Item 5M
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
City of Southlake
City Council Meeting
Item 5M ZA06-053
OWNER/APPLICANT: Southlake Phoenix Homes
REQUEST: Approval of a plat revision containing approximately 11.20 acres and 56 single family residential lots.
LOCATION: The property is located at the northeast corner of Randol Mill Avenue and Morgan Road.
View looking west toward property
Item 5M ZA06-053
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 11.243 acres
Net Land Area: 11.243 acres
Number of Lots: 56 lots
Gross Density: 4.98 du/acre
Net Density: 4.98 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 0.20 acres (8,745 sq. ft.)
Item 5M ZA06-053
P&Z ACTION: May 18, 2006; Approved (4-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2006, as presented.
Item 5N ZA06-062
OWNER: Leak, Regions Bank, and Cedar Ridge Office Park, LP
APPLICANT: Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc.
REQUEST: Approval of a plat revision containing approximately 15.04 acres and 11 commercial lots.
LOCATION: The property is located on the northwest corner of E. State Highway 114 and North Carroll Avenue.
View looking north toward property
Item 5N ZA06-062
P&Z ACTION: May 18, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated May 12, 2006, as presented.
Item 5O
Approve the proposed sidewalk projects for construction using FY 05-06 Capital Improvement Plan funds
Sidewalk Project Recommendations
The City’s FY 05-06 budget allocates the following for sidewalk/trail projects throughout the city:
$200,000 in the Strategic Initiative Fund; and
$110,000 in the SPDC Fund
The SPDC funds are required to be utilized north of F.M. 1709 and require Park Board and SPDC approval before construction can commence.
Sidewalk Project Recommendations
Based on the 2005 Pathways Plan, Southlake 2025 Plan, existing sidewalks/trails, and destinations such as schools and shopping, City Staff is recommending the following projects to be
funded using Strategic Initiative Fund dollars:
North Carroll Avenue from Estes Park to Carroll Meadows;
North Carroll Avenue from Taylor Street to Carroll Middle School;
Silicon Drive from Nolen Drive to Dragon Stadium;
W. Continental Boulevard from Deer Hollow Boulevard to Peytonville Avenue along the north side of Continental Blvd.;
Continental Boulevard from Old Union Elementary School to Carroll Avenue along Noble Oaks Park
Byron Nelson from Parkwood Drive to F.M. 1709 along the city property;
F.M. 1709 at Foxborough; and
S. Carroll Avenue from Westmont Dr. to the future Shops of Southlake.
Project Cost EstimatesStrategic Initiative Fund Projects
General Fund Projects
Sidewalk Project Recommendations
The following project is recommended to be constructed using SPDC funds:
Shady Oaks Drive from F.M. 1709 to Love Henry Court
Project Location Maps
1. N. Carroll Avenue (from Estes Park to Carroll Meadows)
2. N. Carroll Avenue (from Taylor St. to Carroll Middle School)
3. Silicon Drive (from Nolen to Dragon Stadium)
4. W. Continental Blvd. along Southlake Woods
5. E. Continental Blvd. at Noble Oaks Park
6. Byron Nelson Walk
7. F.M. 1709 at Foxborough
8. S. Carroll Avenue (from Westmont Dr. to Shops of Southlake)
9. Shady Oaks Dr. (from F.M. 1709 to Love Henry Ct.)
Items 7C and 7D ZA05-068 & ZA05-173
OWNER: RCP Southlake Blvd # 2, LTD
APPLICANT: Hopkins Commercial
REQUEST: 1) Approval of 2nd reading of a zoning change and concept plan from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District. The plan proposes the development
of two retail buildings totaling approximately 27,100 square feet and five office buildings totaling approximately 49,500 square feet.
2) Approval of a preliminary plat.
LOCATION: The property is located approximately 375 feet west of the southwest corner of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll Avenue.
Land Use Plan
Site Specific Recommendation (from the Southside Plan):
Area 9a & 9b should be master-planned together.
In limited cases an individual restaurant and other retail projects may be considered if:
pedestrian oriented
cohesive with the surrounding development.
Mobility Plan Recommendations
Continue to improve bicycle and pedestrian circulation. Develop an interconnected system of trails and sidewalks along all public and private streets. Specifically:
Provide a connection from the trail along Southlake Boulevard to the paved area between the West Retail building and the East Retail building to improve non-motorized access to the development.
A sidewalk should be provided along the future north-south road indicated on the plan and along Rucker Road.
Clearly indicate any proposed non-motorized connectivity to the adjoining properties to the east and west.
Environmental Resource Protection
Adapt development to the topography rather than topography to the development.
Show the areas on the site that are to be undisturbed and disturbed accurately.
Maximize tree preservation.
Clearly indicate which trees are to be removed and which trees will remain.
View looking West
S Carroll Ave
E Southlake Blvd
View looking South across E Southlake Blvd
Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“C-2” Local-Retail Commercial District uses and development regulations to exclude the following uses:
Cleaners, laundries and/or Laundromats; Grocery stores and/or meat markets;
The most southern five buildings are to be limited to “O-1” office uses only;
Front Yard – Not less than 30’ along F.M. 1709. Not less than 20’ for all other streets;
Loading Spaces – No loading spaces shall be required for the development;
Architecture similar to renderings;
Minimum 5 ft. stone, masonry, wrought iron or combination thereof must be constructed along the developed portion of the east boundary
Proposed Concept Plan
Typical Concept Elevations – North Parcel
Typical Concept Elevations – South Parcel
Perspective Rendering – South Parcel
Perspective Renderings – North Parcel
Proposed Preliminary Plat
Item 7C ZA05-068
P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) February 9, 2006, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated February 3, 2006;
1) Noting that the permitted uses shall allow all ‘C-2” uses
with exception of laundry mats, grocery stores and meat
2) Dry cleaners shall be limited to a maximum of 2,500 sf
with no on-site cleaning or pressing
3) All buildings adjacent to the street must have store fronts
facing the street
4) The east driveway on Southlake Boulevard must be right-
5) Approving requested variances for driveway stacking
and ROW and pavement width.
Item 7D ZA05-173
P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated January 17, 2006.
Item 7C ZA05-068
CITY COUNCIL ACTION : February 21, 2006; Approved subject to review with the following stipulations:
100% office on the southern parcel (lot) and will integrate design of southern parcel with northern parcel;
deleting the dry cleaner use;
provide revised building elevations at second reading;
the center landscape areas will have stone retaining wall;
A minimum 5 foot high wrought iron fence to be provided adjacent to the air strip;
If a retaining wall is required along the adjoining boundaries, establish a deed restriction that will require removal of the retaining wall when properties develop; and
noting that a good job has been done in coordinating access between other parcels and the adjoining properties
Due to >20% opposition of adjoining property owners, this zoning case requires a super-majority vote for approval (6 out of 7)
City Council Action on ZA05-068
Item 7E and 7F ZA06-029 and ZA06-030
OWNERS: Spectra Land, L.P.
APPLICANT: Adams Engineering
REQUEST: 1) approval of 2nd reading for a change of zoning from “AG” Agricultural District and “RE” Single Family Residential Estate District to “SF-1A” Single Family Residential
2) Approval of a preliminary plat.
LOCATION: The property is located at 330 through 360 W. Bob Jones Road.
View looking East along W Bob Jones Rd
View looking North onto subject property
View looking West along W Bob Jones Rd
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 42.40 acres
Net Land Area: 36.85 acres
Area of R.O.W.: 5.55 acres
Number of Lots: 32 lots
Gross Density: 0.75 du/acre
Net Density: 0.87 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 1.15 acres (50,162 sq. ft.)
*A variance to the subdivision ordinance requirement for
2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation
for a street stub into the west boundary are requested
*A variance to the subdivision ordinance requirement for
2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation
for a street stub into the west boundary are requested
Water Master Plan – 12-inch Water in Bob Jones Road
Proposed to install 12-inch Waterline
City Participation required for over sizing
Sanitary Sewer – Construct New Lift Station and 2236 LF of 4-inch Force main south to King Ranch Road
Item 7E ZA06-029
P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-1) noting willingness of applicant to attach concept plan to zoning and all amenities as presented; and directing applicant to provide tree conservation plan
to City Council. Chairman Boutte dissented.
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved first reading (7-0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated May 10, 2006; noting agreement to instruct future owners of lots to provide 4 inch caliper
trees on lots; developer will provide 6 inch caliper trees in median; ponds will be detention/retention; cedar trees to be placed on developer’s property adjacent to the southwest corner
of Showtime Farms property; lots to be deed restricted from keeping horses and subject to Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendations.
Item 7F ZA06-030
P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-1) subject to Revised Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated April 28, 2006, showing the building pads as presented and granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance
requirement for 2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation for a street stub into the west boundary. Noting the applicant has committed to meeting the minimum requirements
of the City’s Fire Code by installing a fire sprinkler system in all homes.
Item 7G CP06-001Land Use Plan Amendment
Request: Change the 2005 LUP from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential
Proposal: To develop 33 residential lots at a net residential density of 1.27 dwelling units per acre and a gross density of 1.11 dwelling units per acre
Applicant: David Keener
Property Location: 945 and 985 Randol Mill Ave and 2090 – 2186 Gifford Court
2005 Future Land Use Map
Existing Context –Surrounding Land Uses
Existing Residential
Neighborhood – Cross Timber Hills
Existing Residential
Industrial Use –
Lemke Enterprises
Gifford Court
Randol Mill Ave
City of Keller
Industrial Use –
Lemke Enterprises
Existing Residential
Neighborhood –
Cross Timber Hills
Existing Residential
Neighborhood –
Myers Meadow
Randol Mill Ave
Gifford Court
Existing Context – Randol Mill Avenue
Existing Zoning
Existing Environmental Features
Tree Conservation Plan
Transportation Analysis
Randol Mill designated as a 4-lane divided arterial (140-foot R-O-W) and a Regional Boulevard
Traffic Count Trends
Randol Mill from 1709 to Florence
Transportation Analysis
Traffic Count Trends
Randol Mill from Kingswood to Maranatha
Source: City of Southlake Traffic Count Report 2001 - 2005
Proposed Development Concept
Council Options for Action
Option 1: Approve the requested amendment to change the 2005 Land Use Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for the following reason:
Proposed development does not meet the definition of Low Density Residential: “The Low Density Residential category is for detached single-family residential development at a net density
of one or fewer dwelling units per acre. Net density is the number of dwelling units per net acre, which excludes acreage in all public rights-of-way.”
Council Options for Action
Option 2: Retain existing LUP designation and add a site specific LUP recommendation as follows:
“Consider development that is at a higher density than 1 du/net acre that meets the goals of preserving substantial tree cover in perpetual open space, addresses adjacency with the future
F.M. 1938 corridor and addresses site specific drainage concerns.”
Item 7H and 7I ZA06-027 and ZA06-028
OWNERS: Lemke, Jenkins, Prentice,
Maness, Farmer, & Ferguson
APPLICANT: David Keener
REQUEST: 1) approval of a 2nd reading for zoning change and development plan from “AG” Agricultural District to “R-PUD” Residential Planned Unit Development District on approximately
29.85 acres.
2) Approval of a preliminary plat
LOCATION: 945 & 985 Randol Mill Ave and properties immediately North of Gifford Ct.
Kingswood Dr
Lakeview Dr
Randol Mill Ave
Gifford Ct
Under the “R-PUD” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
This Residential Planned Unit Development shall abide by the “SF-20A” Single Family Residential Zoning District and the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended, with the following
Front Yard: 35 feet, except lots in cul-de-sacs shall have a front yard setback of 30 feet.
Side Yard Adjacent to a Street: 25 feet.
Rear Yard: 30 feet.
Lot Width: 80 feet.
Rear Lot Width: A rear lot width of 125 feet adjacent to certain lots shall not apply.
Buffer Lots: Buffer lots adjacent to certain lots shall not apply.
Sidewalks: Sidewalks on both sides of street except where Open Space Lots front the street, in which case sidewalk location as shown on the development plan.
Site Data New Plan
Gross Land Area: 29.85 ac.
Net Land Area: 25.91 ac.
Area of R.O.W.: 3.94 ac.
Number of Lots: 33 lots
Gross Density: 1.11 du/ac
Net Density: 1.27 du/ac
Open Space: 4.77 ac.
Average Lot Size: 0.64 ac
27,904 sq. ft.
Revised Development Plan
*Requesting variance to the Subdivision Ordinance's requirement for 2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation for a street stub into the southern boundary
Revised Preliminary Plat
*Requesting variance to the Subdivision Ordinance's requirement for 2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation for a street stub into the southern boundary
Palomar Estates
Water Master Plan – 12-inch Water
Existing 12-inch Waterline
Palomar Estates
Sanitary Sewer – Connect to Existing 8-inch along North side of Proposed Palomar Estates
Palomar Estates
Palomar Estates
Palomar Estates
Item 7H ZA06-027
P&Z ACTION: Approved (6-0) subject to Development Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2006; granting variance for access and noting applicant’s willingness to meet fire code by installing
sprinklers in all homes or providing a secondary point of access for emergency use only.
Item 7H ZA06-027
COUNCIL ACTION: May 30, 2006; Approved first reading (7-0) subject to Development Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2006; noting all fences that face street frontage will be
wrought iron; prior to second reading, the applicant will contact neighbors to the north to determine if they are willing to have their wood fences replaced with wrought iron fencing;
noting the applicants willingness to work with the city to accommodate excess drainage coming from Randol Mill Avenue; noting the detention pond will be changed to a detention/retention
pond which will maintain a constant level; noting the developer will vacate the portion of Gifford Court affecting the six lots and will sprinkler all homes in the subdivision; and,
the southern border fencing will be 8’ cedar with top cap and metal poles.
Item 7I ZA06-028
P&Z ACTION: Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2006, granting variance to the subdivision ordinance requirement for 2 planned points of access and requiring
a street stub into the southern boundary.
Site Data Previous Plan New Plan
Gross Land Area: 29.85 acres 29.85 ac.
Net Land Area: 25.69 acres 25.91 ac.
Area of R.O.W.: 4.16 acres 3.94 ac.
Number of Lots: 36 residential lots 33 lots
Gross Density: 1.21 du/acre 1.11 du/ac
Net Density: 1.40 du/acre 1.27 du/ac
Open Space: 4.40 acres 4.77 ac.
14.74% 15.98%
Average Lot Size: 0.59 acre 0.64 ac
25,761 sq. ft. 27,904 sq. ft.
Previously Submitted Development Plan
*Requesting variance to the Subdivision Ordinance's requirement for 2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation for a street stub into the southern boundary
Previously Submitted Preliminary Plat
*Requesting variance to the Subdivision Ordinance's requirement for 2 planned points of access and the staff recommendation for a street stub into the southern boundary
Item 7J ZA06-051
OWNER: Wyndham Properties, LTD
REQUEST: Approval of a site plan for the construction a 12,000 square feet retail building and a 56,000 square feet retail furniture store building.
LOCATION: The property is located at Gateway Plaza Phase II, directly south of the 24-Hour Fitness complex.
View looking east toward proposed development
Approved Concept Plan – Alternate ‘A’
Approved Concept Plan – Alternate ‘B’
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 4.86 acres
Net Land Area: 4.86 acres
Number of Lots: 2
Square Footage: 68,000 sq. ft.
-12,000 retail bldg
-56,000 retail furniture bldg
Required Parking: 340 spaces
Provided Parking: 308 spaces (10% reduction)
Impervious Coverage: 77% (163,613 square feet)
Site Plan
Site Plan
*Requesting 10% parking reduction
Plan Included With May 31, 2006 Staff Report
Max. Length allowed = 111’
Length proposed = 188’
Max. Length allowed = 111’
Length proposed = 125’
Plan requested
for approval
Overall Site Plan
Item 7J ZA06-051
P&Z ACTION: Approved (4-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated May 12, 2006; granting the variance in articulation on north side with provision to screen loading dock and
denying the variance to the south side.
Item 8A ZA05-146
“S-P-1” Zoning Change and Site Plan
OWNER: Thomas Stephen / The White House Exe. Center, L.P.
REQUEST: Approval of 1st Reading for a Zoning Change and Site Plan for “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District zoning.
LOCATION: The property is located at 410 W. Southlake Blvd, at the Southlake Blvd entrance to Bicentennial Park.
“S-P-1” Zoning & Site Plan
Under the “S-P-1” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“C-2” Local-Retail Commercial District uses and development regulations
Side Yard – Not less than 10’ from the east property line
Masonry – Concrete tilt wall with a stained finish shall be permitted to comply with exterior masonry requirements
Site Data
Gross/Net Land Area: 1.35 acres
Number of Lots: 1
Total Square Footage: 12,548 sq. ft.
-2,200 sq. ft. restaurant
-9,998 sq. ft. retail
Parking Required: 72 spaces
Parking Provided: 65 spaces (10% reduction)
Impervious Coverage: 68% (246,398 sq. ft.)
Proposed Site Plan
Proposing 10’ Side Yard Setback
Req’d = 50’Prop. = 41’
Req’d = 250’
Prov. = 219’
Req’d = 250’
Prov. = 80’
*Requesting 10% reduction in parking
*Requires Access & Parking Agreement w/City
Item 8A ZA05-146
P&Z ACTION: Approved (6-0) Recommended approval preferring the S-P-1 plan also approving the alternate site plan and approving requested variances.
Item 8B ZA05-142
OWNER: Timothy Livingston, James Arca, Larry Overby, and David Boles
APPLICANT: Cary Clarke Homes, Inc.
REQUEST: A zoning change and development plan from “AG” Agricultural District, “SF-30” Single-Family Residential District, and “SP-1” Detailed Site Plan District to a “TZD” Transition
Zoning District.
LOCATION: 2020 - 2300 West Continental Boulevard, approximately 200 feet east of its intersection with Davis Blvd
Location Map
Comprehensive Plan Review
Consolidated Land Use Plan
Underlying Land Use Designation – Medium Density Residential
Optional Land Use Designation – T-2 (Transition 2)
Underlying LUP
Optional LUP
Davis Blvd.
Davis Blvd.
T-2 Land Use Category
Purpose & Intent
The T-2 district is intended to consist of primarily single-family residential uses with limited non-residential near an arterial roadway
Adjacent to existing commercial development, existing neighborhoods, and have critical environmental resources identified to be preserved
Area ranging from 4 – 20 acres
Land Use Mix:
Environmental Resource Protection Recommendations
Protect and enhance critical environmental and natural features, with particular emphasis on trees and floodplains.
Encourage the use of native and adapted plants in landscaping.
ERP/Tree Preservation
Open Space/Pathways Plan
Proposed Cross-Section through Continental Blvd.
Roadway Impact
Continental Blvd. from Peytonville Ave. to Davis Blvd.
Traffic Impact
New Proposal
Previous Proposal
*Updated traffic impact analysis
Zoning/Development Plan Review
Continental Greens – Transition Zoning District
Continental Greens – Adjoining Land Uses
Currently Proposed TZD Components
Proposed Schedule of Uses
Proposed Development Standards
Proposed Development Standards
Site Data Summary
Site Data Summary:Neighborhood Edge (Office Uses)
Office Concept Plan
Proposed Office Use Elevation
Proposed Office Use Elevation
Site Data Summary: Neighborhood
Site Data Summary: Similar Neighborhoods
*Lots are allowed at pre-existing tract sizes
Examples of Neighborhoods with Similar Setback Standards
Tuscan Ridge
Examples of Neighborhoods with Similar Setback Standards
Tuscan Ridge
Examples of Neighborhoods with Similar Setback Standards
Crescent Royale
Examples of Neighborhoods with Similar Setback Standards
Crescent Royale
Examples of Neighborhoods with Similar Setback Standards
Crescent Royale
First Development Plan
Previous Submittal
Proposed Development Concept
New Development Plan
Architectural Design Standards
Proposed Entry Feature
Proposed Streetscape
Additional Considerations
Open Space Management Plan
Modifications (variances) requested:
Block lengths
Allowance for garages to exceed the 30% limit on front façade width
Allowance for parking in front of the rear office buildings
Project timeline
Existing 12” Water Line
Existing 6” Sanitary Sewer
Existing 10” Sanitary Sewer
Preliminary Drainage Plan
P&Z ACTION: Approved (4-0) subject to Development Review Summary No. 4, dated April 10, 2006, granting variances allowing parking in front of office buildings on the northwest corner;
block size; front loaded garages on lots less than 60’ wide on the east; and, front loaded garages taking up more than 30% of the front façade width; Noting the applicant agreed not
to allow banks, medical offices, or retail; Noting the applicant’s willingness to come up with a landscape concept plan for the primary entry median with both canopy and ornamental trees;
and, noting the applicant’s willingness to design an appropriate masonry and landscaping fence along Continental Boulevard.
Item 8B ZA05-142