Item 4K (2)Item 4K ZA07-143
APPLICANT: Stephen Oren
REQUEST: Approval of a zoning change and concept plan from “SF-1A” Single Family Residential District to “SF-2” Single Family Residential District for a single platted lot of approximately
4.48 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2050 Shady Oaks Drive.
W. Dove St
Shady Oaks
State Highway 114
View looking north toward property
Site Exhibit
Item 4K ZA07-143
P&Z ACTION: November 8, 2007; Approved (7-0) subject to the staff report as presented.
Public WorksPresentation
Item 4L ZA07-127
APPLICANT: DeCavitte Properties
REQUEST: Approval of a Plat Revision for the subdivision of an existing 2.45-acre lot into two single-family residential lots of 1.225 acres each.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2001 Morgan Rd.
Morgan Rd
Sleepy Hollow Trl
Tuscan Ridge
Randol Mill Ave
View looking north toward property
View looking south toward property
Site Data
Gross/Net Acreage: 2.45 acres
Number of Lots: 2 single family residential lots
Gross/Net Density: 0.82 du/acre
Average Lot Size: 1.225 acre (53,361 sq. ft.)
Plat Revision
Tree Conservation Plan
Item 4L ZA07-127
P&Z ACTION: November 8, 2007; Approved (7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 2, 2007.
Public WorksPresentation
Item 4M ZA07-140
OWNER: Dennis & Janet Walsh
APPLICANT: Kenny Anderson Construction
REQUEST: Approval of a Plat Revision to reduce the size of the drainage easement along the western property boundary.
LOCATION: The property is located at 410 S. White Chapel Blvd.
S. White Chapel Blvd
Stratfort Parc
View looking north toward property
Plat Revision
Plat Revision
Existing Easement Limit
Proposed Easement Limit
The drainage channel has been constructed
as part of the Gardens at Stratfort Parc.
Item 4M ZA07-140
P&Z ACTION: November 8, 2007; Approved (7-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 2, 2007.
Public WorksPresentation
Item 6B ZA07-063
OWNER: Mary Wilson
APPLICANT: Boscoe Construction
REQUEST: Approval of second reading for a Zoning Change and Development Plan from "AG" Agricultural District and “C-2” Local Retail Commercial District to “R-PUD" Residential Planned
Unit Development District. The plan proposes the development of 12 single-family residential lots and 1.31 acres of open space on approximately 9.14 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at the southwest corner of N. Carroll Avenue and E. Dove Street.
E. Dove St
N. Carroll Ave
Estes Park
Carroll Middle School
View looking north toward property
View looking east toward property
View looking south toward property
Previously Submitted Development Plan
Previously Submitted
Development Plan
Previously Submitted Tree Conservation Plan
Previously Submitted Tree Conservation Plan
The P&Z Commission discussed the following issues at the first P&Z Commission meeting:
Increase the open space area, specifically along N. Carroll Avenue
Lower the density of the development
Enlarge the lots along the western property boundary adjacent to the “SF-1A"
Following the last Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on this item, the applicant revised the plan:
From 13 single family residential lots to 12, reducing the density from 1.42 du/ac to 1.31 du/ac.
The open space along N. Carroll Avenue has been widened and an additional area was added along E. Dove Street at the end of the cul-de-sac, increasing the total open space from 0.94
acre (±10%) to 1.45 acres (±16%).
Additionally, the regulation removing the minimum 125’ rear lot width required on buffer lots were eliminated.
The “R-PUD” zoning proposes to comply with the “SF-20A” Single Family Residential District permitted uses and development regulations with the following exceptions:
Minimum Lot Width = 90 feet
Buffer Lots = Buffer lots adjacent to certain lots shall not apply
Overall Site Data
Original Plan Revised Plan
Gross Acreage: 9.14 acres 9.14 acres
Area of R.O.W.: 0.94 acres 0.77 acres
Net Acreage: 8.20 acres 8.37 acres
Number of Lots: 13 single family 12 single family
2 open space 2 open space
15 lots 14 lots
Open Space: 0.94 acre (10.0%) 1.31 acres (16%)
Gross Density: 1.42 du/acre 1.31 du/acre
Net Density: 1.59 du/acre 1.43 du/acre
Avg. Lot Size: 0.49 acre 0.50 acre
(21,413 sq. ft.) (21,794 sq. ft.)
Revised Development Plan
Pedestrian Access
4 ft sidewalk
Revised Tree Conservation Plan
Place holder for additional revised plans
View looking west across N. Carroll Avenue at entrance to Winfield Estates
View looking northeast at retention pond area and future roundabout
View looking south across E. Dove Street at
sidewalk entrance & cul-de-sac of Winfield Estates
Item 6B ZA07-063
P&Z ACTION: September 20, 2007; Denied (5-2) (Morin and Faglie dissented)
Item 6B ZA07-063
COUNCIL ACTION: October 2, 2007; Approved first reading (6-0):
Development Pan Review Summary No. 5 dated September 14, 2007;
The applicant’s representations made this evening;
Noting there will be no front entry garages;
Bring a new tree survey which:
Clearly Identifies the Marginal and Quality Trees
Quantifies the caliper inches to be saved removed and added to the site
Evaluates and quantifies the number of blue trees which can be
or have been changed to green and providing an explanation on
why any cannot be saved.
6) Provide minimum 4” caliper canopy trees;
7) Provide better renderings of the entry, fencing and open space.
8) Provide a new drainage plan
9) Subject to this handouts provided this evening;
10) Make sewer available where possible;
11) Provide a new Landscape Plan for City Council’s review;
12) Work with TXU to place utilities underground
Public WorksPresentation
Proposed 8-inch water line
Proposed 8-inch sewer line
Utility Plan
Drainage Plan
Revised Development Plan
Place holder for additional revised plans
View looking along south
property line from N. Carroll Ave
View looking south along N. Carroll
Ave from existing drive
View looking south along N. Carroll
Ave toward adjacent lot
View looking north along N. Carroll
Ave from adjacent lot to the south
Items 6C & 6D ZA07-108 / ZA07-109
APPLICANT: Calloway’s Nursery, Inc.
REQUEST: Zoning Change and Concept Plan/Site Plan for "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "O-1" Office District uses to include "retail nursery" as a permitted use on proposed
Lot 12R.
The plan proposes a retail nursery of approximately 5,392 square feet and a general office building of approximately 12,000 square feet on two (2) lots totaling approximately 6.14 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 100, 200, & 300 Parkwood Drive .
Northwood Park
Parkwood Drive
E. Southlake Blvd
S. White Chapel Blvd
View looking north toward property
View looking east toward property
Item 6C ZA07-108
"O-1" Office District uses and development regulations to include "retail nursery" as a permitted use on proposed Lot 12R;
The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the total lot area for proposed Lot 12R;
The total required parking for proposed Lot 12R shall be 85 spaces;
The natural tree cover shall be permitted in lieu of the required 8-foot screening device adjacent to single family residential property for proposed Lot 13R.
The “S-P-2” zoning proposes to comply with the “O-1” Office District permitted uses and development regulations with the following exceptions:
Item 6C ZA07-108
Site Data
Gross/Net Acreage: 6.14 acres
Number of Lots: 2 lots
Number of Buildings: 2 buildings (1 retail nursery building and 1 general office building)
Square Footage: 12,000 sq ft (office)
5,392 sq ft (retail)
17,392 total square feet
Open Space: 50.5% (134,943 sq. ft.)
Impervious Coverage: 49.5%
Concept Plan / Site Plan
Concept Plan / Site Plan – Variance Request(s)
Driveway Stacking:
Required: 100 ft
Provided: 92 ft
North Elevation – Retail Building
West Elevation – Retail Building
Shade Structure Elevation – Retail Landscape Yard
Landscape Plan
Retaining Wall Exhibit
Tree Conservation Plan
Item 6C ZA07-108
P&Z ACTION: Approved (6-0) subject to site plan review summary;
1) Approving requested variances;
2) Applicant agrees to only use Southlake Blvd. for
construction access;
3) Storage of bagged goods (not for sales display) will be in
the southwest corner of the nursery yard and will not
exceed the screening wall height;
4) Bagged goods displayed for sale will not exceed what is
needed for daily sales.
Item 6C ZA07-108
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved first reading (6-0):
subject to the representations made by the applicant this evening; noting that the stone on the building and on the columns on the fence will be similar to what is shown in
the photo; subject to the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission; noting applicant’s agreement that the area shown on the southern end of the property will
have no storage, no earthwork, no tree removal and will only be passive uses; accepting applicant’s agreement to review the burying of utilities along the FM1709 frontage by
the second reading; accepting applicant’s agreement to look at and provide the screening shrubs underneath the trees along Parkwood Drive with a side elevation of both that
landscaping as well as the landscaping along FM1709;
continued on next slide…
Item 6C ZA07-108
accepting applicant’s agreement to provide options for the pergola posts; requiring applicant to provide colored sketches of the storage area showing the loading/unloading
area and the sidewalk; applicant has indicated the front area will be for decorations and will not have sale items; specifically granting the variance for driveway spacing;
applicant to review the west area to determine if some red cedars could be saved; and subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated October 12, 2007.
P & Z Recommendation Exhibit
Covered Storage Area for
bagged goods, not to exceed
screening wall height
Bagged goods displayed for sale, not on the sales floor is not to exceed
what is needed for daily sales
Plat Revision (ZA07-109)
Item 6D ZA07-109
P&Z ACTION: October 18, 2007; Approved (6-0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated October 12, 2007.
Public WorksPresentation
Drainage Plan
Item 6E ZA07-138
APPLICANT: Ram Interest, LP
REQUEST: Ram Interest, LP is requesting approval of a zoning change from "S-P-1“ Detailed Site Plan District to "S-P-1“ Detailed Site Plan District and site plan for Commerce Business
LOCATION: The property is located at 275 through 325 Commerce Street.
View looking east toward site
View looking east toward site
View looking southeast toward site
This site shall comply with all conditions of the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to the Commerce Business Park uses and regulations
with the following exceptions:
The following uses shall be permitted:
All “I-1” Uses and to include following additional uses:
1.Hobby shops
2.Furnishings-Household and office
3.Bicycle shops
4.Antique shops
5.Silk flowers manufacturing and sales
6.Flooring sales and service
7.Lighting sales and service
8.Fabric sales and service
9.Design Center-Home and office
10.Indoor Commercial Amusement Center as specified by attached support information
Development Regulations:
Shall comply with the “I-1” development regulations and as shown on the attached Site Plan Exhibit.
Parking for Indoor Children’s Entertainment 65 parking spaces per 80 children, 7 staff members and 24,000 square feet of floor area.
Site Plan
Item 6D ZA07-138
P&Z ACTION: Approved (5-1) (Wang dissented) subject to review as presented.
Item 6D ZA07-138
COUNCIL ACTION: November 6, 2007; Approved first reading (5-0) as presented.
Item 6F ZA07-141
APPLICANT: Southlake Church of Christ
REQUEST: Approval of a Revised Site Plan to add outdoor sports lighting in the south and southeastern activity areas according to the plan.
LOCATION: The property is located at 2417 W. Southlake Blvd.
W. Southlake Blvd
David Blvd (FM 1938)
View looking north toward property
Revised Site Plan
Revised Site Plan
Requesting variance to 5 ft sidewalk requirement
Lighting Exhibits
1) High Pressure Sodium or similar lighting type is required, metal halide is proposed.
2) Maximum lighting intensity permitted is 20 foot- candles, a maximum of ±50 foot-candles is proposed
Item 6F ZA07-141
P&Z ACTION: November 8, 2007; Approved (6-1) (Peebles dissented) subject to staff report as presented and granting the requested variances.
Place holder Item 6F2nd Reading Tree Preservation Ordinance 585-D
Item 7B ZA07-106
OWNER: Vision Southlake Development, LLC
APPLICANT: Sage Group, Inc.
REQUEST: Approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan from “AG” Agricultural District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with “O-1” Office District, “O-2” Office District, and
limited “C-2” Local Retail Commercial District uses to include a ‘hotel’ use by Specific Use Permit on Parcel D. The plan proposes the development of an office park with limited retail
uses on twelve (12) lots totaling approximately 14.45 acres.
LOCATION: The property is located at 600 N. Kimball Ave.
N. Kimball Ave
Gateway Church
View looking north toward property
View looking west toward property
S-P-2 Zoning
Under the “S-P-2” zoning, the applicant proposes the following permitted uses and development regulations:
Permitted Uses
Phase 1, Parcel B, Parcel C, and Parcel E shall be limited to the permitted uses and development regulations of the “O-1” Office District
Parcel A shall be limited to the permitted uses and development regulations of the “C-2” Local Retail Commercial District with the following uses being deleted:
Cleaning, dying, and pressing works;
Laundry and laundromats;
Duplicating service, printing, lithographing, mimeographing, multi-graphing and offset printing;
Tires, batteries and automobile accessory sales
Permitted Uses (cont.)
Parcel D shall be limited to the permitted uses and development regulations of the “O-2” Office District to include the “HC” Hotel District uses of a ‘hotel’ with the following specific
Motels shall not be allowed;
Hotels shall be of a “full-service” type only, having:
a minimum area of 300 sq. ft. per guestroom;
(a) a full service restaurant with full kitchen facilities providing service to the general public; or (b) a kitchen on the premises in which meals are prepared by the management; or
(c) a concessionaire of the management for room service delivery;
on site staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours per day;
a minimum of one thousand (1,000) square feet of meeting or conference room(s)
A Specific Use Permit shall be required.
Development Regulations
The side setback shall be ten (10) feet between all internal lot lines only
The shall be no bufferyard requirements along interior lot lines
The maximum impervious coverage for the overall “S-P-2” boundary shall be 65%; however, the maximum impervious coverage requirment shall not apply to individual lots within the boundary
Required parking for all built uses shall be provided within the “S-P-2” boundary; parking requirements for individual lots shall not apply
Buildings within Parcel E shall be limited to one story in height
Site Data
Phase 1 Overall “S-P-2” Boundary
Gross Acreage: 3.22 acres 14.45 acres
Net Acreage: 3.02 acres TBD
Number of Lots: 6 lots 12 lots
Square Footage: 31,484 sq. ft. TBD
Uses: General Office Office, Retail, & Hotel (w/ SUP)
Parking Required: 110 spaces TBD
Parking Provided: 119 spaces TBD
Open Space: 25% (34,702 sq. ft.) Proposing a minimum of 35%
Impervious Coverage: 75% (96,891 sq. ft.) Proposing a maximum of 65%
Concept / Site Plan
Item 9: Zoning/Concept Plan/Site Plan for Kimball Lake Office Park
Driveway Spacing:
Req’d = 250 ft
Prov. = 224 ft
Driveway Spacing:
Req’d = 250 ft
Prov. = 107 ft
Driveway Stacking:
Req’d = 75 ft
Prov. = 32 ft
Driveway Stacking:
Req’d = 75 ft
Prov. = 15 ft
*Requesting variance to regulation that all
Lots have street frontage for four (4) lots.
Proposed Building Style
Location Map
Elevations – Buildings A & C
Courtyard Elevation
Outside Elevation
West Elevation
East Elevation
Location Map
Elevations – Buildings B & D
Courtyard Elevation
Side Elevation
Kimball Avenue (East) Elevation
West Elevation
Location Map
Elevations – Buildings E & F
Courtyard Elevation
Outside Elevation
Side Elevation
Side Elevation
Tree Conservation Plan
Landscape Plan
Screening Concepts
Item 7B ZA07-106
P&Z ACTION: November 8, 2007; Approved (7-0) Phase one only which specifically excludes parcels A through E; approving variances for driveway spacing; addressing stacking by removing
2 to 3 spots on the north side; relocating the handicapped parking spot to the south driveway; adding landscape island to the southeast parking row; limiting phase one to 65% impervious
coverage; granting street frontage variance; and, subject to staff review summary.
Public WorksPresentation
Phase I (Site Plan) Utility Plan
Existing 12” Waterline
Proposed 8” Waterline
Existing 12” Sewerline
Proposed 8” Sewerline
Conceptual Overall Utility Plan
Drainage Plan
Item 9A SP07-232
APPLICANT: Willow Creek Signs on behalf of PetSmart
LOCATION: 200 Village Center Drive
REQUEST: Variance from the Sign Ordinance 704-C attached sign regulations for number of signs and maximum sign area.
Home Depot
~460 feet
Sign Locations
Previously Approved Signs
State Line Tack sign has been removed
Existing Signs
Previously Proposed Signs
Previously Proposed Signs
Red will match
48 inch letters
Previously Proposed Signs
Previously Proposed Signs
Revised Proposal
Revised Proposal – Replace “PetSmart” Sign
Revised Proposal – “PetSmart” Illumination Options
Revised Proposal – “PetsHotel” Sign
Revised Proposal – “PetsHotel” Illumination Options
Adjacent Signs
24 inch letters; 38.5 inch logo
Variance granted October 2003
24 inch to
66 inch letters
Examples of Other Retailers with Multiple Signs
Item 9B SP07-347
LOCATION: 1516 East Southlake Boulevard
REQUEST: Variance from the Block 22 Southlake Town Square Master Sign Plan requirements for awning signs. The applicant is proposing an awning sign on the north elevation and the south
elevation of the lease space.
Site Plan
Which Wich
View of North Awning
View of North Awning
Proposed Sign
12’ 9”
Proposed Sign
Logo is 32” tall by 72” wide
View of North Elevation
View of South Elevation
Adjacent Signs - North
Adjacent Signs - South
12” letters
Adjacent Signs - South
Examples of Other Awning Signs in Town Square
8” letters
9.5” logo; 4.5” letters
21” logo
14” logo
Examples of Other Awning Signs in Town Square
Item 9C SP07-396
APPLICANT: Diamond Signs Inc. on behalf of Modia Home Theater Store
LOCATION: 3030 East Southlake Boulevard
REQUEST: Variance from the Sign Ordinance No. 704-C requirements for attached signs.
Site Plan
Proposed Sign
Allowed Logo Height = 24.4”
Requested Logo Height = 38”
Existing Sign – Day View
Existing Sign – Evening View
Existing Sign – View from Southlake Blvd. Sidewalk
View Showing Adjacent Signs
Adjacent Signs
38 inch letters
Adjacent Signs
30 inch letters
65 inches
Item 9D SP07-320
APPLICANT: Cristina’s Fine Mexican Restaurant
OWNER: Shafer Plaza XXV Ltd.
LOCATION: 2707 East Southlake Boulevard
REQUEST: Variance from the Sign Ordinance No. 704-C requirements for attached signs to allow 2 awning signs.
Site Plan
Awning Details
4 inch font
12 feet
8 feet
Text = 2.67 sq.ft.
West Elevation
North Elevation
Awning Photograph (North Elevation)
Existing Sign – East Elevation (No Awnings Proposed)
Adjacent Signs
12 inches
16.5 inches
Adjacent Signs
14 inch letters
Adjacent Signs
16 inch letters
Signs in Adjacent Development
24 inch letters
(Variance approved September 2005)
24 inch letters
(Variance approved April 2004)