AUGUST 15, 2006
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Council Chambers in Town Hall
WORK SESSION: 5:00 to 5:30 p.m.
REGULAR SESSION: 5:30 p.m. or immediately following the work session.
Executive Session.
Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session.
INVOCATION: David Whitington, Christ Our King Church
4A. Mayor’s Report
1. Dove Marker tabletop presentation
4B. City Manager’s Report
1. Water Conservation
4C. Financial Report
5A. Approve the minutes of the August 1, 2006, regular City Council meeting.
5B. Authorize a Residential Developer’s Agreement with 4F development / EP4, L.P. for Estes Park, Phase IV, a 54-lot addition on the east side of N. White Chapel Blvd. and south of E.
Dove Rd.
5C. Authorize a Commercial Developer’s Agreement with Vermillion Office Park, L.P. for Vermillion Court Garden Offices, Lot 1, Block 1 at the northwest corner of W. Southlake Blvd. and
Vermillion Ct.
5D. Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting, Inc. for the update of pavement condition data for the City’s Pavement Management Application (PMA).
5E. Authorize the purchase of school zone flasher equipment from Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc.
5F. Accept public art donations for Southlake Stampede longhorn and calf statue(s).
5G. Authorize the award of bid to Automatic Data Processing, Inc. for payroll outsourcing.
5H. Authorize the award of bid to American Communications to purchase, deliver, and install 5 outdoor warning sirens in an amount not to exceed $134,326.65.
5I. This item intentionally left blank.
5J. Reject all proposals submitted for RFP.06.05A.151.GL.600121 related to the branding initiative project.
5K. Reject all proposals submitted for RFP.06.05A.151.SW.600115 related to the web site redesign and deployment project.
5L. Authorize the award of bid to Townscape, Inc., for the Urban Design Study.
5M. ZA06-105, Plat Vacation for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Callicott/Rhodes Farms Addition at 435 E. Dove St. Current Zoning: R-PUD. SPIN #5.
5N. ZA06-106, Plat Vacation for Lot 1, Larkin H. Chivers No. 300 Addition at 2135 N. White Chapel Blvd. Current Zoning: R-PUD. SPIN #5.
5O. Ordinance No. 480-JJJ, 1st Reading, An amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, to address requirements for septic systems.
5P. Ordinance No. 480-LLL, 1st Reading, An amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to the creation of the SF-2 Single Family Residential Zoning
5Q. Consider SP06-372, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B for City of Southlake 50th Anniversary Celebration.
5R. ZA06-107, Site Plan for Watermere at Southlake (f.k.a. Watermark at Southlake) at 2809 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #15. TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 19, 2006, PENDING
5S. ZA06-013, Specific Use Permit for a telecommunications antenna for Verizon Wireless at 620 S. Carroll Ave. Current Zoning: AG. SPIN #9. TABLED TO OCTOBER 3, 2006, PENDING ACTION
5T. Ordinance No. 480-481, 2nd Reading (ZA05-146) Zoning Change and Site Plan for Bicentennial Plaza at 410 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: C-2. Requested Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #10.
5U. Approve a reciprocal parking agreement with Bicentennial Retail Plaza, L.P. TABLED AT THE APPLICANT’S REQUEST TO THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2006, CITY COUNCIL MEETING.
5V. Consider SP06-362, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B for Bicentennial Plaza at 410 W. Southlake Blvd. TABLED AT THE APPLICANT’S REQUEST TO THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2006, CITY COUNCIL
5W. Ordinance No. 480-500, 2nd Reading, (ZA06-088), Zoning Change and Concept Plan for proposed Miron Grove Business Park, Lot 4R, Block 1, Miron Subdivision; at 300 Miron Dr. Current
5X. ZA06-089, Site Plan for Miron Grove Business Park, Phase 1, on Lot 4R, Block 1, Miron Subdivision. Current Zoning: S-P-2. Proposed Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #8. TABLED AND THE PUBLIC
5Y. Ordinance No. 480-480, 2nd Reading (ZA05-068), Zoning Change and Concept Plan for Southlake Crossroads (f.k.a. Carroll Crossroads) being a portion of Tract 4G, O.W. Knight Survey,
Abstract No. 899 at the southwest corner of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll Ave. Current Zoning: AG. Requested Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #9e. TABLED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED AT
5Z. ZA05-173, Preliminary Plat for Tracts 4G, 4D1, and 4E1, O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899. The property is approx. 19.3 acres located approx. 340’ west of the southwest corner
of S. Carroll Ave. and E. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: AG. Proposed Zoning; S-P-2. SPIN #9e. TABLED AT THE APPLICANT’S REQUEST TO THE SEPTEMBER 5, 2006, CITY COUNCIL MEETING.
5AA. Ordinance No. 480-499, 2nd Reading, (ZA06-054), Zoning Change and Development Plan for The Gardens at Stratfort Parc, Tract 3A, H. Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, at 435 W.
Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: C-2. Requested Zoning: TZD. SPIN #14. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN AT THE APPLICANT’S REQUEST.
Public Forum.
7A. Consider placing a proposal to adopt a tax increase and to hold a public hearing on the tax rate on the agenda of the September 5 and 19, 2006, regular City Council meetings. PUBLIC
7B. Ordinance No. 876-A, 2nd Reading, Amending Ch. 4.5, “Buildings and Building Regulations,” of the Southlake City Code to update, revise, and clarify the standards and regulations
that apply to substandard buildings in conformance with legislative amendments and to provide for civil penalty as permitted by law. PUBLIC HEARING
7C. ZA06-075, Site Plan for Lots 1 and 4, Block 1, River Oaks at 2502 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #15. PUBLIC HEARING
7D. ZA06-076, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-10, Block 1, River Oaks at 2502 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #15.
7E. ZA06-091, Site Plan for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition at 2801 and 2821 E. S.H. 114. Current Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #7. PUBLIC HEARING
8A. Ordinance No. 480-451, 1st Reading (ZA06-097) Zoning Change and Development Plan for Camden Park at 515, 545 and 565 Randol Mill Ave. Current Zoning: AG. Requested Zoning: R-PUD.
SPIN #13.
There are no items on this agenda.
10A. Authorize and Interlocal Agreement with the City of Keller for jail and dispatch services.
10B. Approve a contract with Sam Houston State University for a license and master agreement for the CRIMES Law Enforcement Module in the amount of $45,000.
10C. Consider SP06-357, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B for Dry Clean Super Center at 1957 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100.
11. There are no items on this agenda.
12. Meeting adjourned.
ITEM 5BEstes Park IV Residential Developer’s Agreement
Estes Park IV
54-Lot Subdivision – Located East of North White Chapel Boulevard and South of East Dove Road.
Infrastructure Includes
5,350 LF of public roadway
6,500 LF of public water line
5,750 LF of public sewer line
3,650 LF of public storm drain
Standard agreement drafted by City Attorney
Estes Park Phase IV
Site Location
Estes Park Phase IV
Estes Park Phase IV
ITEM 5CVermilion Court Garden OfficesLot 1 Block 1 Commercial Developer’s Agreement
Vermilion Court Garden Offices, Lot 1, Block 1
Garden offices located at the northwest corner of West Southlake Boulevard and Vermillion Court.
Infrastructure Includes
85 LF of public water line
Standard agreement drafted by City Attorney
Vermilion Court Garden Offices
Site Location
Vermilion Court Garden Offices
Item 5DProfessional Services Agreement
Stantec Consulting
Scope of Work
Collection of pavement condition data
Upgrade of current software
On-site training for new software
Annual Software Maintenance Agreement
Compensation Summary
Pavement Condition Update - $34,247
Software and Data Conversion - $12,720
Total Fee - $46,967
ITEM 5EAuthorize Purchase of School Zone Flasher Equipment
School Zone Flashers
Inter-local Agreement - City of University Park
approved by Council – July 18th
University Park – Consolidated Traffic Controls
School zone flasher equipment
Operating software
School Zone Flashers
Cost to Provide
Based on University Park unit bid prices - $44,475
Funding is available in FY 06 budget
Item 5F:
Acceptance of public art donations for Southlake Stampede longhorn and calf statues
Several Stampede sponsors wish to reserve/purchase their sponsored longhorn/calf and then donate it back to the City as public art following the exhibit
The Stampede Committee recommends the City pre-approve acceptance of these donations to encourage the program and the potential for obtaining public art pieces
PAAC will review and approve all artist submissions, and will not accept the final artwork unless it conforms to the concept of the Stampede public art program
Once a donation is received, the City has the option to display on public property or deaccesion (sell, trade, store, or dispose) the art work as per the Public Art Policy
If the City sells the art work, the additional funds, per the Ordinance, are designated to go into the public art fund
Parks Board would consider if recommended for permanent placement in a park
The Public Art Advisory Commission reviewed and recommended for approval (7-0) at their July 25, 2006 meeting
Staff is available for questions and seeks City Council direction
Item 5GAward of bid to Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Award of Bid
On April 18, 2006 City Council approved a mid-year budget amendment to outsource the payroll processing;
Current process is extremely inefficient where there is triple entry of the same data between individual departments and finance;
This was also an area of high importance from the IT study;
Award of Bid
Bids were solicited from five nationally recognized vendors;
Only two bids for service were received;
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP)
Award of Bid
Each vendor provided three references who were contacted by city staff;
A product demonstration was also conducted for 10 management and non-management staff;
Award of Bid
The following factors and weighted emphasis was used to evaluate the bids;
Pricing 30%
Implementation 15%
Training 15%
Support 20%
Ease of Use 20%
Award of Bid
ADP emerged the best value for the city with a score of 2.55 out of 3;
Annual amount of contract totals $20,554;
The term of the contract is 5 years with 1 year renewal options at the conclusion of each year;
Item 5HAward Warning Siren Bid
Scope of Work
Five total sirens : Bob Jones Park, Bicentennial Park, DPS East, DPS West and Southlake Sports Complex
Specific siren type (Whelen 2910 series)
Mounted on 60 ft spun concrete poles
Tone alert radios for 12 CISD Schools
Installation, Testing and Training
Total Cost $134,326.65 (10% Contingency budget)
Budgeted amount $193,000
Sirens (5), Installation, training and testing
Tone Alert Radios (13)
Radio Repeater (1)
Computer (1)
Estimated Timeline
August 15th : Recommendation to City Council
August 16th : Notify vendor of award
August 18th : Vendor orders new equipment
September 1st – 30th: Project planning, permits, exact site locations and schedule of construction
December 1st -30th: Installation, testing and acceptance
January 17th : Sirens Operational
Whelen 2910
Etched Color Samples +$1,700
Questions or ConcernsPlease Contact
Ross Korkmas
Item 5J
Branding Initiative
Rejection of All Proposals
July 28: Three (3) proposals were received
One proposal was non-responsive to RFP
Staff evaluated the other two against the requirements of the RFP and found them to be inconsistent or lacking on a variety of topics
Recommendation: Reject all proposals
Branding Initiative – Rejection of All Proposals
New Scope of Work
Add branding component to website
Include scope of services to include Marketing Services associated with anticipated Hotel Occupancy Tax budget
Re-issue combined RFP
Allow collective or individual responses
Branding Initiative – Rejection of All Proposals
New Timeline
August 2006: City Council rejection of proposals
September: Advertising begins for new RFP with website, branding, and hotel tax marketing scopes of services
October: Proposals due
October-November: Proposals reviewed
December: Recommendation to City Council for award of Branding component
March 2007: Completion
Branding Initiative – Rejection of All Proposals
Branding Initiative – Rejection of All Proposals
Item 5K
Reject RFPs for Website
Redesign & Deployment
May 19, 2006: Request for Proposal (RFP) Advertising begins
June 9: Proposals due, six (6) proposals were received
June - July: RFP review, company research and bid tabulation, demonstrations of Content Management Systems (CMS)
August: Request rejection of all proposals from City Council
Website Redesign & Deployment
Several proposals deemed non responsive to required submittals in RFP
Inconsistencies with Scope of Services requirements
Reasons for Rejection
Website Redesign & Deployment
New Scope of Work
Add branding component to RFP
Re-issue RFP with Branding RFP
Include scope of services to include Marketing Services associated with anticipated Hotel Occupancy Tax budget
Three year maintenance/hosting contract with annual renewal options
Website Redesign & Deployment
New Timeline
August 2006: City Council rejection of proposals
September: Advertising begins for new RFP with website, branding, and hotel tax marketing scopes of services
October: Proposals due
October-November: Proposals reviewed
December: Recommendation to City Council for Website Design & Deployment
March 2007: New Website launched
Website Redesign & Deployment
Website Redesign & Deployment
Item 5L
Authorize the award of bid to Townscape Planning, Inc., for the Urban Design Study.
Scope of the Urban Design Study
Creation of a Median Concept Plan for Southlake Blvd. and Davis Blvd.;
Pedestrian crossing concepts for Southlake Blvd.;
Coordination with a separate Branding / Image study being carried out by the City, and the incorporation of key branding concepts into the Urban Design Plan;
Streetscape Concepts including planting and street furniture for SH 114, Southlake Blvd. and Davis Blvd., with illustrative typical conditions; and
Entry and Landmark feature concepts.
RFQ Process
Issued RFQ in April 2006
The City received 4 consultant qualifications from the following firms:
Carter & Burgess;
Townscape Inc.;
Sage Group; and
TBG Partners.
Consultants were interviewed on May 26 and May 30, 2006
Townscape Planning Inc. was selected based on interviews and relevant experience
Details of the Urban Design Study
Cost is $79,853 in consulting fees
Project kick-off in September 2006 and completion before May 2007
Consultant will work with staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop recommendations
City Council will be given periodic updates on the status of the study
Final study will come before Council after P&Z recommendations
Urban Design Study
Townscape Inc., is a national town planning and urban design firm that creates achievable visions for livable communities through plans, standards and designs.
Kimley-Horn and Associates is a leading consultant in the planning of regional and statewide transportation systems.
The team of Townscape Inc., and Kimley-Horn will provide the city the needed expertise in urban design, streetscape design, median planning, and financing to create and implement a successful
urban design plan.
Items 5M and 5N - ZA06-105 & ZA06-106
REQUESTS: ZA06-105 – Approval of a Plat Vacation for Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Callicott / Rhodes Farms Addition
ZA06-106 – Approval of a Plat Vacation for Lot 1, Larkin H. Chivers No. 300 Addition
LOCATION: The property is located at 435 Dove Rd & 2135 N. White Chapel Blvd.
= ZA06-105 Plat Vacation
= ZA06-106 Plat Vacation
= ZA06-105 Plat Vacation
= ZA06-106 Plat Vacation
Callicott/Rhodes Farm Addition
Lot 1 L. H. Chivers No. 300
Estes Park
Phase IV
ZA06-105 – Plat Vacation
ZA06-106 – Plat Vacation
Final Plat
Approved Development Plan – Estes Park Overall
Approved Development Plan
Estes Park Phase IV
Approved Development Plan – Estes Park Phase IV
Items 5M and 5N - ZA06-105, & 106
P&Z ACTION: Approved (7-0) on Consent subject to review summaries.
Item 5OOrdinance 480-JJJ
Requirements for On-Site Septic Systems
Current ordinance requires 1 acre per residence for an on-site septic system
Requirement may negatively impact sites with environmental limitations such as steep grades, drainage easements, and proximity to floodplains and floodways
Proposed Amendment
Clarifies that the 1-acre requirement for on-site septic systems shall exclude the following (Section 33.14):
Any areas in any flood plains as identified on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM);
Any areas in any drainage and flowage easements; and
Any areas having topographical limitations as regulated under the standards for on-site sewage facilities in the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 285.
Item 5POrdinance 480-LLL
Creation of the SF-2 District
Lack of an intermediate zoning district between RE (5 acres) and SF-1A (1 acre)
Limits transition options between rural land uses and SF-1A neighborhoods
Need for additional options for sites with environmentally sensitive resources
Proposed SF-2 District
Lot size: minimum of 2 acres (87,120 s.f.)
Permitted uses and development standards (setbacks, lot coverage, height): same as SF-1A
Accessory structure standards- the sum total of all accessory structures on the lot shall not be:
greater than a 1,000 sq.ft for every acre of lot area; and
greater than the principal structure on the lot.
Item 5Q:
Consider SP06-372, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B for City of Southlake 50th Anniversary Celebration
OWNER/APPLICANT: City of Southlake
LOCATION: Northeast corner of N. Carroll Ave. and F.M. 1709
REQUEST: Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B for maximum area and duration of banners:
The City as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration is requesting to display three banners over public streets: two over Main Street and one over Grand Avenue.
The banners will have grommets and will be attached to brackets that are built into the buildings (awaiting written approval from Town Square).
A fourth banner is shown on the exhibits and will be displayed on the pavilion in Rustin Park.
Staff is available for questions and seeks Council direction
Item 7B
Ordinance 876-A
Property Maintenance Ordinance
Original Ordinance # 697 was amended in 2004 as Ordinance #876.
This amendment was required to comply with legislative changes.
Recent litigation has required further clarification of the Ordinance.
To Clarify procedures, burdens and remedies; providing for the repair, demolition, removal, securing, and vacation of dangerous and substandard buildings.
Determination by Building Official
Amendment requires a listing of the deficiencies on the notice issued to the property owner
Public hearing for Abatement of Substandard Buildings
City has burden of proof to establish that structure is not in compliance with applicable codes and is substandard.
Owner has burden of proof to establish scope of work required to comply with article, time needed for repairs, and financial ability to perform work
Order of the Building Board of Appeals
The order now must contain
A description of each of the ordered actions, including a statement that the owner may repair, if determined feasible by the board, or demolish or remove, the building at his option;
A statement that the city will vacate, secure, remove or demolish the building and/or relocate the occupants of the building if the ordered action is not taken within the time allowed,
and charge the costs of such actions to the owner, and impose a lien against the property for all such costs
Enforcement of the Order of Building Board of Appeals
Amendments to the enforcement section now include
If the order not complied with, city may take action as provided herein. If the building is not vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demolished within the time specified by the order,
the city may vacate, secure, repair, remove or demolish the building or relocate the occupants at its own expense, provided however:
Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Chapter, the city may not act to remove or demolish a building until after the board has found that such defects or conditions exist to
the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public or the occupants of the building are endangered; and either that
a. The building is infeasible of repair; or
b. There is no reasonable probability that the building will be repaired within a reasonable period of time if additional time is given.
Civil penalty
Amended language for issuing a citation now requires the notice to include
A statement that the building official has determined that the property owner committed an act in violation of that order, or failed to take an action necessary for compliance with that
order, together with a description of the acts that violated the order, or a description of what actions the owner failed to take that were necessary for compliance with the order
Items 7C & 7D, ZA06-075 & ZA06-076
OWNER & APPLICANT: Realty Capital Corporation
REQUEST: 1) Approval of a Site Plan (ZA06-075) for proposed Lots 1 & 4, Block 1, River Oaks (Formerly Stonebridge Park Phase II)
2) Approval of a Preliminary Plat (ZA06-076) for Lots 1-10, Block 1, River Oaks.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2502 W. Southlake Boulevard.
Site Plan
Preliminary Plat
Subject Property
View looking north toward property
Lot 1 Lot 4
Site Area: 37,897 sq. ft. 92,783 sq. ft.
0.87 acres 2.13 acres
Proposed Building Area: 5,771 sq. ft. 8,869 sq. ft. (total)
Required Parking: 30 spaces 46 spaces
Provided Parking: 36 spaces 62 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 65.1% 41%
(Maximum 65%)
City Council Approved Concept Plan
City Council Approved Concept Plan
Conceptual Elevations Previously
Approved by City Council
Council Conditions of Concept Plan Approval
Eliminate retail uses on Lots 3 and 4
Certificate of occupancy (CO) to be issued after Council approval of landscape plan
Retention pond to be an aesthetic feature of the development
Applicant bring renderings of the wall and screening (entry features) along the Southlake Blvd. parking lots.
Proposed Site Plan – Lots 1 & 4
Location ofproposed stop signs
Proposed Site Plan – Lot 1
Entry feature elevations
as required by City Council
Proposed Elevations – Lot 1
Proposed Site Plan – Lot 4
Proposed Elevations – Lot 4
Proposed Elevations – Lot 4
Conceptual Lighting
Approved by City Council
Proposed Lighting
Proposed Lighting Features
Lighting Locations
ZA06-076 Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 - 10
Site Data
Gross Land Area: 12.27 Acres
Net Land Area: 11.29 Acres
Area of R.O.W.: 0.98 Acre
Number of Lots: 10 lots
Open Space: 0 Acres / 0%
Gross Density: 1.227 du/acre
Net Density: 1.129 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 0.886 Acre
Preliminary Plat
ZA06-075 & ZA06-076
P&Z ACTION: ZA06-075, July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated July 14, 2006.
ZA06-076, July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated July 14, 2006.
Public WorksPresentation
Site Serviced by a 12” Waterline
Site Serviced by a 12” Sewer Line
Preliminary Utilities
Preliminary Drainage
Item 7E, ZA06-091
OWNER: Wyndham Properties & Inland US Management
REQUEST: Approval of a site plan for Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2801 & 2821 State Highway 114 East.
Subject Property
View looking North toward proposed development
View looking west toward proposed development
View looking south across SH 114 E Access Road at Lot 2
View looking south across SH 114 E Access Road at Lot 1
Lot 1 Lot 2
Site Area: 60,024 sq. ft. 47,403 sq. ft.
1.38 acres 1.09 acres
Proposed Building Area: 12,194 sq. ft. 8,050 sq. ft.
Required Parking: 61 spaces 41 spaces
Provided Parking: 61 spaces 45 spaces
Impervious Coverage: 71.44% 71.56%
(Maximum 80%)
City Council Approved Concept Plan - 1998
Proposed Site Plan
Variance requestedfor articulationalong this facade
Proposed Elevations – Lot 1
Variance requestedfor articulationalong this facade
Item 7E, ZA06-091
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (5-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006 and granting the variance to the articulation on the east side of the building
on Lot 1.
Public WorksPresentation
Site Serviced by a 12” Waterline
Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Gateway Plaza Addition
Sites Serviced by Existing Sewer Lines
Utility Plan
Drainage Area Map
Item 8A, ZA06-097
OWNERS: Barker, Loggins, and JD Tanner & Associates / Four Peaks Development
APPLICANT: Four Peaks Development
REQUEST: Approval of a Zoning Change and Development Plan (ZA06-097) for proposed Camden Park. The current zoning is “AG,” and the requested zoning is “R-PUD” for 8.85 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 515, 545, & 565 Randol Mill Avenue.
Subject Property
View looking North at proposed Camden Park
Randol Mill Ave
View looking West at proposed Camden Park
Randol Mill Ave
Site Data – Zoning Change / Development Plan
Gross Land Area: 8.85 Acres
Net Land Area: 7.51 Acres
Area of R.O.W.: 1.34 Acres / 15.14%
Number of Lots: 17 Lots
* 14 single family residential
* 3 open space
Open Space: 1.37 Acres / 15.48%
Gross Density: 1.58 du/acre
Net Density: 1.86 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 19,000 sq.ft. or 0.44 Acre
Minimum Lot Size: 16,000 sq.ft. or 0.37 Acres
Under the “R-PUD” zoning, the applicant proposes the following:
This Residential Planned Unit Development shall abide by the “SF-20A” Single Family Residential Zoning District and the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended, with the following
Lot Area: 16,000 square feet.
Front Yard: 25 feet.
Side Yard: 10 feet.
Side Yard Adjacent to a Street: 15 feet.
Lot Width: 100 feet, except Lots 6-11 as shown on Development Plan.
Rear Lot Width: A rear lot width of 125 feet adjacent to certain lots shall not apply.
Buffer Lots: Buffer lots adjacent to certain lots shall not apply.
Street ROW width of 40 feet with 28 feet wide street section back of curb to back of curb
Street Stub – Street stubs shall be provided into adjacent property. The applicant is requesting a waiver from the street stub requirement.
Street R-O-W - In addition, applicant has to request a variance to the street R-O-W requirement of 50’ for residential streets to allow the proposed 40’ streets
Proposed Development Plan
Tree Conservation Plan
Site Data – Preliminary Plat
Gross Land Area: 11.99 Acres
Net Land Area: 10.65 Acres
Area of R.O.W.: 1.34 Acres / 15.14%
Number of Lots: 19 Lots
* 16 single family residential (14 new and 2 existing)
* 3 open space
Open Space: 1.37 Acres / 11.42%
Gross Density: 1.33 du/acre
Net Density: 1.50 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 0.58 Acre
Proposed Preliminary Plat
Proposed Preliminary Plat
Not included in zoning change
Item 8A, ZA06-097
P&Z ACTION: July 20, 2006; Approved (4-1) subject to Development Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 14, 2006 and granting the variances for street stub and street R.O.W. as requested.
Public Works Presentation
Site Serviced by 6” Water Lines
Site Serviced by an existing 8” Sewer Line in Myers Meadow
Preliminary Utility Plan
Drainage Area Map
Connect to existing 42” storm drain in Myers Meadow
Item 10C, SP06-357
APPLICANT/OWNER: Kwik Industries
LOCATION: 1957 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100
REQUEST: Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-B with respect to maximum letter size for attached signs:
Location Map
Site Plan
73 ft
Proposed Sign
Proposed Sign
Proposed Sign
Existing Elevation
Adjacent Sign
24 inch letters;
variance granted February 2006
Item 10A
Proposed Consolidation of Jail and
Dispatch Services between the
Cities of Keller and Southlake
Improve overall public safety services to both communities
Improved sharing of police and fire data
Better utilization of building and technical resources
Improved compliance with national standards
Improved employee satisfaction and retention
Reduction in future personnel costs
Community Benefits
Increased dispatch staffing
Increased patrol availability
Improved fire dispatching
Improved data sharing
Better trained dispatchers
Community Similarities
Similar community demographics & customer service expectations
Shared radio system & contiguous border
Mutual aid compacts in place
Excellent working relationships
Matrix study supported concept
City Characteristics
City of Keller
19 Sq. Miles
35K - current
45K – Build-out
City of Southlake
22 Sq. Miles
25K - Current
32K - Build-out
City Benefits
Reduced construction costs (new facility)
Reduced personnel costs (jailers/dispatchers)
Secure interview room for CID
Improved data sharing
Shared technology costs
Shared radio system
Police/Fire/EMS mutual aid
Reduced liability (jail)
Projected reduced employee turnover
Implementation & Safeguards
Contract would start October 1, 2006 and run through September 30, 2016 (10 yrs.)
Option for an additional two automatic 5 year terms
Twenty-four month written cancellation notification clause for either city initial
Subsequent cancellation notification is 12 months for dispatch services and 24 months for jail services
Yearly notification of anticipated annual operating costs by July 1st each year
Performance Measures
Emergency calls dispatched in 1 minute or less 80% of time
Documentation maintained to industry standards to meet accreditation requirements
Monthly service reports detailing performance measures
Accurate maintenance of warrant records
Care, custody and control of all prisoners
Provide monthly service report detailing prisoner records and counts
Form a joint operational and technology standing committee (Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, IT managers, Dispatch Supervisor & Dispatch/Jail Manager)
Breach of contract clause
Dispute resolution clause
City Managers
Court appointed Mediator
Keller indemnifies and holds Southlake harmless against liability claims arising from services
Keller will have contingency if jail or dispatch center become unusable
Staff Transition
Conditional job offer on or before January 1, 2007
Staff transfers employment to Keller on April 1, 2007
One time payment to employees for accumulated vacation and compensatory time ($10,450)
One time to payment for up to 400 hours sick time for 1 employee with 20 years tenure ($7,500)
FY 2007 Operating Cost of Service
Dispatch (April 1) $396,922 (50%)
Jail (October 1) $120,421 (40%)
Administrative $57,540
Total $574,883
Estimated One Time Equipment and Configuration Costs
Furniture $27,300
Additional IT and
Phone Equipment $73,500
Labor / Configuration $55,500
Contingency $ 3,000
Total Estimate $159,300
Estimated FY 2007 First Year Cost
Operations $574,883
Start-Up $159,300
Total $734,183
Annual Operating Savings
Based on current operation annual savings of approximately $40k
Based on future staffing requirements annual savings of approximately $325k
Cost Avoidance
Delay/Avoid construction costs
Dispatch ($250 sq. ft. x 1000 = $250,000)
Jail ($275 sq. ft. x 2000 = $550,000)
Total cost avoidance $800,000
Item 10 B
City Council approval of a contract with Sam Houston State University for a license and master agreement for the CRIMES Law Enforcement Module in the amount of $45,000.
Item 10 B
Several of our previous management studies have identified issues with the current public safety software.
Proposed contract with Keller for dispatch and jail consolidation also initiates a review of the current public safety software package.
Item 10B
Keller is adopting the CRIMES package
We have been following the progress and development of the CRIMES package since 2004.
The consolidation of dispatch and jail services will be enhanced by a common software package.
The change in software will also save the city money and will improve productivity and data analysis by the police department.
Staff recommends approval of this contract.