2010-03-08 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 4/12/10 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: 2 March 8, 2010 3 4 LOCATION: Department of Public Safety Headquarters 5 DPS- CCPD 4th Floor Board Room 6 600 State Street 7 Southlake, Texas 8 9 Board Members Present: Chair John Slocum; Vice Chair Ken Goodman; Secretary 10 Julie Landesberg; and Board members Margaret Adams, Sherry Berman, Elaine Cox, 11 Bill Packer, Kevin Smith and Tina Wasserman 12 13 Board Members Absent: None 14 15 Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services; Kari Happold, 16 Deputy Director of Community Services; and Community Services Assistant to the 17 Director Candice Sanders 18 19 Guests: None 20 21 REGULAR SESSION 22 23 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Slocum at 24 7:15 p.m. A quorum was present. 25 26 REPORTS 27 28 Agenda Item No 2. Administrative Comments 29 30 Director Tribble presented the administrative comments. 31 32 A. Construction Management Report - A written report of current park projects was 33 included in the meeting packet. The construction projects were reviewed and 34 staff responded to questions. 35 36 B. Royal and Annie Smith and Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Parks Grand Openings 37 - Grand opening ceremonies for both parks will be held Friday, March 26, 2010. 38 The ribbon cutting ceremony for Royal and Annie Smith Park will be held at 39 10:00 a.m., followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:00 a.m. at Liberty Park 40 @ Sheltonwood. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. at Liberty Park at 41 Sheltonwood. Invitations have been sent to the boards and commissions. 42 43 CONSENT AGENDA 44 45 Agenda Item No 3A Consent: Approval of the minutes from the special Parks and 46 Recreation Board meeting February 1, 2010 - A correction was made to the minutes on 47 Page 1, line 45 to read "903 Jenny Terrace." 48 Minutes of the March 8, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 4/12/10 1 Agenda Item No 3B Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Parks and 2 Recreation Board meeting February 8, 2010 - There were no corrections to these 3 minutes. 4 5 Agenda Item No 3C Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Members - 6 The Parks Board excused the absence of Kevin Smith from the March 8, 2010 meeting. 7 8 A motion was made to approve Consent Items 3A-3C. 9 Motion: Wasserman 10 Second: Adams 11 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith, 12 and Wasserman 13 Nays: None 14 Abstention: None 15 Vote: 9-0 16 Motion carried. 17 18 REGULAR AGENDA 19 20 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum - No one was present to address the Board during 21 Public Forum. 22 23 Agenda Item No 5A Discussion: Guidelines for Park Acceptance - Chair Slocum lead 24 the discussion to receive the Board's feedback on a draft proposal of guidelines for 25 acceptance of park land. It was recommended that a Mobility Plan be added to the 26 Ordinance. Board members suggested the authority to accept park land be the "Director 27 and/or the Parks Board" rather than "director only." A suggestion was made to remove 28 references to carry-over portions since that provision is no longer relevant. The Board 29 also discussed various land increment sizes and whether a half-acre minimum tract was 30 sufficient to accept or if the minimum size should be increased. 31 32 Agenda Item No 5B Discussion: Multipurpose Facility Feasibility Study - Director 33 Tribble presented the objectives of the Study and related the feedback received from 34 the various boards during the Stakeholder meetings held March 1, 2010. Park Board 35 members requested adding the following items to their slide presentation: activities pool, 36 volleyball, multi-use gym space, and large outdoor pavilion with grills and courts. The 37 Board would also like to tour some area multipurpose facilities. 38 39 Agenda Item No 5C Discussion: Parks Board Work Group Reports - This item is 40 placed on the agenda to allow for the Board to receive information on the progress of 41 each of the subcommittee work groups as needed. 42 43 Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment 44 45 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. 46 Motion: Cox 47 Second: Smith Minutes of the March 8, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 4/12/10 1 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Slocum, Packer, Smith, 2 and Wasserman 3 Nays: None 4 Vote: 9-0 5 Motion carried. 6 7 8 9 John Slocum, Chair 10 11 12 f 13 i ~14 Chri~T bl irector, Community Services 15 16 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. Minutes of the March 8, 2010 Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 3