W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695 (Lot 3C) - ROW (2) ~ r....' l ;, City of Southlake ' ' j Office of the City Secretary L J1~ /trC ~F ~ Dr ozc. ;;3QZ tf...r...6 I (r, '.: ~__e 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ~ STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ CERTIFICATION TO COpy OF OFFICIAL RECORD I, Lori A. Farwell, City Secretary for the City of Southlake, Texas, a municipal corporation, in the performance of the functions of the Office of City Secretary, hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 745 with Exhibits A through F, are full, true, and correct copies ofthe documents as the same appears of record in the Office of City Secretary. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City of Southlake, Texas, this 28th day of January, 2004. ,t't1IHlih'Ie't """ u THLq III", .... "'':.........-\"(I' '. ~ ~ .:- /. .' '.' ," . 0- 'o~. · "fill :: .. * ..~-:. fI,l :: >- . ~ )(. ': t,?V'- =.-: :>: . ~ '0 \ j en ~on A. Farwell ~ .... .... fCity Secretary ...."", ........... ..."... "" ,....'" '" * * il "" "'1',...."" Sworn to and subscribed before me on the J'D day of ~, 2004. \\'"" ""I, ,,\' GAt]".,.,'", ," Q :.......... 0 "~ f ~~...~-4. f'UB{;"...'V ~ ~ <,i"'f'~" \. ~ -0:(.0 C/l.- = .....:z \ ~: = ....... ':- : \.(\.. ~:,,= -:. . ... - t;qTE o~ rv0/ [j ~ ~ ..... eX"\':'" rv ~ ~ ~ .......... bt " "'" UGUS\ "~,, 111""11\\\ 6JlM\JY1 ~ f) . ~-H-OVL Notary Public State of Texas 1400 Main Street Suite 270 . Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 481-1490 . www.cityofsouthlake.com D2.DQD53J8B. p{j I L3 OFFICIAL RECOR This document is re-recorded at the Deed'ofRecords, Tarrant County to include. Exhibits A-F CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 745 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING PORTIONS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTIES ARE UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; RESERVING A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE QillTCLAIM DEEDS RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSIDP INTEREST AND CONTROL OF THESE RIGHTS-OF- WAY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue, located in the City of Southlake, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to reserve a ten (10) foot public utility easement along certain portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue; and WHEREAS, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said rights-of-way, the City desires to execute quitclaim deeds releasing all title, ownership and control in said rights-of-way to the owners of the abutting properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: fJ2IYl053J88. Pa 2 ~" ~;. Section 1. Portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll Avenue, more specifically described in Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", and "P" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. They constitute a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by their vacation and abandonment. Accordingly, the above described rights-of-way are hereby vacated and abandoned as public property, except a ten (10) foot public utility easement reserved by the City and described in Exhibits "C", "D", "E", and "P" referenced above. The described rights-of-way shall revert in fee simple to the owners of the abutting properties. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute quitclaim deeds to the following persons or entities: 1) Mendez, Ltd. for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "A" and "B"; 2) Juergen P. Strunck for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "C" and "D"; and 3) Cooper and Stebbins for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "E" and "P", releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of these rights-of-way, on behalf of the City of SoutWake, Texas. The quitclaim deeds for Juergen F. Strunck and Cooper and Stebbins shall reserve a ten (10) foot public utility easement, as described in Exhibits "C", "D", "E", and "P" referenced above. Section 3. Copies of said quitclaim deeds shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. b2()JD53JBB - P&8 Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it so ordained. PASSEIJ7/~~(APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON TillS OF d ' 1999. ~~- \\\\ i \II 1 II/! II/I/. ~,\\'\ oUTHt. I/,I~ ~ c:, ....eou.....;tf L ~ ~ ~ 0'- .o~t..,(\. ~ ::::: 0.. * ..."" ::::, ;:: ~ .... ~ :E)..: \--': =1-= :m= ;:-: :><~ ::.0\ ::A'::::- ~ 0 c'r-. ;:: ~ eo ,,'VJ~ ~... .- ~ ~ .OG.....e... ~ ~/1. *** \\~'" 1111/11 11111 \\ \\\'\ /f DAY ATTEST: .~Al~~ cITY SECRETARY I PASSED ANDfPROVED ON SECOND READING ON TIDS DAY OF 1111/ ,1999. \\ \\\\ 1I11111f "I/., ~~\'\ 0 U r H ;II/~ ~~, C?> ........./..J'J ~ .;::. ~ ~o' a..~7L ~ ~ 0 ..' e~;/~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~ ~ ::: ~ : ~.... ~ =1-1 i-\;: - -. .m- go~ ;~~ ~ \. l:A ~ ~ .... ...e Cj ~ ~ .C1e"e.e......1lI ~ ~1. *** \\~'" 1'111111111111 \\\\\, EFFECTIVE: ~uuJ ~ /111 ED AS TO FORM D LEGALITY: ..~ CITY ATTORNEY // /;/ .. ~- ATTEST: ~At0~ CITY SECRETARY RETURN TO: CITY OF SOUTHlAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULEVARD SOUTHlAKE. TEXAS 76092 D 2a1D53 J BB - PC 1 .;::r D199176147 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N lNG-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -.- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 199323288 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY I PRINTED DATE TIME 07/13/1999 08:16 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199176147 WD INDEXED TIME 19990713 08:16 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 13.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IJ 2D4053/88 . Pa 6 (/) (CJ W t") 1-0 ~ <(0 .h UN;:(CJ Owg~ (/)S,....~ (/)(/)~!8 <(OX 0 >w ... O..Jt-~ ZCD:i:::E <(~O(CJ :::E t- O'l ~~~9 :c~~~ 1-0 U'l <(!f1 ~ W 10 :c ~ u , \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ I \ llJ ~ ","" 't--'t-- , c..o CO. C\J0, o 't-- 0, CO lI) o '" ~ ~ .oJ ..... I- 0 WI') t::. z -5 - ,S o "., \_-- \Q :0, I~ ,0, Ic..o I't-- I I I IllJ ~ I"'"' "- I~ 10 10 I~ I I I I I I :m \ 10 V . ~ > ~ ..J ..J " ~ ~ ~ U . Z \ \ \ \ \ 0-(1)"'::; ::lcO", 000.- '- ....J Ui . t:> ,..... 0'> ,......, - Vl 0... -'-' E .c X " uUCI-~ 0-,-,-< "CO '-(1) '-m 1-u..",(1) r-.::x.-.: (1) 0 '- 0 ..c'<;j-O> I- 0... \ \ \ ~ t-,; L... Of:: ~~ :5~ h'- V'lQ:l ~~ ~o.: t-,; . OJ <:"" 0"1 ~ EJ ' V'lc5 ~:::. V)~ ~'<l: ~~ ~e ...J \ \ w ~ \ "3"" \ :::: 0\01 ... 1'0 Ln \' ... "1"' \~ ... 000 o 1'0... p .... omrr>r--: 0"1"' II 1'0 t co Lnr-- . \ O. "1"'10LO "'-~~1'0 11\11 II ...J II \ II W OJ :\-:l D::--.JOI-U,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ C'\JCX) 0)-.- sCJCX) . Q) <.0 -.- Q._r---.. ~ () f...,.:::::. 1'1 1'<')-..JQ)x'-'- ~ f...,.: ~ ...... ~CJ 0) l> ~ -..J Q)~ ~ CJ"t) ~tv') I I..... c:: ~ CJ C'\J r--Q)~_-.- ~I'<'):S-...: -.- ;:) 0 0::::,.. V) ~ ~ <( Oui" ({ C C III .2 0 ..... . 1Il.- 0 " III "0 o.c I t1) - III ::l .....::l.....o "'" e~ 0.6, I a. 0 >, () ;: III " Q) Q) .c III .c a..... ~ .... 0 C 1;; '0 l5.. 0 'c;,.c Q) Q) Q) ...., ..... " a:: Q) Q) 0 o 5 ~ E "u>'>, (f) Q) Q) III W,,>> I- .......... <{ >, ::l ::l -.Q III III U III III 0 o ......- ::l (f)Q).c.... (f).c....() <{coo o " C Z . III 0 <{IIlC ~:3 E :::!!' t1) a. 0 <{ I- 'C ..... I () ..... I-OIllC Z <{ t1) 0 o W III ~ 'Iii f= 5 "0 g, ':; <{.....V)~t U 0 a. G: t1) " ::l f= E:5 6~ a:: 0..... 0 w:5ogg u 0 .....:;:; Ul\. Q) 0 () ..... '" .c >, ,_ Q) ':!' U Q) g- a. 0: '>,,>, 0--1..... E >- ::l () W ,~ (f) 'E ..... >""0.Q) """'Oeo-o '-'- W 0 ..... c ~ __ --1 0'> ::l .... .... ~ CO - I X w + l!-(f) (}) .L 0-0 (/)0 LnLO 0"1"' 00 ...J ~t:j " ~ ~(5 ~~ .. NO 1..0 ()I LP 1~ ~ $~ .~ ... ... ,;.- <-"1...0 o \.0 <-" lfI ... ~0 · 7 ____~ ------~~ ... ... \ \ "1"'... "'-1'0 ... 1'0 I CO I NI"JI o 1'0 01 CO Z \ \ Exhibit A DWl0531 "'''-':~~l~j''ld Exhibit 'B' Being a 0.046 acre tract ofland in the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of South lake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract conveyed to Mendez LTD., as recorded in Volume 1234?, Page 1818 (D.R.T.C.T.) and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron pin found in the north property line of said Mendez LTD. tract, said point also being the southeast comer of a tract conveyed to Southview Joint Venture II, as recorded in Volume 9994, Page 1954 (D.R.T.C.T.); THENCE EAST, along the north property line of said Mendez LTD. tract, for a distance of 19.61 feet to the northeast comer of said tract, said point being in the existing west right-of- way line of North Carroll Avenue; THENCE SOUTH, for a distance of 169.59 feet to a point in the east property line of said Mendez L YD. tract and in the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue, said point being in a curve to the left having a radius of 1,050.00 feet, a chord bearing S 13024' 39" E, and a chord length of 68.70 feet, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing along said curve, for a distance of 68.74 feet to a point; THENCE WEST, for a distance of 33.33 feet to the southeast corner of said Mendez LTD. tract, said point being in the existing west right-of-way line of North Carroll A venue; THENCE NORTH, for a distance of 126.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.046 acres, more or less. G:\OO 1-232\232-12r.doc June I, 1999 Exhibit B D2D4D5318B - Pr!I ? .... <( ::: I- - co - I >< w l() l() C) --- ~ I <.0 gl()~C) :::Jl()C)C'\J --- ~ C) <.0 ",' C:ltn---I'..."-- fvJ . ~ l()~ tw..o~<.o t)c::ca fvJ I......Q). ~<.o f-..: C))~~-...: I...... '" '_ 0 Q).......::::.:::::.. :::J Q) 'J Q t) G ~ I- 2___ W :::2: w t/) <( w >- I- 0--< -1 0--< I- ::JI- CH~t/) .- W .0::: OOU Wt/)<( t/) DiV"lCO CL lIHO 0010 0::: .. . CLNO + 4-{f) (J.) .L .- 0"0 :f:l: (/)0 I- r'-N Z L()n w :::2: ...- n w "N t/) 0 <( ...-0 W >- I- 0--< -1 0--< I- ::J I- Ou.:t/) .- W .0::: OOU wt/)<( t/) Genco D..~c..o DenG 0::: .. . D..NO \ \ I- ~ \ VilO <(. WN r0 ..--\ \\ ~~ .... ~ -.l Q. Nlu net: .~ L()a 01 V') N~ ~ 2 lu W~ .... ~ .... -.l r'-2: ...-::::, C:l ...-V') ~ \ \ \ >-.. co ~ " \..0 C) " '- '- kif:: ~~ Cl:: ~e ~~ :::Jt'\J '-0..: ~ ll)" 3::lC "') lulC 2:-.i C) ~~ C)....: '-> [;3<<<: lI1(::: <<<: Cl:l-~ lI")U ,,~ ~Cl:: ~t;; Cl:lL...: ~~ I ~eJ c~ E~hibit C ~ o C) C) V') '-- \ o <0 (() W f-o 0:) <(0 J, ON;:: co owg~ (()~,....C:: (f)VJ~~ . <(oxo +" >w~ ..... 0-'... ~ .... 0 zroz"~ Wt"')<(~oco ~" ~t;~ ~-'zo z -5 <( .:,j I - .~ :c ~ ~ ~li'l 1-0 <(~ ~ ~ ~ o o I') l!l o . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ () tp \ \ \ Q) \ I...... t) :::J \)-0') tn ~ c:: (j s 0 OCQ f-.- Q) C'\J ~ ~'"\..., t) 0 :t:-J '"\..., :::J 0 tn ~ g~ , f :2:;:; ~-g (I) .2 (I) :l oa~e J "''0 0'> ~ D.U€(I) 00 (I) (I) .c (I).co....... . ~ ..... 0 e Ulc; ~o .J '&.c (I) (I) OJ ......, L.. "0 0:: (I) (I) 0 o 6 3: E .u>->- (f) (I) (I) (I) woo>> .... ...... <{ >- :l :l -.cUlUl ()(I)Ul'O 0"':2:l ~~.....u <{OOO ~':Ul5 <{Ule ~ ~ E ~ ~ ,g- e :r: U ..... .........Ul <{ 0 (I) e Z W (I) 00 ,Q Q :r: ..... "0 .!!1 ""()20'>~ <(.....(f)~(I) U 0 0.. ~ 1!1?iil I- E..... 0 "O~ 0:: O-ee W:Sooo U g5~~ (f) .c >- '(i (I) - U (I) (I) 0::: '>00>- o ....J '- E >- :l U W .~ (f) 'E ... >"0000.(1) o:::ooc:o"O ::JWO'-3 (f) _"....J 0'> "0 (I) '- (I) ..... Vl '51 I~ D104053/8B- N8 '(11-"\1 :.In l131 H)ld Exhibit 'B' Being a 0.2332 acre tract of land in the W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of South lake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of the Carroll Avenue right-of-way and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron pin found, said point being the southeast corner of a tract conveyed to Juergen F. Stt'unck in Vplume 6365 Page 206 (D.R.T.C.T.) and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll A venue; THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE NORTH, along the east property line of said Strunck tract, for a distance of295.30 feet to the northeast corner of said tract, said point being in the existing west right-of-way I ine of North Carroll Avenue; EAST, for a distance of 32.64 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 2, Block 9 of the South lake Town Square addition; S 000 4I'17"E, for a distance of295.32 feet continuing along said west line of Lot 2, Block 9 of the Southlake Town Square addition to a point, said point being in the existing west line of Lot I, Block 9 of the South lake Town Square addition; WEST, for a distance of 36.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.2332 acres, more or less, save and except 0.136 acres f<?r public use as two 10' utility easements, and being more particularly described as follows. 10' Utility Easement #1 BEGINNING at a W' iron pin found, said point being the southeast corner of a tract conveyed to Juergen F. Strunck in Volume 6365 Page 206 (D.R.T.C.T.) and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue; THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE NORTH, along the east property line of said Strunck tract, for a distance of295.30 feet to the northeast corner of said tract, said point being in the existing west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue; EAST, for a distance of 10.00 feet to a point for a corner; SOUTH, for a distance of 295.30 feet to a point for a corner; WEST, for a distance of 10.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.068 acres, more or less. 10' Utility Easement #2 COMMENCING at a W' iron pin found, said point being the southeast corner of a tract conveyed to Juergen F. Strunck in Volume 6365 Page 206 (D.R.T.C.T.) and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll A venue; THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE 0:\00 1-232\232-L4 R.DGe EAST, for a distance of 26.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; N 00041' 17" W, for a distance of295.32 feet to a point for a corner; EAST, for a distance of 10.00 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 2, Block 9 of the South lake Town Square addition; S 00041' 17" E, for a distance of 295.32 feet to a point for a corner; WEST, for a distance of 10.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.068 acres, more or less. Exhibit D })2D4 053/88. P~j q W ... I ... \ ~ <q"... --- <q"-- ~ l- N I I Z <q" . I ....... W L()COlJ... c..> :2 tl W o <q" a.. I ~ VI OJ '-0, <( CO W VI ----?--"--- I- t-I ...J \0 ()I 1.9 cJ\\\ 0 ~-z. '%~ o~ ~o~ 2~ '-P~ t-I I- :J I- O~VI ..- W .0::: OOU WVI<( VI DLDL{) o.....-lD DroO 0::: .. . 0... NO +- 4- ~ ~ c: ,~ If) ~"'l- \JlC) \J"'l- ~ Q)h C'-,J If) \J ' IVO):.:::U ~<.oV)h '"'I-....J . ... . OO~ct -J<.......~ ::::::Q) tl c: ::r: '- ...a 'tl ~U ~ (f) .CD O"L (f)O o OJ COL() NO ..1'0 1'0 --0 <:( ~ - CO - J: >< W ..- =I:!: Q) ~ tl ::J tl'0) tr) c:~ ~ g ~Cti ---~ Q) ~....... tl 0 :t::-...J ....... ::J 0 V) ..... t-: G t-: ci e; ... It) ''''I- C'llt) (!:"'I- l5 (f) to W I") 1-0 :g <(0 J, UN::: to OWO$::! (f)l-tOr-.. 5r-.. - (f)VlVl~ <(O~ 0 >wl> Cl -' I- 4> Z lO Z' ~ <(~Oto ~I-Ol ~:5~:g <( ,-, I I~~~ 1-0 I/') <(~ ~ W _ I ~ U I- Z W :2 W VI <( W >- I- ........ I- ~ -..J Q. ltJ C::: ... ~ 1'0:::J L()a .V) --;<: co::S:: N2 ltJ ~ ~ -..J ~ W:::J C) V) OJ 0)... C() 1'0 N o ~ O~ Oa o a a V) ...... ~ ClJ .3] .....Vl C ' '<( ClJ..... ~ ~ ow:Q II) 0 ~(.) ClJ c:' ~..g c::g c-q; "Olt) ClJ 0) ~c.o 4:l , C ~~ .~ =e 15:t ~~ ~~ ..- .... g 1-0 WI") W I.L. I z..c. _ 0 ,~ t-I ...J t-I I- :J I- O~VI ..- W .0::: OOU WVJ<( VI D..-L{) o.....-lD DroO 0::: .. . 0... NO ~ o gui"O ,2 g ~ , 1Il:.:; 0"0 ::l.2 2-5 ....:lL.o e ..!:! Cl.. L. o..8~0'\ "0 CI) ~ ~ CI).l:Cl.."- ~..-oc -;;;-0 ~o '5>.l: CI) CI) Q) ..- L. "0 0:: CI) CI) 0 o ~ ~ E .u>->- CIlQ)CI)CI) W"O>> ';;: >- 3 3 -.0 1Il III () CI) III - o L. ,_ g CIlQ).l:..- CIl.l:"-u <l:ooo Cl~ "0. III 5 III C o 0 x:.:; E ~ ~ ,g- e I....U.... I- 0 III C Z<l: Q)o o W CI) ~ 'Uj - I -+J 0 ,_ I-U.8O'\~ <(....U1~Q) o 0 Cl.. G: Q) "0 :l i= E:5 g ~~ 0::: 0..... 0 W:5088 OOL.:':;lIl (/) Jl g, ,5:1 ~ - U CI) Cl.. Cl::: ,> ~ >- O-!L. E >- :lU W ,~ CIl :.c L. > "O"OCl..Q) 0::: "OCO"O ::>WOL.C (/) .-: -! 0'\ :l "0 Q) L. Q) -+J III '5> Q) 0:: ... ... ... ... <q"... 0 1'01'0 <q"'" I- ... <...0 a3a:c: <...0 It\i ~ 1'0<...0 0 . 6011 ,0 ON N · Oa~ o 1'0 0 <q" EXhi~it E 0. V) .Q OJ OJ '<(<..;lZ CO D2{Jq0581$~ - ~ ID CO ><:<::::l <~~ ll..lOO Z Z I-UlJ... '(II.hl '.11 I]] l 1 Ill.! ........ . " Exhibit 'B' Being a 0.305 acre tract of land in the W. W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, C~ty of Southla~e, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of the Carroll Avenue right-of-way and belllg more partIcularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument found, said point being in the north right-of-way line of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); THENCE N 89023' 40" W, along the north right-of-way line of Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) for a distance of3.66 feet to a Yz" iron pin found, said point being the southeast corner of Lot lR2 of the W.W. Hall No. 695 Addition, Cabinet A, Slide 4545, (P.R.T.C.T.) and in the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue; THENCE N 00045' 53" W, along east line of said Lot IR2 and the west right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue for a distance of280.99 feet to a Y2" iron pin found, said point being the norlheasl corner of said Lot 1 R2; THENCE S 890 54' 44" E, for a distance of 48.21 feet to a point in the west line of Lot I, Block 9 of the South lake Town Square addition; THENCE S 00023' 09" E, for a distance of281.53 feet to a point for a corner, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 9 of the Southlake Town Square addition; THENCE N 89000' 34" W, for a distance of 42.63 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.305 acres, more or less, save and except 0.130 acres for public use as two 10' uti lity easements, and being more particularly described as follows. 10' Utility Easement #1 BEGINNING at a concrete monument found, said point being in the north right-of-way line of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE N 000 55' 39" E, for a distance of281.0 I feet to a W' iron pin found, said point being the in the north I ine of said Lot 1 R2; S 890 54' 44" E, for a distance of 10.00 feet; S 000 55' 39" W, for a distance of 281.13 feet to a point in the north I ine of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); N 89000' 34" W, for a distance of 10.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.065 acres, more or less. 10' Utility Easement #2 COMMENCING at a concrete monument found, said point being in the north right-of-way line of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE THENCE 0:\00 ).23212J2.L5R.DOC S 89000' 34" E, for a distance of32.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being in the north line of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); N 00023' 09" W, for a distance of281.53 feet to a point; S 890 54' 44" E, for a distance of 10.00 feet to a point in the west line of Lot I, Block 9 of the South lake Town Square addition; S 00023' 09" E, for a distance of281.53 feet to a point in the north line of South lake Boulevard (FM 1709); N 890 00' 34" W, for a distance of 10.00 to the POINT OF BEGINN,ING, containing 0.065 acres, more or less. i Exhibit F D2D qD63J88 - P6 /I CITY OF SOUTH LAKE OFFICE OF SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTH LAKE BLVD SOUTH LAKE TX 76092 Submitter: RA TTIKIN TITLE CO SUZANNE HENDERSON TARRANT COUNTY CLERK TARRANT COUNTY COURTHOUSE 100 WEST WEATHERFORD FORT WORTH, TX 76196-0401 DO NOT DESTROY WARNING - THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD. Filed For Registration: 02/19/200404:00 PM Document No.: LWD 0204053188 12 PGS $34.00 By: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I 0204053188 ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. .,( \ ~ f...., f;J ~ . OFFICIAL RECORD QUITCLAIM DEED OFFICIAL REC STATE OF TEXAS S 9 COUNTY OF TARRANT 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: The City Council of the City of South lake, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, after careful study and consideration, has determined that a portion of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue, located in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and as more particularly described by metes and bounds as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Parcel"), is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefitted by its vacation and abandonment. A true and correct copy of the ordinance of the City of South lake vacating and abandoning the Parcel and authorizing this conveyance is attached as Exhibit "C." For and in consideration of the above findings and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ("Grantor"), a municipality in Tarrant County, Texas, does hereby bargain, sell, release, vacate, abandon, and forever quitclaim unto MENDEZ, LTD. ("Grantee"), a Texas limited partnership, and its successors and assigns, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the Parcel; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the Parcel unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, so that neither Grantor not its successors or assigns shall have, claim, or demand any right or title to the Parcel or any part thereof. 16703.1 [January 25,1999] ~,.~~~ This Quitclaim Deed is made in exchange for another adjacent tract dedicated by Grantee to the City of Southlake and for other consideration, all as set forth in a letter agreement dated December 8, 1998, between the Grantor and Grantee. The terms of this Quitclaim Deed shall be binding upon Grantor and inure to the benefit of Grantee and its successors and assigns. Executed this ~ day of Ct~1 ,1999. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE BY~~ Ma or STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF TARRANT S This instrument was acknowledged before me on the t day of '- Ll , 1999, by Rick Stacy, Mayor of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, Texas, a municipality, on b alf f said municipality. MyCo tiJ~ 0 ~I// Notary Public in and for the State of Texas - ')l.~~:'J~~':L'i:::J.;:t_~.~.~:-'i:..:'.~',., t~ ~ i~\ " ~ \ (Type or Print Notary's Name) Exhibits: A - Map of Parcel B - Legal Description of Parcel C - Vacating and Authorizing Ordinance After recording, please return to: Paul D. Bradford HARRIS, FINLEY & BOGLE, P.c. 1300 Bank One Tower 500 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102-3798 Grantee's Address: MENDEZ, LTD. Attention: Dr. Angelo C. Mendez 1600 West College, Suite 340 Grapevine, Texas 76051 RETURN TO: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRET,\RY 1725 EAST SOUTHLAKE BOULU:\R~:I SOUTH lAKE. TEXAS 76092 16703.1 [January 25,1999] Quitclaim Deed - Page 2 " . ~l '..-J t;~ _-d. .,~.,. ::: <( ::: r- eo I X W C\JQ) 0)",,- saQ) , ~""- C) ,~ '" (jl--;:" ~ fYJ--.JQ)><::Q ,~I-- , \j i'-,j 0) O~--.J q)"l- 1...C:';;j--\(:fYJ I--Q)';;j-OC\J ~~~~ ""-:::J-- a a lr)::::' \f1 0' ~ 1 g '% ~ Y' \.fl ~ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I ~ \ ~w O\~ Ln \' O '<T \7 o N' o r'J' p 0 " om~r-- 07 r'Jt'. Ln r-- II . \ co O. 7~1O .-co<tr'J ,,\ 1O f- II \ II II -.J II \ II LLJ CD :\J O:::-iOf-UW \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \O~ :0. IQ.~'" : --{ ltJ ::: ~.... .... \.{) CO C\j~ o '0-- 0) CO V) . \ :0) \U: ,0) ,\.{) 1'0-- , I I 'ltJ ~ ,~ \ "'- I~ '0 'a \ la ,v) \ I \ I I I I \: m \ 10 V ~ \ \ \ +- 't--UJ Q) L 0'0 UJO LnlO 07 00 NO ~ ~. ~ 7 ------~'5----~ \.fl "1'", "- ~ > ~ ~ ~ o ~ p:: ~ U Z uJ ('-1- <r 0:) 0J r-- ~<"" o 0J U' 0.. N- :JIDo-.;;t aeON I....OLf)"- '" 0 ...J r--- ' -VJ 0' U 1i -c X 0-_ OUCI--- I....Q;<!: ~co I-l...I....NWffi --"" . IDO\.....o ~vci::> \ \ \ ~ ~ o .. V) W '" f- :ri ~g '? UN;::~ OWQN (J15~G ~VJ~~ Ox 0 o~~~ Z .::l <("1:5 :::?;~~~ <(~::;? 2=~"1:~ <(~ '" W ;::: I ;;; U - - o .., f- 0 WI") W u.. ' ;?; -5 ,S 'fl ~ "- ()~ I- ~~ :jgs I- ~ lf1", " - "-'~ ~Q I- 0; <: ... () ,') ()~ "-' . ~CS en::' 1/)": ",'--' ~~ " "-'c:i en I- -.J o c Vl " .2 g ~ ~ :g ~ -ci .gB~g \"". - a. L..- a.. ~ ^ 0' "0 V ~ t1) ~.!:a.=5 III - 0 _ _ \... C tIl 0 a. 0 'o,.c Q)....... OJ Q.) Q:Q.l~-g o a :c E trig ~ ~ ~ \J c: ~ bE~~ ~~~g (f).c........... <{ _ u 000 0" c ~ui~o o 0 ~~~~ ~_b-= 2<(o:Gc Q ~ 2 ~ .~ ~ u.8 &'> uo(j).2~ G: Q) "0 :> t=E:sg.!:! 0:: 0 _ 0 =5ogg g ~ ~ ~ 6 ~'o.. ~ . > III ...J L.,. "0 >-. Q) ~ u r: :.0 'E I- U UnO) W5~-g .....:...J 0'l:J .. o >, III > .. :J (/) -.J -.J"-J ",,-, ~~ ~~ <D .... I") N ci Z 1''''''1 ',I! 1I'II]<)ld . ~, .....p Exhibit 'B' Being a 0.046 acre tract oflanc\ in the Wo W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of South lake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract conveyed to Mendez LTD., as recorded in Volume 12349, Page 1818 (D.R.T.C.T.) and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron pin found in the north property line of said Mendez LTD. tract, said point also being the southeast corner of a tract conveyed to Southview Joint Venture II, as recorded in Volume 9994, Page 1954 (D.RoT.C.T.); THENCE EAST, along the north property line of said Mendez LTD. tract, for a distance of 19.61 feet to the northeast corner of said tract, said point being in the existing west right-of- way line of North Carroll Avenue; THENCE SOUTH, for a distance of J 69.59 feet to a point in the east property line of said Mendez L TOo tract and in the west right-of-way line of North Carroll Avenue, said point being in a curve to the left having a radius of J ,050.00 feet, a chord bearing S 13024' 39" E, and a chord length of 68.70 feet, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing along said curve, for a distance of68.74 feet to a point; THENCE WEST, for a distance of 33.33 feet to the southeast corner of said Mendez LTD. tract, said point being in the existing west right-of-way line of North Carroll A venue; THENCE NORTH, for a distance of 126.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.046 acres, more or less. G:\OO 1-232\232-12r.doc June I, 1999 .. \ D199176151 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 199323292 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY I PRINTED DATE TIME 07/13/1999 08:17 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199176151 WD INDEXED TIME 19990713 08:17 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ;L . 7. ,.J 9 ~L3 ~ i" 1 '-" '= ::,. J , J-:~ ~} {} ~~ ~ OFFICIAL RECORD . , CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 745 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING PORTIONS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTIES ARE UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; RESERVING A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM DEEDS RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSIDP INTEREST AND CONTROL OF THESE RIGHTS-OF- WAY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue, located in the City of Southlake, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to reserve a ten (10) foot public utility easement along certain portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue; and WHEREAS, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said rights-of-way, the City desires to execute quitclaim deeds releasing all title, ownership and control in said rights-of-way to the owners of the abutting properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: f\otL. O~~~ f""\~\ o .. ~ \.Q ~ '-l(" \ Y\~o; '\~. .1 "7 ..J 9 o 7 " n ,J .:) == J , .. c~ -' Section 1. Portions of the right-of-way of North Carroll A venue, more specifically described in Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", and "F" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, are not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. They constitute a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by their vacation and abandonment. Accordingly, the above described rights-of-way are hereby vacated and abandoned as public property, except a ten (10) foot public utility easement reserved by. the City and described in Exhibits "C", "D", "E", and "F" referenced above. The described rights-of-way shall revert in fee simple to the owners of the abutting properties. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute quitclaim deeds to the following persons or entities: 1) Mendez, Ltd. for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "A" and "B"; 2) Juergen F. Strunck for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "C" and "D"; and 3) Cooper and Stebbins for the right-of-way described in Exhibits "E" and "F", releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of these rights-of-way, on behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. The quitclaim deeds for Juergen F. Strunck and Cooper and Stebbins shall reserve a ten (10) foot public utility easement, as described in Exhibits "C", "D", "E", and "F" referenced above. Section 3. Copies of said quitclaim deeds shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. 1 - ""7' j 9 o .., . ~ u ~ i= ~ i ,;; : , u [ 1 '''; .:1 Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it so ordained. \\\\\\11111/ 1/1111. ~,'\ OUTHl. I'II~ ~ S ......... "'I L ~~ ~ /~ .... ... ..,.... ~ ~ o~... * ......<'1. ~ ..... .. ~. ~ ~>-i \-': :1-: :m:: ::-: =><::: -0. -.:b,- ~ \. l ~ ~ -. ..c:o~ ~ .... .... ~ ~ .......... ~ ~/I. ** * \\\\" 1111/1/1f 1\1\\\\\\ // DAY ATTEST: ~~~~~ cITY SECRETARY PASSED ANDfROVED ON SECOND READING ON TillS DAY OF 1/ ,1999. I \\\\l1! III 1// !l1/" ~\\\ oUTH "1/0 ~ ~J S...........L..4 ~ ~ ~ .. e. 1-. ~ ~ 0.... * ....~ ~ ~.)..... \. ~ :1-: :-';: - -- .m- gO\ j:><~ ~ .... .... ..A ~ ~.. ..~~ ~ .............. ~ ~1. *** \'~" 1'///1/1//111\1\\\\\ EFFECTIVE: ~uuJ 1; /111 APPR VIED AS TO FORM D LEGALITY: , , ,-1/ lAh CITY ATTORNEY / l ,r/ I ~ ATTEST: ~'11~ CITY SECRETARY RETURN TO: CITY OF SOUTHlAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 EAST SOUTHlAKE BOULEVARD SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 ~ 4.;.. .. . . .. ..L 3 9 0 ~ ~ ~ (] 2 . , ..;." =! I ~ ,-" Li n .J i..t -r r:) e D199176147 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 199323288 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY I PRINTED DATE TIME 07/13/1999 08:16 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199176147 WD CG INDEXED TIME 19990713 08:16 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 13.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.