2010-08-24 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 10/26/10 1 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING 2 Southlake Town Hall — 3A 3 1400 Main Street 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 August 24, 2010 7 MINUTES 8 9 Arts Council Members Present — Jonathan Calvert, Chair; Leslie Bartlett, Vice Chair; 10 Karen Chidiac; Deborah Frazier; Merlene Ingraham; Terri Messing. 11 12 Arts Council Members Absent — Carol Knox; Leslie Ann Walker. 13 14 Staff Members Present — Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services; 15 Cynthia Pfledderer, Public Services Manager. 16 17 Others Present — None. 18 19 20 REGULAR SESSION: 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1- Call to Order: 23 24 Vice Chair Bartlett called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. 25 26 27 REPORTS: 28 29 Agenda Item No. 2A - Administrative Comments — Oath of Office: 30 31 Mr. McGeath administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Messing and Ms. Ingraham. 32 33 Agenda Item No. 2B - Administrative Comments — APEX Arts League Concert Update: 34 35 Ms. Messing updated the Council on the first concert of the year. She felt that it was 36 very successful. Ms. Messing distributed a handout detailing the concert schedule for 37 the year. 38 39 40 CONSENT AGENDA: 41 42 Agenda Item No. 3A - Approval of the minutes from the July 27, 2010 Southlake Arts 43 Council meeting: 44 45 A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. It was unanimously 46 approved. Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes — August 24, 2010 Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 10/26/10 1 REGULAR AGENDA: 2 3 Agenda Item No. 4 - Public Forum: 4 5 The Public Forum was opened at 6:22 pm and as there was no one to speak was 6 closed at 6:22 pm. 7 8 9 CONSIDER AGENDA: 10 11 Agenda Item No. 5A - Consider — Election of Arts Council Officers. 12 13 The Council held the elections of Officers. Mr. Calvert was nominated for Chair. He was 14 unanimously elected. Ms. Bartlett was nominated for the position of Vice Chair. She 15 was unanimously elected. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 5B - Consider — Recommendation on FY 2010 -11 Public Art Fund 18 Budget. 19 20 The money for the budget comes from the Hotel /Motel Tax Fund. For the first time, this 21 year the money was broken into different pieces. For example, a portion of the money 22 is set aside for APEX programs. The total fund is generally $45,000 per year. This 23 amount is 15% of the Hotel /Motel Tax Fund, which is the maximum that can be pulled 24 from the Fund for Public Art. The funds for FY 2009 -10 are budgeted for the Arts 25 Master Plan and will be available next fiscal year. AMS has agreed to negotiate a 26 contract once the funds become available after October 1, 2010. Mr. McGeath will send 27 the members a breakdown of the various line items in the budget. There were more 28 questions and answers about the budget. 29 30 Ms. Messing discussed a sculpture that would represent Brian Stebbins' vision for the 31 City. The Council discussed logistics and funding for the art. Ms. Ingraham, Ms. 32 Messing, and Ms. Frazier were appointed to a subcommittee to meet with the CMO. 33 Mr. Calvert is an alternate. Ms. Messing will coordinate the subcommittee. 34 35 The Arts Council selected four artists to use in developing the art for the roundabouts. 36 Contracts will be issued at a future date pending all approvals. 37 38 39 DISCUSSION AGENDA: 40 41 Agenda Item No. 6A — Display of Art in Public Buildings. 42 43 The Council discussed options for obtaining art for rotating collections. Options could 44 include a call to artists to create a specific type of art, entertaining requests from artists 45 who would like their work displayed or a hybrid of the first two options. The Council Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes — August 24, 2010 Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 10/26/10 1 chose a hybrid of the two options. All art requests would go through a screening 2 process by the Arts Council. 3 4 5 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 6 7 The next meeting is Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6 pm. This meeting was 8 adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 9 10 11 / 12 13 J. Calvert, Chair 14 15 Attest: 16 17 18 19 20 erry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services 21 22 A RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY. 23 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes — August 24, 2010 Page 3 of 3