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Item 7A and 7BItems 7A and 7B ZA05-068 & ZA05-173 OWNER: RCP Southlake Blvd # 2, LTD APPLICANT: Hopkins Commercial REQUEST: 1) Approval of 2nd reading of zoning change and concept plan from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District. The plan proposes the development of two retail buildings totaling approximately 27,100 square feet and five office buildings totaling approximately 49,500 square feet. 2) Approval of a preliminary plat. LOCATION: The property is located approximately 375 feet west of the southwest corner of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll Avenue. Land Use Plan Site Specific Recommendation (from the Southside Plan): Area 9a & 9b should be master-planned together. In limited cases an individual restaurant and other retail projects may be considered if: pedestrian oriented cohesive with the surrounding development. Mobility Plan Recommendations Continue to improve bicycle and pedestrian circulation. Develop an interconnected system of trails and sidewalks along all public and private streets. Specifically: Provide a connection from the trail along Southlake Boulevard to the paved area between the West Retail building and the East Retail building to improve non-motorized access to the development. A sidewalk should be provided along the future north-south road indicated on the plan and along Rucker Road. Clearly indicate any proposed non-motorized connectivity to the adjoining properties to the east and west. Environmental Resource Protection Adapt development to the topography rather than topography to the development. Show the areas on the site that are to be undisturbed and disturbed accurately. Maximize tree preservation. Clearly indicate which trees are to be removed and which trees will remain. View looking West S Carroll Ave E Southlake Blvd View looking South across E Southlake Blvd ZA05-068 Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following: “C-2” Local-Retail Commercial District uses and development regulations to exclude the following uses: Cleaners, laundries and/or Laundromats; Grocery stores and/or meat markets; The most southern five buildings are to be limited to “O-1” office uses only; Front Yard – Not less than 30’ along F.M. 1709. Not less than 20’ for all other streets; Loading Spaces – No loading spaces shall be required for the development; Architecture similar to renderings; Minimum 5 ft. stone, masonry, wrought iron or combination thereof must be constructed along the developed portion of the east boundary Proposed Concept Plan Typical Concept Elevations – North Parcel Typical Concept Elevations – South Parcel Perspective Rendering – South Parcel Perspective Renderings – North Parcel Proposed Preliminary Plat Item 7A ZA05-068 P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) February 9, 2006, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated February 3, 2006; 1) Noting that the permitted uses shall allow all ‘C-2” uses with exception of laundry mats, grocery stores and meat market 2) Dry cleaners shall be limited to a maximum of 2,500 sf with no on-site cleaning or pressing 3) All buildings adjacent to the street must have store fronts facing the street 4) The east driveway on Southlake Boulevard must be right- in/right-out 5) Approving requested variances for driveway stacking and ROW and pavement width. Item 7B ZA05-173 P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated January 17, 2006. Item 7A ZA05-068 CITY COUNCIL ACTION : February 21, 2006; Approved subject to review with the following stipulations: 100% office on the southern parcel (lot) and will integrate design of southern parcel with northern parcel; deleting the dry cleaner use; provide revised building elevations at second reading; the center landscape areas will have stone retaining wall; A minimum 5 foot high wrought iron fence to be provided adjacent to the air strip; If a retaining wall is required along the adjoining boundaries, establish a deed restriction that will require removal of the retaining wall when properties develop; and noting that a good job has been done in coordinating access between other parcels and the adjoining properties Due to >20% opposition of adjoining property owners, this zoning case requires a super-majority vote for approval (6 out of 7) City Council Action on ZA05-068 Questions? Item 7C ZA06-060 OWNER: Venus (Drews) Partners, IV, L.P. APPLICANT: The Samuel Group REQUEST: Approval of a revised site plan. The purpose of this site plan is to redevelop the former Burger King restaurant site into a bank. LOCATION: The property is located at 2025 W. Southlake Boulevard. Crossing Crossing View looking west toward proposed redevelopment Approved Concept Plan ZA06-060 Site Data Gross Land Area: 1.02 acres Net Land Area: 1.02 acres Square Footage: 4,640 sq. ft. Required Parking: 21 spaces Provided Parking: 37 spaces Impervious Coverage: 73% (32,210 square feet) EXISTING CONDITIONS (AS-BUILT) SITE PLAN OLD (6-2-06) PLAN DENNIS TO CHECK SITE PLAN *Requesting variance to bufferyard width *Requesting variance to bufferyard requirements *Requesting variance to interior landscape island widths *Requesting variance to outdoor lighting (metal halide proposed) OLD (6-2-06) PLAN DENNIS TO CHECK SITE PLAN SITE PLAN *Requesting variance to bufferyard width *Requesting variance to bufferyard requirements *Requesting variance to interior landscape island widths *Requesting variance to outdoor lighting (metal halide proposed) *Requesting variance to horizontal & vertical articulation *Requesting variance to horizontal & vertical articulation Photometric Plan (Light Intensity) Variance to allow metal halide lighting to match existing shopping center Artist’s Rendering Landscape Plan Landscape Plan Item 7C ZA06-060 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to Revised Site Plan Review No. 3, dated June 2, 2006; • granting the variance for a 20’ bufferyard with the applicant’s agreement to install the plantings for the required type “O” bufferyard; • granting the variance for the bufferyards along the interior lot lines with the applicant’s agreement to plant some additional landscaping and to present that to the City Council; • granting the variance for providing minimal landscape island widths and as part of that, not granting the variance for the landscaping on the southeastern island; near the northeast corner of the building; • granting the variance for the lighting ordinance as amended; and, • granting the variance in articulation. • Also, providing color renderings of elevations for Council’s review. Questions? Item 7D ZA06-073 OWNER/APPLICANT: Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. REQUEST: Approval of a revised site plan Lot 2R, Block 3R2, & Lot 7, Block 4R1, Southlake Town Square Phase IV – Grand Avenue District. LOCATION: The property is located in Southlake Town Square – Grand Avenue district, Buildings GA-14 and GA-1. West Parking Garage Crate & Barrel US Post Office APPROVED SITE PLAN Revised Site Plan Revised Site Plan Robb & Stuckey Additional sq. ft. Building Elevations Building Elevations Building Elevations East Façade of Building GA-1 Item 7D ZA06-073 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review. Questions? Item 7E ZA06-078 OWNER: Equity One Village Center APPLICANT: William M. Carder REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages. LOCATION: The property is located at 2140 E. Southlake Boulevard, Suite A, in the Village Center development. Site View looking northeast toward lease space Site Site Item 7E ZA06-078 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to the terms of the lease. (lease is 5 yrs) Questions? Item 7F ZA06-080 OWNER: Carroll/1709, Ltd. APPLICANT: H.E.B. Central Market REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages. LOCATION: The property is located at 1425 E. Southlake Boulevard in the Shops at Southlake development. N E. Southlake Blvd Carroll Ave Site Overall Site Plan Central Market Site Plan Central Market Interior Floor Plan Item 7F ZA06-080 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to the terms of the lease. (lease is 20 yrs) Questions? Item 7G ZA06-083 OWNER: Town Square Ventures, L.P. APPLICANT: WineStyles Southlake REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages. LOCATION: The property is located at 1228 Prospect Street in the Southlake Town Square Development. Site Site Item 7G ZA06-083 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to the terms of the lease. (lease is 10 yrs.) Questions? Item 7H ZA06-085 OWNER/APPLICANT: Stampede Sports Arena REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages. LOCATION: The property is located at 250 Players Circle. APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN SITE PLAN Item 7H ZA06-085 P&Z ACTION: Approved (3-2) (Faglie and Hudson dissented) with clarification that this permit is for this business only. (applicant owns building, no lease) Questions? Item 7I ZA06-081 OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: Gateway Church REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for a mass gathering event for the Gateway Church Fall Festival to be located at Dragon Stadium. LOCATION: The property is located at 1085 S. Kimball Avenue. S. Kimball Ave Silicon Dr Area of Festival View looking east toward Dragon Stadium Silicon Dr S. Kimball Ave ZA06-081 The Gateway Church Fall Festival will include: tents, inflatables, games/booths, food court, first-aid station with a nurse, information booth, and lost and found. The restroom facilities of the stadium will be open for use at the event. Date of Event: October 31, 2006 Hours of Operation: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Estimated Attendance: 10,000 to 12,000 Lighting: Parking lot lighting, stadium lights, & 6 light towers Parking: North parking lot to be open for parking Traffic: 7 – 10 off-duty officers Trash Disposal: Stadium trash facilities, trashcans located throughout parking lot Item 7I ZA06-081 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) as presented. Questions? Item 7J ZA06-084 OWNER: Carroll I.S.D. APPLICANT: T-Mobile REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for a telecommunications antenna and equipment cabinet on an existing pole at Carroll Senior High School. LOCATION: The property is located at 1501 W. Southlake Boulevard. Tower Site View looking north toward Carroll Senior HS Area of Tower View looking east toward existing tower Overall Site Plan Tower Site Plan Tower Elevations Item 7J ZA06-084 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review, as presented. Questions? Item 7K ZA06-086 OWNER: White’s Chapel United Methodist Church APPLICANT: Jacobs & Associates REQUEST: Approval of a revised site plan under the existing “CS” zoning for expansion of the church campus. LOCATION: The property is located at 185 S. White Chapel Blvd. View looking east toward existing chapel View looking east toward proposed chapel site Previously Approved Site Plan Previously Approved Chapel Elevations Revised Site Plan Revised Chapel Elevations *Requesting variance to horizontal & vertical articulation *Requesting variance to allow standing seam galvanized metal roof *Requesting variance to allow wood exterior material Item 7K ZA06-086 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting the requested variances. Questions? Item 8A ZA06-031 OWNER: Foreman Lewis, Hutchison PC, and The Morrison Group APPLICANT: Adams Engineering REQUEST: Approval of 1st reading for a zoning change from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with “O-1” Office District uses and to include limited “C-3” General Commercial District uses. LOCATION: The property is located at 2720 E. State Highway 114. Mobility Plan Recommendations Sidewalks are provided throughout the proposed development. However, a connection needs to be provided between the trail along the frontage road and the internal sidewalk system. A sidewalk is recommended on both sides of the public road within the development. The curvature of the trail along the frontage road should be minimized. Recommendations: Maximize tree preservation Avoid re-grading the site View looking east toward proposed development View looking north toward proposed development ZA06-031 Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following: This development shall abide by the “O-1” Office Zoning District with the following exceptions: “O-1” Office District uses and development regulations to include the following “C-3” General Commercial District uses on Lot 7 only: Hardware, paint, wallpaper stores and other home improvement items and activities Household and office furniture, furnishings and appliances Plumbing and heating appliances, repair and installation services. All storage of materials must be indoors within this zoning district Front Setback – Along the proposed street, not less than ten (10) feet Impervious Coverage – Max. overall not to exceed 65%, individual lots may not exceed 85% Bufferyards – Bufferyards along interior lot lines shall not be required Bufferyards – The west portion of the front bufferyard may be encroached by the common access drive Parking – 1 space per 300 square feet for Lot 7 ZA06-031 Site Data Gross Land Area: 6.19 acres Net Land Area: 5.83 acres Area of R.O.W.: 0.36 acres Number of Lots: 7 lots -6 general office -1 general office/limited retail Square Footage: 43,380 sq. ft. (±10,000 sq. ft. for retail on Lot 7 only) Required Parking: 148 spaces Provided Parking: 152 spaces Impervious Coverage: 53% (135,624 square feet) Concept Plan Concept Plan Public Street: Required = 60’ R.O.W. Proposed = 40’ R.O.W. Stacking req’d = 75’ Stacking prov. = 13’ Stacking req’d = 75’ Stacking prov. = 12.5’ Trash enclosure proposed to be in front of building *Proposing 3 total trash dumpster enclosures for entire development *Requesting interior landscape requirements to be equally distributed throughout the development Proposed Architectural Renderings Item 8A ZA06-031 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting requested variances; restricting the “C-3” General Commercial uses to plumbing fixture showroom and related furnishings only; and, accepting the applicant’s willingness to comply with the following: 1) No loading dock 2) Save trees per exhibit presented 3) Show the design of the retaining wall 4) Require boring to protect trees 5) Show renderings and elevations adjacent to all residential areas 6) Increase detaining pond capacity 7) Lighting plan showing where and type 8) 8’ wood fencing with metal posts 9) Landscaping plan for the east side 10) Screen the dumpster area where visible Public Works Presentation Item 8A Morrison Business Park Drainage and Utilities Development will tie into an existing 8” water line on the north side of State Highway 114 Development will connect to an existing 8-inch at the north west corner of the property Morrison Business Park – Utilities Morrison Business Park – Drainage Questions? Item 8B ZA06-047 OWNER: Robert Bullock APPLICANT: Adams Engineering REQUEST: 1) Approval of 1st reading for a change of zoning and concept plan from “SF-20A” Single Family Residential District and “AG” Agricultural District to “SF-30” Single Family Residential District on approximately 2.13 acres. LOCATION: The property is located at 1206 W. Continental Blvd. View looking north toward property View looking west toward property ZA06-047 & ZA06-048 Site Data Gross Land Area: 2.13 acres Net Land Area: 1.97 acres Area of R.O.W.: 0.16 acres Number of Lots: 2 lots Gross Density: 0.94 du/acre Net Density: 1.01 du/acre Average Lot Size: 0.985 acres (42,907 sq. ft.) Concept Plan 2-Lot Plat Showing Item 8B ZA06-047 P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review; as presented. Questions? Items 8C & 8D ZA06-070 & ZA06-071 OWNER/ APPLICANT: Kerry Smith REQUEST: ZA06-070 Zoning and concept plan to “RE” Single Family Residential Estate District on approximately 1.60 acres. ZA06-071 Zoning and concept plan to “SF-1A” Single Family Residential District on approximately 1 acre. LOCATION: The property is located at 2777 Ridgecrest Drive. View looking west toward property View looking east toward property Approximate limits of Change of “RE” zoning request Currently Zoned “RE” Approximate limits of “SF-1A”of zoning request *Requesting variance to street frontage requirement Items 8C & 8D ZA06-070 & ZA06-071 P&Z ACTION: ZA06-070 Approved (5-0) subject to review; as presented. ZA06-071 Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting requested variance; requiring the minimum emergency access and fire protection standards of the city fire code be met. Questions? Item 10A SP06-312 APPLICANT: Chandler Signs on behalf of Fossil OWNER: SLTS Grand Avenue, L.P. LOCATION: 324 Grand Avenue West REQUEST: Variance to the Southlake Town Square Grand Avenue District conditional sign permit requirements for the number of signs: Item 10A SP06-312 Tenants within the colonnade sub-district are permitted: 1 fascia sign at the storefront inside the colonnade 1 pedestrian blade sign inside the colonnade 1 fascia sign at the colonnade face 1 building blade sign at the colonnade face The area of all signs may not exceed 1 x width of lease space. Fossil currently has: 1 fascia sign at the storefront inside the colonnade 2 fascia signs at the colonnade face (1 without a permit) 1 blade sign at the colonnade face Total area of all signs = 27 s.f. (including requested sign) Fossil is permitted 30 s.f. of signage. The requested sign is approximately 4.5 s.f. Location Map Site Plan Proposed Sign Proposed Sign Item 10A SP06-312 QUESTIONS? Item 10B SP06-318 APPLICANT: Wingfield Sign & Graphics OWNER: Jerry Snyder, Taco House LOCATION: 2001 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 123 in the Southlake Marketplace shopping center REQUEST: Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B with respect to maximum area for attached signs: Location Map Proposed Sign Lease Space Width = 214 in. (17.83 ft.) Total Sign Width = 140 in. (11.67 ft.) Existing Elevation Adjacent Signs 24 inch letters 24 s.f. 12 – 48 inch letters 100 s.f. (combined) Adjacent Signs 22 inch letters 31 s.f. Adjacent Signs 15 inch letters 22 s.f. Variance granted in March 2006 Item 10B SP06-318 QUESTIONS?