complete the respective project, the
costs incurred by requestor will not be refunded. Funds budgeted for failed projects will be
reallocated as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and S.P.D.C. It may be
appropriate to establish a time limit under which the project must be completed and funds
expended before it is reallocated to other funds or returned back to the matching funds reserve.
4) Matching for in -kind services will be a maximum of 80% of documented matched costs. As
indicated in II (4) above, discretion should be used when determining the final matching
percentage but, in no case, shall in -kind services exceed an 80% match.
5) A firm timeline should be established for when in -kind matching requests can be submitted. If it is
determined that specific tasks have already been completed, wi matching funds requested
subsequent to this effo , the request may be denied.•
6) The City Atto - • ~ :•.• w • a - l - -kind service contribution on behalf of
a City organization.
Park Board would like to review and consider recommended revisions to the Policy at the next
meeting, if available.
Non - agenda Item
Parks Marketing Committee - -- Staff will meet with Kevin Smith and Randy Williamson to
discuss scope for the committee and move forward.
The quarterly recreation report will be placed on the December Board meeting agenda.
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m.
Motion: Smith
Second: Cox
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith and Williamson
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 8 -0
Motion carried. i ►
Ch irman
and Recreation Board
Community Services Department
November 8, 2010 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
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