Item 10A8/23/2010
Item 10A
Proposed Consolidation of Jail and
Dispatch Services between the
Cities of Keller and Southlake
Improve overall public safety services to both communities
Improved sharing of police and fire data
Better utilization of building and technical resources
Improved compliance with national standards
Improved employee satisfaction and retention
Reduction in future personnel costs
Community Benefits
Increased dispatch staffing
Increased patrol availability
Improved fire dispatching
Improved data sharing
Better trained dispatchers
Community Similarities
Similar community demographics & customer service expectations
Shared radio system & contiguous border
Mutual aid compacts in place
Excellent working relationships
Matrix study supported concept
City Characteristics
City of Keller
19 Sq. Miles
35K - current
45K – Build-out
City of Southlake
22 Sq. Miles
25K - Current
32K - Build-out
City Benefits
Reduced construction costs (new facility)
Reduced personnel costs (jailers/dispatchers)
Secure interview room for CID
Improved data sharing
Shared technology costs
Shared radio system
Police/Fire/EMS mutual aid
Reduced liability (jail)
Projected reduced employee turnover
Implementation & Safeguards
Contract would start October 1, 2006 and run through September 30, 2016 (10 yrs.)
Option for an additional two automatic 5 year terms
Twenty-four month written cancellation notification clause for either city
Subsequent cancellation notification is 12 months for dispatch services and 24 months for jail services
Yearly notification of anticipated annual operating costs by July 1st each year
Performance Measures
Emergency calls dispatched in 1 minute or less 80% of time
Documentation maintained to industry standards to meet accreditation requirements
Monthly service reports detailing performance measures
Accurate maintenance of warrant records
Care, custody and control of all prisoners
Provide monthly service report detailing prisoner records and counts
Form a joint operational and technology standing committee (Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, IT managers, Dispatch Supervisor & Dispatch/Jail Manager)
Breach of contract clause
Dispute resolution clause
City Managers
Court appointed Mediator
Keller indemnifies and holds Southlake harmless against liability claims arising from services
Keller will have contingency if jail or dispatch center become unusable
Staff Transition
Conditional job offer on or before January 1, 2007
Staff transfers employment to Keller on April 1, 2007
One time payment to employees for accumulated vacation and compensatory time ($10,450)
One time to payment for up to 400 hours sick time for 1 employee with 20 years tenure ($7,500)
FY 2007 Operating Cost of Service
Dispatch (April 1) $396,922 (50%)
Jail (October 1) $120,421 (40%)
Administrative $57,540
Total $574,883
Estimated One Time Equipment and Configuration Costs
Furniture $27,300
Additional IT and
Phone Equipment $73,500
Labor / Configuration $55,500
Contingency $ 3,000
Total Estimate $159,300
Estimated FY 2007 First Year Cost
Operations $574,883
Start-Up $159,300
Total $734,183
Annual Operating Savings
Based on current operation annual savings of approximately $40k
Based on future staffing requirements annual savings of approximately $325k
Cost Avoidance
Delay/Avoid construction costs
Dispatch ($250 sq. ft. x 1000 = $250,000)
Jail ($275 sq. ft. x 2000 = $550,000)
Total cost avoidance $800,000