2010-04-27 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 7/27/10 1 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING 2 Southlake Town Hall 3A 3 1400 Main Street 4 Southlake, Texas 76092 5 6 April 27, 2010 7 MINUTES 8 9 Arts Council Members Present Jeff Walter, Chair; Leslie Bartlett, Vice Chair; Jonathan 10 Calvert; Karen Chidiac; Deborah Frazier; Merlene Ingraham; Carol Knox and Terri 11 Messing 12 13 Arts Council Members Absent Fariba Parmer 14 15 Staff Members Present Jim Blagg, Assistant City Manager; Kerry McGeath, Deputy 16 Director of Community Services; Cynthia Pfledderer, Public Services Manager 17 18 Others Present Robin Snyder; Jane Flury 19 20 REGULAR SESSION: 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order: 23 24 Chair Walter called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 2. Conduct In- Service Session on Art Selection: 27 28 Chair Walter noted the work session would end at 6pm. He requested that questions be 29 held until the end of the presentation. Ms. Messing suggested making notes for later 30 questions and review of projects. 31 32 Ms. Messing presented the submissions from various selected artists with minimal 33 questions and discussion from the Arts Council. The Arts Council was asked to consider 34 the vehicular approach to the roundabout, the length of time a driver would be viewing 35 the art, the interest that is piqued versus the length of time a driver must concentrate on 36 the road and the best placement for each selected piece. 37 38 REPORTS: 39 40 Agenda Item No. 3A. Administrative Comments: Call to Artists 41 42 Mr. Blagg outlined the timeline for the selection process. 43 44 May 25 No meeting 45 June 8 Meeting moved from May 25; final selections will be made 46 June 22 Meeting cancelled Will meet June 8 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes April 27, 2010 Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 7/27/10 1 July 20 Finalists' works are presented to City Council during work session 2 July 27 Community online input begins 3 4 If issues arise, the schedule will be adjusted as needed. 5 6 Ms. Messing hopes that final selections will be made tonight so concept drawings can 7 be requested and received for the June 8 meeting. She congratulated the 8 Subcommittee on a job well done in narrowing the 32 applications to 21 finalists. 9 10 Agenda Item No. 3B. Administrative Comments: APEX Concert Update 11 12 Ms. Messing and APEX have been working on a back -to- school concert scheduled for 13 the Saturday before school starts. They would like to make it an annual event. The 14 Southlake Arts Council name will be on the event. The City will be an upfront sponsor 15 meaning that the concert will be a budgeted item. The City will be a paying partner for 16 the concert rather than reimbursing APEX. A contract will need to be signed in May with 17 the performer. 18 19 Agenda Item No. 3C. Administrative Comments: Southlake Arts Council Terms Expire 20 21 Place 2 is vacant. Terri Messing (Place 4), Jeff Walter (Place 6) and Carol Knox 22 (Alternate 2) terms expire at the end of May. Art Council members continue in service 23 until such time as the City Council appoints replacements. Applications were included in 24 the Art Council packet. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 3D. Administrative Comments: Arts Master Plan RFQ Update 27 28 Deputy Director McGeath noted that a two week extension was given from the previous 29 due date. One of the groups had a member pass away and needed time to reform. The 30 AMS group (reformed) was the only group that sent a packet. 31 32 CONSENT AGENDA: 33 34 Agenda Item No. 4A. Consent: Approval of minutes from the March 23, 2010 Southlake 35 Arts Council meeting 36 37 A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the minutes for the 38 March 23, 2010 meeting. 39 40 REGULAR AGENDA: 41 42 Agenda Item No. 5. Public Forum 43 44 Public Forum was opened at 6:15 pm and as there was no one to speak was closed at 45 6:15 pm. 46 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes April 27, 2010 Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL 7/27/10 1 Agenda Item No. 6A. Consider There were no items for this meeting. 2 3 DISCUSSION AGENDA: 4 5 Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion: Review of Roundabout Art Submissions 6 7 The Arts Council began round two of consideration of the finalists. Ms. Messing 8 described the procedure the Council will use. 9 10 Mr. Walter commented that he liked the art that provided different views as the 11 roundabout was approached from the various directions. 12 13 The Arts Council reviewed the projects and voted. Tabulations were kept by Ms. 14 Messing, Mr. Blagg, and Mr. McGeath. 15 16 A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to name the finalists for the 17 roundabouts. The finalists will have a letter sent that details the process for final 18 selection. 19 20 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment 21 22 The next meeting is Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 23 7:15 p.m. 24 25 28 Jeff Walter, C r 29 30 Attek' 31 32 33 34 35 Ke McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services 36 37 A RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY. 38 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Minutes April 27, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Sign -in Sheet July 27, 2010 6:00 pm Training Room 3A (3 Floor) Members: 400 Leslie Bartlett (Place 1) I w Jon Calvert (Place 3) Karen Chidiac (Place 5) Deborah Frazier (Place 7) Terri Messing (Place 4) V Jeff Walter (Place 6) I 1 Vacant (Place 2) Alternates: Merlene Ingraham (Alt 1) i Carol Knox (Alt 2) Fariba Parmer (Alt 3) Staff: Kerry McGeath Jim Blagg Guests: