Item 4FCity of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 28, 2008 TO: Shana K. Yelverton, City Manager FROM: Steve Polasek, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Award of bid for the Bob Jones Park parking lot overlay to Peachtree Construction, Ltd., in an amount not to exceed $160,295. Action Requested: Award of bid for the Bob Jones Park Parking Lot Overlay to Peachtree Construction, Ltd., in an amount not to exceed $160,295. Background Information: Included in the approved fiscal year 2008 Capital Improvements Program is the asphalt overlay of the soccer field parking lots located in Bob Jones Park. The project was advertised in accordance with State bidding requirements on December 16 and December 23, 2007. Bids were opened in the City Secretary's office on January 3, 2008, with nine bids received. The lowest base bid received was from Peachtree Construction, Ltd., in the amount of $145,722.80. Cheatham & Associates, the project engineer, has verified contractor qualifications and recommends awarding the contract to Peachtree Construction, Ltd., of Keller, Texas in the amount of the bid. A ten percent construction contingency is also requested for a total project budget not to exceed $160,295. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $200,000 is approved in the FY 2008 SPDC CIP budget for the Bob Jones Park Parking Lot Overlay project including engineering and construction. This project is within the available funding allocation. Financial Impact: Not applicable Citizen Input/ Board Review: Includes the following: - Parks Board recommended approval 7 -0 at their January 14, 2008 meeting - SPDC to consider at their February 5, 2008 meeting prior to City Council Legal Review: Not Applicable Alternatives: City Council consideration for approval Shana Yelverton, City Manager Meeting Date — February 5, 2008 Page 2 Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include: - Letter from Cheatham and Associates MI.re[F1:rlF� am, Staff Recommendation: Award of bid for the Bob Jones Park Parking Lot Overlay to Peachtree Construction, Ltd., in an amount not to exceed $160,295. Shana Yelverton, City Manager Meeting Date — February 5, 2008 Page 3 fk " Cheatham & Associates consulting engineers . surveyors - planners January 4, 2008 Mr. Steve Polasek Director of Community Services 400 N. White Chapel boulevard Southlake, TX 76092: Re: City of Southlake Award Recommendation Letter Miscellaneous Asphalt Paving Improvements Bob Jones Park Engineer's Project No. 1774 As advertised, bids for the referenced project were received, opened and read publicly at 2 :00 P.M., on January 3, 2008. The low bidder for this project is: Peachtree Construction, Ltd. 5801 Park Vista Cir. Keller, TX 76248 We have reviewed the bid proposal and find it to be in order. Therefore, we recommend award of the contract to Peachtree Construction, Ltd. in the amount of $145,722.80. We are enclosing a bid Tabulation for your use, If we may be of further service in this matter, please contact us. Respectfully, 7;��a-,- -- Derek Cheatham, P.E. Enclosure: Bid Tabulation cc: J. Barry Clark, Peachtree Construction, Ltd. r O�M774uAMG CO rrRACT csk1774- oMUnwa kD,DOC 2233 Avenue J, Suite 107 Arlington, Texas 76006 • (617)54"96 phone • (817) 265.8532 fax + cheatham -as ociat�.s,coni Page 1 of 3 PAVING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OWNER; JOB TITLE: ROJ. MiGR: BID L)A7E: CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES - BID TABULATION CITY OF $OUTHLAKE Miscellaneous Asphalt Paving Impro+rements - Bolo- Jones Park Darek Cheatham. PE January 3, 2608 JOB NO. ii74 Peachtree Construction, Ltd. 5801 Pack vista Cir. KelIef, TX 76248 PHONE: 8171711- 4658 FAK 817f741 -4648 AMT. BID: $145,722.801 RJ Paving L.P. Premier Paving Ltd. 801 Royal Ln. P.C. Box 1554 allay, TX 7522 Colleyville, TX 781034 HONE: 2141466 -8340 PHONE: 8171722-6822 AX: 2141466 -8354 FAX: 6 171542 -01 19 MT. BID: $162,281.17 APAT. BID: $171,348,00 ITEM NOm ITEM DESCRIPMON UNIT PLAN QTY, UNIT PRICE - COST NIT PRICE COST UNYT PRICE COST 1 Furnish and install Erpjuct sin EA 1 $400,00 $400.00 $790.06 $750,OD 36DO -00 $600.00 2 Unclassified Excavation (Isolated Base Repairs CY 116 $26,00 $3,016,00 $79,00 $9,1$4.00 $43.00 54,988.00 3 Fle)(bsse • Grade 1 Type A isolated Base Repairs) TN 17 5 $ 23 -0 $4025.00 $35.25 $6,166.75 $41.00 $7,175.00 4 Furnish & Install 3" T e'B' HMAC flsolated Base Re ails SY 278 $25 -00 $895000 $12.81 $3,5$1.18 $23.00 58,394.00 5 Consbuco Wedge Mill LF 4 $1.39 $6474.60 $2.43 $9735.88' $263 59.831.80 a Furnish & Install 2" T e'U HMAC Overly SY 18961 $6.14 S115,Ca07,20 $8.43 $121.?$L. 6 7.1G $134,559.20 ' Furnish ALL avement markln S LS 1 $9,0000.06 $,9,000.00 $9,54000 $9,540,00 &5,800 -00 55,800.00 Provide Traffic Control North White Chapel) LS 1 $250,06 $250 -00 $- "50C.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 52,000.04 Total Rase Bid 5145,722.80 $162,281.17 8171,348,00 Page 1 PSS OUTHLAIt£117741ADMlMICentract Qac0774- 81dtnb -x1s Page 2 of 3 PAVING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OWNER: JOB TITLE: PROJ. MGR. BID DATE: CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES - SID TABULATION CITY OF SQUTHLAKE Miscellaneous Asphalt Paving improvements - Bob Jones Park Derck Cheatham, PE January 3, 2068 JOB NO. 1774 Jagoe- Public Co. P.O. Box 250 Denton, TX 76202 PHONE: 9401382 - 2581 FAX 9401382.9732 AMT. BID: $172,904.00 Advanced Paving Co. Calvert Paving Corp. 2257 Joe Field Rd, P.D. Box 268 Dallas, TX 75229 Denton, Tar 76242.0268 PHONE: 9721245 PHONE: 9401891,3205 FAX 972!247 - 2011 FAX: 9401591 - 4744 AMT. BID: $974,610.09 AMr. BID: $178,193,20 ITEM HO. - ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN QTY. uHIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE - COST UNIT PRICE COST 1 Furnish and install proled sin EA 1 $300.00 $300.43 $254.017 $259.04 $1,004.40 $1,004,40 2 Unclassified Excavation Isolated Base Re.. r3irS 'CY 116 $28.00 $:3,24$.406 $45.44 $ $20.00 $2,320,09 3 Flexbase - Grade 1 Type A isolated Base Repairs) TN 17 5 $44.00 $7,700.00 $42.51 $7,439.25 $30.00 $3,254.4[] 4 Funish & Install 3" T e 'B' HMAD isolated Base Re a[rS SY 278 $125 rl0 $3 $ 25.56 $7,105.66 $23.00 55,564.0[7 5 lConabruct Wedg Mill LF 4,788 $1. 0 $7,114,00 $2 .10 $14).071.60 55.x? $23.980.00 6 Furnish & InstaI[ 2" T e'D' HMAC Ove0a Sy 19952 $6.CC $11.1 , 7 12.00 5137,591,52 S6 -60 5725.063.20 7 Fumish ALL, auernent marking LS 1 $4.000! $a U�t }..00 j$7�21 $600 $ 023.00 $14 000 -00 $14,000.00 8 Provide Traffic Control North White Chapel) LS 1 $2.00001, $2 ; p0.00 017 $8x$.00 1 000 -U9 $1,waoo 7 wa1 Base Bid 5172.844).00 $17 6110.09 5178,193221) Page 2 PASOUTHLAKE11774)ADW t4CoMract Dccs%1774-Bkftab,)4s Page 3 of 3 PAVING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OWNER! JOB TITLE: PRGJ. MGR: BID GATE; CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES - BID TABULATION CITY of SGUTHLAKE Miscellaneous Asphalt Paving ImProvemervls • Bob Jones Park Derek Cheatham, PE Ja nus 3, 26U8 JOB NO. 1774 Reynolds Asphalt Co. Austin Bridge & Road.L.P. APAC- Texas P.Q. Box 370 6334 Commerce Dr. P.O. Box 224448 Euless, TX 76439 trvi'ng, Texas 75063 Dallas, TX 75222 - 4048 PHONE. 8171267-3131 PHONE: 214N596-7300IPHONE: 214174'1 -3531 FAX 8171267-7022 FAX: 2141'596 -7395 FAX: 2141742 -3540 AMT. BID: $182,939.20 AMT. BID: $195,171.24 AMT. BID:. $310,512.40 ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PLAN CITY. UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST 1 Furnish and install p roject sigin EA 1 $1,060.00 $1.000.00 $900 -00 5{360.00 $1.154.00 $1.150.00 2 Unclassified Excavation Isolated Base Repairs) Cy 3 ie $25.:00 $2,000 -00 $130 -60 $15080 - 00 , $1d &.00 $18,096.00 3 Flexhase - Grade 1 7 e A Isolated Base Repairs) TN 175 MOO $5,250.04 $33. _ $6,77540 $95.00 $9 e.00 4 Furnish & Install 3" Type KMAC Isolated Base R airs 5_Y 278 $14.00 $3,892,00 $15.00' — $417D.Q0 $15D.pC1 $44.480.00 { Construct Wedge Mill LF 4,796 $2.10 $10,071.60 $1.50 57,19 1,65 57.913.40 & Install 2" T e 'D' HMAC Overly 5Y 18852 $7.80 5147.825.60 $7.87 $149,152,2a 1 1,50 Sgt 7.948,00 Furnish ALL avement marlci s LS 1 $16000.00 $19.{100.06 $12.000.00 $12,000.00 $9.800.00 $9.800.00 Provid T raffir Control North White Cho el LS 1 060.00 52006.00 $900.00 ;960.00 $1.500.00 $1,500.00 LT Furnish Bass Bid $183,93�_M $1 171.74 #316,172.46 Page 3 P tSOUTHLp.M1774VADMINTonvact Docs11774- 91d�a6xls