Item 5GZA06-096, Preliminary Plat for Johnson Place Estates
Item 5G
OWNER: MDC-Johnson Place Estates, LTD
APPLICANT: Jones & Boyd, Inc.
REQUEST: Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Johnson Place Estates, 54 residential lots and 5 open space lots on 43.51 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2440 Johnson Road.
Randol Mill Ave
Johnson Rd.
Hillside Estates
The Trailhead
View looking East at subject property
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 43.513 Acres
Net Land Area: 34.694 Acres
Area of R.O.W.: 8.819 Acres
Number of Lots: 59 lots
* 54 single family residential
* 1 city-dedicated park
* 4 open space
Open Space: 9.822 Acres / 22.57%
Gross Density: 1.241 du/acre
Net Density: 1.556 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 0.46 Acres (±20,038 sq. ft.)
City Council Approved Development Plan (May 2006)
Proposed Preliminary Plat
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 and stipulating that Block 5, Lot 8 will have a 40 foot setback.