2010-04-12OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/10/10 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: 2 April 12, 2010 3 4 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall City Council Chambers 5 1400 Main Street 6 Southlake, Texas 7 8 Board Members Present: Chair John Slocum; Secretary Julie Landesberg; and Board 9 members Margaret Adams, Sherry Berman, Bill Packer, Kevin Smith and Tina 10 Wasserman 11 12 Board Members Absent: Vice Chair Ken Goodman and Elaine Cox 13 14 Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services, and 15 Community Services Assistant to the Director Candice Sanders 16 17 Guests: None 18 19 REGULAR SESSION 20 21 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Slocum at 22 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present. 23 24 REPORTS 25 26 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 27 28 Director Tribble presented the administrative comments. 29 30 A. Construction Management Report A written report of current park projects was 31 included in the meeting packet. Staff responded to questions about the site plan 32 for North Park, progress of the Dove Trail and Liberty Sheltonwood Park. 33 34 B. Parks and Recreation Board Terms Expire Terms will expire in May for Park 35 Board members Goodman, Berman, Adams and Packer. Anyone wishing to 36 reapply to the Parks Board or another City board must complete an Application 37 for Appointment and submit it to the Office of City Secretary. 38 39 CONSENT AGENDA 40 41 Aaenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Parks and 42 Recreation Board meeting March 8, 2010 There were no corrections to the minutes. 43 44 Aaenda Item No. 3B. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Members 45 There were no absences to consider at this meeting. 46 47 A motion was made to approve the minutes from the March 8, 2010 meeting. Minutes of the April 12, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 3 Pit Minutes of the April 12, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/10/10 1 Motion: Wasserman 2 Second: Berman 3 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith, and Wasserman 4 Nays: None 5 Abstention: None 6 Vote: 7 -0 7 Motion carried. 8 9 REGULAR AGENDA 10 11 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum 12 13 Mike Mills, 1528 Main Street, Southlake, thanked the Community Services Department 14 park maintenance workers for their help with the softball fields for the recent Southlake 15 Crusaders senior softball team games. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Recommendation to City Manaaer reaardina request to 18 allow wine at the Bob Jones Nature Center Preserve during the opening of the "Rock 19 the Green Revolution" exhibit and the facility's 2 Anniversary event Friday. April 16. 20 2010 According to City Code, Parks Rules and Regulations prohibit alcoholic 21 beverages in City parks; however, the City Manager may issue special permits or grant 22 variances to the provisions of this ordinance upon the recommendation by the Park and 23 Recreation Board. The Bob Jones Nature Center Organization (BJNCO) requested a 24 variance to allow wine to be served at the April 16 event at the nature center. BJNCO 25 had met the requirements to obtain additional insured coverage for the City and a 26 temporary permit from the TABC. The Board discussed the request. 27 28 Debra Edmondson, President, Bob Jones Nature Center Preserve Organization, 29 spoke in favor of the variance and explained why the request was sought. 30 31 Emily Galpin, representative from Bob Jones Nature Center Preserve Organization, 32 was also present in support of the variance to allow alcohol at the event. 33 34 A motion was made to make a recommendation to the City Manager to approve the 35 request from BJNCO for a variance to allow wine to be served during the April 16, 2010 36 "Rock the Green Revolution" exhibition kickoff and 2 anniversary of the facility event. 37 Motion: Berman 38 Second: Smith 39 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith, and Wasserman 40 Nays: None 41 Abstention: None 42 Vote: 7 -0 43 Motion carried. 44 45 A memo will be forwarded to City Manager Shana Yelverton tomorrow for her 46 consideration. 47 Motion carried. 1 Other non aaenda items: 2 3 Irving Safety Town The City of Irving is also working to improve their Safety Town 4 feature, similar to what will be constructed in Southlake. 5 6 May Parks Board Meeting The Board will meet at 5:30 p.m., May 10 at the Gateway 7 Church to tour the facility prior to the regular Parks meeting. 8 9 Agenda Item No. 6. Adiournment 10 11 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm. 12 Motion: Adams 13 Second: Wasserman 14 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Landesberg, Slocum, Packer, Smith, and Wasserman 15 Nays: None 16 Vote: 7 -0 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 i irect_ or, Community Services 27 28 John locum, Chair OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 5/10/10 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. Minutes of the April 12, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 3