Item 5FItem 5F: Acceptance of public art donations for Southlake Stampede longhorn and calf statues Several Stampede sponsors wish to reserve/purchase their sponsored longhorn/calf and then donate it back to the City as public art following the exhibit The Stampede Committee recommends the City pre-approve acceptance of these donations to encourage the program and the potential for obtaining public art pieces PAAC will review and approve all artist submissions, and will not accept the final artwork unless it conforms to the concept of the Stampede public art program Once a donation is received, the City has the option to display on public property or deaccesion (sell, trade, store, or dispose) the art work as per the Public Art Policy If the City sells the art work, the additional funds, per the Ordinance, are designated to go into the public art fund Parks Board would consider if recommended for permanent placement in a park The Public Art Advisory Commission reviewed and recommended for approval (7-0) at their July 25, 2006 meeting Staff is available for questions and seeks City Council direction