Item 5FItem 5FApprove a professional services agreement with Credera/Maximus, Inc. toprovide software selection and implementation management services
City Council
May 16, 2006
Findings of the IT Alignment Study
grouped into 4 themes
Missing system functionality results in manual or inefficient business processes
Technology infrastructure is complicated and lacks critical integration between applications
Current applications make reporting
and analysis difficult or even
impossible in some cases
Current foundational applications are based on out of date technology and
are hard to use
Project Scope
Agreement covers services for “quick hit” projects, as well as, software selection for the financial/HR
Project Summary
Credera/Maximus, Inc. Team
The team of Credera/Maximus, Inc. has experience conducting information technology selection and implementations in both the public and private sectors.
This team, in combination, brings deep local government industry knowledge, with an appreciation for the need to clearly link technology investment to constituent benefit and extensive
and proven IT implementations
Why Credera/Maximus, Inc. Team?
Understand and respect our business and community.
Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the organization and its needs
Know the quality and detail of the product we will get based on past experience with this team
Have assembled the right team to meet our needs
Project Schedule and Cost
Will begin immediately on “quick hit” and software selection projects in phase 1 and be completed by Sept. 30
Fixed price contract of $143,000 for phase 1 covering the “quick hit” and software selection projects
Funds were budgeted in the amount of $143,00 in the FY06 Amended Budget
Item 5F