Item 5F (2)
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
City of Southlake
City Council Meeting
Item 5F: SP06-341
APPLICANT: Mike Boroughs, Boroughs Sign Co.
OWNER: Todd Murrah
LOCATION: 2125 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 375
REQUEST: Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B with respect to maximum area for attached signs:
Location Map
Location Map
Proposed Sign
Adjacent Signs
20 inch letters; 21.39 s.f.
Variance granted June 2006
Adjacent Signs
15 inch letters; 22 s.f.
Variance granted March 2006
Adjacent Signs
24 inch letters
24 s.f.
16 inch letters
15 s.f.
12 – 48 inch letters
100 s.f. (combined)
Adjacent Signs
22 inch letters
31 s.f.
Item 5G: ZA06-096
OWNER: MDC-Johnson Place Estates, LTD
APPLICANT: Jones & Boyd, Inc.
REQUEST: Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Johnson Place Estates, 54 residential lots and 5 open space lots on 43.51 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2440 Johnson Road.
Randol Mill Ave
Johnson Rd.
Hillside Estates
The Trailhead
View looking East at subject property
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 43.513 Acres
Net Land Area: 34.694 Acres
Area of R.O.W.: 8.819 Acres
Number of Lots: 59 lots
* 54 single family residential
* 5 open space lots (including a 5.83 acre city park)
Open Space: 9.822 Acres / 22.57%
Gross Density: 1.241 du/acre
Net Density: 1.556 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 0.46 Acres (±20,038 sq. ft.)
Previously Approved Development Plan
Fencing fronting any green belt or right-of-way be of wrought iron
Requiring landscaping (30 gallon shrubs planted at 6’ on center) within the open areas in the bufferyard along the north property line (along Lots 16, 17 and 18) (type and size similar
to a Wax Myrtle, Nellie R. Stevens, or Burford Holly)
Requiring 4-inch caliper trees in any area with a 25’ wide gap
Council Conditions of Development Plan Approval
Proposed Preliminary Plat
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 and stipulating that Block 5, Lot 8 will have a 40 foot setback.
Items 7A & 7B: ZA05-068 & ZA05-173
OWNER: RCP Southlake Blvd # 2, LTD
APPLICANT: Hopkins Commercial
REQUEST: 1) Approval of 2nd reading of zoning change and concept plan from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District. The plan proposes the development of
two retail buildings totaling approximately 27,100 square feet and five office buildings totaling approximately 49,500 square feet.
2) Approval of a preliminary plat.
LOCATION: The property is located approximately 375 feet west of the southwest corner of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll Avenue.
Land Use Plan
Site Specific Recommendation (from the Southside Plan):
Area 9a & 9b should be master-planned together.
In limited cases an individual restaurant and other retail projects may be considered if:
pedestrian oriented
cohesive with the surrounding development.
Mobility Plan Recommendations
Continue to improve bicycle and pedestrian circulation. Develop an interconnected system of trails and sidewalks along all public and private streets. Specifically:
Provide a connection from the trail along Southlake Boulevard to the paved area between the West Retail building and the East Retail building to improve non-motorized access to the development.
A sidewalk should be provided along the future north-south road indicated on the plan and along Rucker Road.
Clearly indicate any proposed non-motorized connectivity to the adjoining properties to the east and west.
Environmental Resource Protection
Adapt development to the topography rather than topography to the development.
Show the areas on the site that are to be undisturbed and disturbed accurately.
Maximize tree preservation.
Clearly indicate which trees are to be removed and which trees will remain.
View looking West
S Carroll Ave
E Southlake Blvd
View looking South across E Southlake Blvd
Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“C-2” Local-Retail Commercial District uses and development regulations to exclude the following uses:
Cleaners, laundries and/or Laundromats; Grocery stores and/or meat markets;
The most southern five buildings are to be limited to “O-1” office uses only;
Front Yard – Not less than 30’ along F.M. 1709. Not less than 20’ for all other streets;
Loading Spaces – No loading spaces shall be required for the development;
Architecture similar to renderings;
Minimum 5 ft. stone, masonry, wrought iron or combination thereof must be constructed along the developed portion of the east boundary
Proposed Concept Plan
Typical Concept Elevations – North Parcel
Typical Concept Elevations – South Parcel
Perspective Rendering – North Parcel
Perspective Renderings – South Parcel
Site Cross Sections
Site Cross Sections
Proposed Preliminary Plat
Item 7A: ZA05-068
P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) February 9, 2006, subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated February 3, 2006;
1) Noting that the permitted uses shall allow all ‘C-2” uses
with exception of laundry mats, grocery stores and meat
2) Dry cleaners shall be limited to a maximum of 2,500 sf
with no on-site cleaning or pressing
3) All buildings adjacent to the street must have store fronts
facing the street
4) The east driveway on Southlake Boulevard must be right-
5) Approving requested variances for driveway stacking
and ROW and pavement width.
Item 7B: ZA05-173
P&Z ACTION: February 9, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1 dated January 17, 2006.
Item 7D: ZA06-031
OWNER: Foreman Lewis, Hutchison PC, and The Morrison Group
APPLICANT: Adams Engineering
REQUEST: Approval of 2nd reading for a zoning change from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with “O-1” Office District uses and to include limited
“C-3” General Commercial District uses.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2720 E. State Highway 114.
Mobility Plan Recommendations
Sidewalks are provided throughout the proposed development. However, a connection needs to be provided between the trail along the frontage road and the internal sidewalk system.
A sidewalk is recommended on both sides of the public road within the development.
The curvature of the trail along the frontage road should be minimized.
Maximize tree preservation
Avoid re-grading the site
View looking east toward proposed development
View looking north toward proposed development
Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
This development shall abide by the “O-1” Office Zoning District with the following exceptions:
“O-1” Office District uses and development regulations to include the following “C-3” General Commercial District uses on Lot 7 only:
Hardware, paint, wallpaper stores and other home improvement items and activities
Household and office furniture, furnishings and appliances
Plumbing and heating appliances, repair and installation services. All storage of materials must be indoors within this zoning district
Front Setback – Along the proposed street, not less than ten (10) feet
Impervious Coverage – Max. overall not to exceed 65%, individual lots may not exceed 85%
Bufferyards – Bufferyards along interior lot lines shall not be required
Bufferyards – The west portion of the front bufferyard may be encroached by the common access drive
Parking – 1 space per 300 square feet for Lot 7
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 6.19 acres
Net Land Area: 5.83 acres
Area of R.O.W.: 0.36 acres
Number of Lots: 7 lots
-6 general office
-1 general office/limited retail
Square Footage: 43,380 sq. ft. (±10,000 sq. ft. for retail on Lot 7 only)
Required Parking: 148 spaces
Provided Parking: 152 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 53% (135,624 square feet)
Previously Submitted Concept Plan
Concept Plan
Public Street:
Required = 60’ R.O.W.
Proposed = 40’ R.O.W.
Stacking req’d = 75’
Stacking prov. = 13’
Stacking req’d = 75’
Stacking prov. = 12.5’
Trash enclosure proposed
to be in front of building
*Proposing 3 total trash dumpster enclosures for entire development
*Requesting interior landscape requirements to be
equally distributed throughout the development
Revised Concept Plan
Revised Concept Plan
Public Street:
Required = 60’ R.O.W.
Proposed = 40’ R.O.W.
Stacking req’d = 75’
Stacking prov. = 13’
Stacking req’d = 75’
Stacking prov. = 12.5’
Trash enclosure proposed
to be in front of building
*Proposing 3 total trash dumpster enclosures for entire development
*Requesting interior landscape requirements to be
equally distributed throughout the development
Proposing 6’ iron fence
Proposing 8’ wood
on wood fence
Tree Survey Exhibit
Proposed Architectural Renderings
Proposed Architectural Renderings
Proposed Retaining Wall & Trash Enclosure Renderings
Proposed Fencing Renderings
Proposed Fencing
Proposed Landscape & Lighting Plan
Proposed Typical Lighting
Typical wall-mounted lighting
P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting requested variances; restricting the “C-3” General Commercial uses to plumbing fixture showroom and related furnishings only;
and, accepting the applicant’s willingness to comply with the following:
1) No loading dock
2) Save trees per exhibit presented
3) Show the design of the retaining wall
4) Require boring to protect trees
5) Show renderings and elevations adjacent
to all residential areas
6) Increase detaining pond capacity
7) Lighting plan showing where and type
8) 8’ wood fencing with metal posts
9) Landscaping plan for the east side
10) Screen the dumpster area where visible
Item 7E: ZA06-032
OWNER: Foreman Lewis, Hutchison PC, and The Morrison Group
APPLICANT: Adams Engineering
REQUEST: Approval of a site plan for the development of a law office building of approximately 5,600 square feet on a lot of approximately 1.499 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2720 E. State Highway 114.
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 1.499 acres
Net Land Area: 1.499 acres
Square Footage: 5,600 sq. ft.
Required Parking: 23 spaces
Provided Parking: 25 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 43% (28,068 square feet)
Site Plan
Site Plan
Stacking req’d = 75’
Stacking prov. = 13’
Proposed Elevations
Proposed Elevations
P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting variances and abiding by the stipulations set in the approval of zoning case ZA06-031
Items 7F, 7G, & 7H: ZA06-040, ZA06-041, ZA06-092
OWNER: Greenway-1709 / Eleven Partners, LP
APPLICANT: DMS Architects, Inc.
REQUEST: 1) Approval of a zoning change and site plan from “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District and “B-1” Business Service Park District to “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District with “C-3”
General Commercial District uses.
2) Approval of a preliminary plat containing approximately 13.11 acres and proposing 3 lots for retail and office development.
3) Approval of a plat revision containing approximately 3.80 acres and proposing 2 lots for retail development.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2171 E. Southlake Boulevard.
Preliminary Plat
Zoning Change,
Site Plan, &
Plat Revision
E. Southlake Blvd
View looking North toward proposed development
E. Southlake Blvd
View looking West toward proposed development
Under the “S-P-1” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“C-3” General Commercial District uses and development regulations.
Site Data
Gross/Net Land Area: 3.80 acres
-2.03 acres (Lot 1)
-1.76 acres (Lot 2)
Number of Lots: 2 lots
Square Footage: 25,222 sq. ft.
-18,234 sq. ft. furniture retail (Lot 1)
-6,988 sq. ft. retail/restaurant (Lot 2)
Required Parking: 162 spaces
Provided Parking: 183 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 67% (111,061 square feet)
-72% (63,694 sq. ft.) (Lot 1)
-62% (47,367 sq. ft.) (Lot 2)
Previously Approved Site Plan
Site Plan
Site Plan
Stacking Depth:
Req’d = 75’
Prov. = ±53’
Stacking Depth:
Req’d = 250’
Prov. = ±237’
Stacking Depth:
Req’d = 500’
Prov. = ±490’
Tree Conservation Plan (Phase 1)
Preliminary Plat
Plat Revision
Public WorksPresentation
Existing Detention Pond (Carroll ISD property)
Preliminary Drainage – Overall
Preliminary Drainage – Ethan Allen
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to review; granting driveway stacking and spacing variances; exclude the following “C-3” uses: taverns, clubs, golf driving range, and
theatre; correct the tree conservation analysis plan to show proposed improvements for lot 2 and the offsite common access driveway; identify which trees will be saved and which will
be removed; and, show City Council intention for mitigating tree removal.
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to review.
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to review.
Items 7I & 7J: ZA06-049 & ZA06-050
OWNER: The LaHoda Group
APPLICANT: Adams Engineering
REQUEST: 1) Approval of a zoning change from “AG” Agricultural District to “SF-1A” Single Family Residential District.
2) Approval of a preliminary plat proposing the development of 1 residential lot on approximately 2.51 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 1801, 1815, and 1829 Our Lane (Private Drive).
View looking North toward proposed development
Site Data
Gross/Net Land Area: 2.51 acres
Number of Lots: 1 lot
Gross Density: 0.40 du/acre
Net Density: 0.40 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 2.51 acres (109,336 sq. ft.)
Preliminary Plat
*requesting variance to allow the lot to front on an existing private street
Public WorksPresentation
Utility Plan
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) as presented.
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to review and granting the requested variance.
Item 7K: ZA05-146
“S-P-1” Zoning Change and Site Plan
OWNER: Thomas Stephen / The White House Exe. Center, L.P.
REQUEST: Approval of a 2nd reading for zoning change and site plan for “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District zoning.
LOCATION: The property is located at 410 W. Southlake Blvd, at the Southlake Blvd entrance to Bicentennial Park.
“S-P-1” Zoning & Site Plan
Under the “S-P-1” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“C-2” Local-Retail Commercial District uses and development regulations
Side Yard – Not less than 10’ from the east property line
Masonry – Concrete tilt wall with a stained finish shall be permitted to comply with exterior masonry requirements
Site Data
Gross/Net Land Area: 1.35 acres
Number of Lots: 1
Total Square Footage: 12,548 sq. ft.
-2,200 sq. ft. restaurant
-9,998 sq. ft. retail
Parking Required: 72 spaces
Parking Provided: 65 spaces (10% reduction)
Impervious Coverage: 68% (246,398 sq. ft.)
Proposed Site Plan
Proposing 10’ Side Yard Setback
Req’d = 50’Prop. = 41’
Req’d = 250’
Prov. = 219’
Req’d = 250’
Prov. = 80’
*Requesting 10% reduction in parking
*Requires Access & Parking Agreement w/City
P&Z ACTION: Approved (6-0) Recommended approval preferring the S-P-1 plan also approving the alternate site plan and approving requested variances.
Item 7M: ZA06-099
OWNER: Wyndham Properties
APPLICANT: Avocado California Roll & Sushi
REQUEST: Approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2600 E. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 100.
View looking North toward lease space
Leasing Floor Plan
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to the term of the lease.
Item 7N: ZA06-101
REQUEST: Approval of a revised site plan. The purpose of this request is to revise the floor area of Building F from approximately 6,000 SF to a total of 6,666 and present final elevations
for buildings F and H.
LOCATION: The property is located at on the southeast corner of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll Avenue.
Revised Site Plan
Elevations for
Buildings F & H
Existing Elevations
For Building C
Existing Elevations
For Building F1
Existing Elevations
For Building G
Existing Elevations
For Building A3
*A variance is requested to allow the articulation and exterior materials as shown
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated June 30, 2006.
Item 7O: SP06-350
APPLICANT: George Foiles, Cencor Realty on behalf of Zales Corporation DBA Bailey, Banks & Biddle
LOCATION: 1221 E. Southlake Blvd.
REQUEST: Variance to the Conditional Sign Permit for the Shops of Southlake with respect to number of attached signs:
Location Map
Item 7P: ZA06-102
OWNER: City of Southlake
APPLICANT: Department of Parks & Recreation
REQUEST: Approval of a revised site plan for the installation of court lighting in Bicentennial Park.
LOCATION: The property is located at 450 W. Southlake Boulevard.
Area of Court
Light Pole Locations
View looking North toward Bicentennial Park Basketball Courts
Approximate location
and height (40’)
of proposed light poles
Site Plan showing location of proposed light poles
Proposed Lighting Details
Proposed Lighting Details –
Single court
Proposed Lighting Details –
All courts
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 and granting the requested variances to the Lighting Ordinance.
Item 8A: ZA06-054
OWNER: Richard Reutlinger
APPLICANT: Terra Land Management, Inc.
REQUEST: Approval of a zoning change and development plan from “C-2” Local Retail Commercial District to “TZD” Transition Zoning District.
LOCATION: The property is located at 425 W. Southlake Boulevard.
E. Southlake Blvd
Stratfort Parc
Lake Crest
Bicentennial Park
Comprehensive Plan Review
Consolidated Land Use Plan
Underlying Designation: Medium Density Residential and Office Commercial
Optional Designation: T-1 on the northern portion of the site
Underlying Designation
Optional Designation
Since the majority of the site is Medium Density Residential, the applicant is proposing to develop the site under the T-2 district guidelines (T-1 is primarily office & retail)
Purpose & Intent of T-2
The T-2 district is intended to consist of primarily single-family residential uses with limited non-residential near an arterial roadway
Adjacent to existing commercial development, existing neighborhoods, and have critical environmental resources identified to be preserved
Area ranging from 4 – 20 acres
T-2 Land Use Category
T-2 Land Use Mix
*Open Space includes 0.6 acres in retention/detention areas
Environmental Resource Protection
Protect and enhance critical environmental and natural features, with particular emphasis on trees and floodplains.
Encourage the use of native and adapted plants in landscaping.
ERP/Tree Preservation
Open Space/Pathways Plan
Proposed Cross-Section at the Neighborhood Edge
Proposed Cross-Section in the Neighborhood
Proposed Cross-Section at the Open Space
Traffic Impact
*VTPD = Vehicle Trips Per Day
Traffic Impact – Lake Crest Subdivision
*VTPD = Vehicle Trips Per Day
Anticipated Increase in Traffic on Londonberry Terrace
*VTPD = Vehicle Trips Per Day
Adjoining Land Use Plan Designations
Zoning & Development Plan Review
Gardens of Stratfort Parc
Proposed TZD Components
Proposed Schedule of Uses
Proposed Development Standards
Proposed Development Standards
Site Data Summary
*Open Space includes 0.6 acres in retention/detention areas
Neighborhood Edge
Neighborhood Edge Entry Feature
Proposed Office Use Elevation
Neighborhood Entry Feature
Proposed Residential Elevation
Proposed Residential Elevation
Other Considerations
Open Space Management Plan
Variances requested:
Block length
Allowance for parking in front of the rear office buildings
Project Schedule
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (3-2) subject to Development Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated June 30, 2006; recognizing the applicant’s willingness to increase the common access
easement from FM 1709; requiring the construction vehicles to enter and exit FM 1709 and not through Stratfort Parc; and, approving the development standards as presented.
Item 8B: ZA06-088
OWNER: Southlake 1709 Joint Venture
APPLICANT: Wilson & Stonaker
REQUEST: Approval of 1st reading for a zoning change and concept plan from “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with “O-1” Office District
LOCATION: The property is located at 300 Miron Drive.
E. Southlake Blvd
Miron Dr.
Miron Dr.
E. Southlake Blvd
Westmont Ct.
Westwood Dr.
Under the “S-P-2” zoning the applicant proposes the following:
“O-1” Office District uses and development regulations
Parking – The required number of parking spaces shall be 207 spaces, or equal to a 5% reduction in the required number of parking spaces
Carports – Carports shall be a permitted accessory use as shown on the concept plan. The following modifications are proposed to the development regulations specific to carports:
o The roof design shall be a low pitch shed roof
o The maximum number of parking spaces under a carport shall be 10 spaces
o A total number of 8 carport structures shall be permitted
Site Data
Gross/Net Land Area: 4.82 acres
Number of Lots: 1 lot
Square Footage: 44,045 sq. ft.
-19,820 sq. ft. medical office
-24,225 sq. ft. general office
Required Parking: 218 spaces
Provided Parking: 207 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 64% (134,401 square feet)
Concept Plan
Typical Carport Elevations
Typical Carport Elevations
Tree Conservation Plan
Existing Plat
Proposed Common Access Easements
P&Z ACTION: July 6, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to review and granting the requested variances.
Public WorksPresentation
Drainage Area Map