W.W. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 695 (Lot 3C) - ROW 1. 1...'.~, i:l'- r:, ~~'.; OFFICIAL REeo DEDICATION INSTRUMENT RD STATE OF TEXAS S 9 COUNTY OF TARRANT 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: MENDEZ, LTD. ("Dedicator"), a Texas limited partnership, of Tarrant County, Texas, as the owner ofthat certain tract ofland in Tarrant County, Texas, depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and as more particularly described by metes and bounds as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Parcel"), for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, including the benefits that will accrue to our property, does hereby dedicate the Parcel to the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, Tarrant County, Texas, for the use and benefit of the public as a perpetual right-of-way and easement for the passage and accommodation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the construction, operation, use, maintenance, inspection, repair, alteration, and replacement of a paved road within the boundaries of the right-of-way and easement area, and for all other purposes for which 2. public street and right-of-way is commonly used, including but not limited to all such uses permitted by the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances and Charter of the City of Southlake, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, and Dedicator hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns, to " warrant and forever defend, all and singular, said premises unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through, or under Dedicator, but not otherwise. 16702.1 [December 8, 1998] This Dedication is made in exchange for another adjacent tract to be conveyed from the City of South1ake to Dedicator and for other consideration, all as set forth in a letter agreement of even date, between the City of South1ake and Dedicator. The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City of South1ake and its successors and assigns. Witness my hand this //iA.day of December, 1998. MENDEZ, L TD" a Texas limited partnership By: STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF TARRANT S This instrument was acknowledged before me on this //~ day of December, 1998, by Dr. Angelo C. Mendez, M.D., general partner of MENDEZ, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, on behalf of the limited partnership. .. . ll\lUllltfnlllllill/ My CommIssIOn expIres: 0~~~.~~.~..i~0% :"t' .... 'i'-Q.'l p{)<$' .... (' ~ ......0'*<' '.~~ ,,:' ~ '0 ". (l'\ ~ .:::>: . ::;v ~ ""')' . - : .... c.,::: '. "'';' '?':;;; ... -1h ~~'.: l -. tt:(f \ ." ~ ...IE:...... <:-:;.' ~ o -..'1,...It<:,:..':'- *' ~~ 1'2"~'20\j ~ ~\\\~ 1/"""\1\""\~ Jt,.{/(~ O().v'l-,;s /:Ocher , (Print or type name) 16702.1 [December 8, 1998] Dedication Instrument - Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest and real property conveyed by this dedication instrument dated December 11, 1998, from_e ez, Ltd. to the City of South lake, County of ~Tarrant, state. of Texas, has been duly acceI'. bject to alt?l t rms and conditions contained h . b MIN~"ii.o~dell.h C' C'l h I d f t erem y J?~i9 1 IQR or t e Ity ouncI t e ay 0 ~J.R41 kl,ltJ , 19ge, and the City Council has consented to the recording of such dedication instrument by its daily authorized officer. DATED: coa~'t 2? ,1999. \\\\,\1 1II11/IIIIl ~\\\.... SOil I'I~ ~ 0 ~.......l.-s: ~ ~~ .' ...'( ~ S I... ~. '.."? ~ .::::...../ . '.1'-::: gOj i!"~ ~ - , ....,- % " ./"., j '\ ~;"',,_,""'Io~1:fST: U1 ~/J: * ~# 1'1111/,,11I\\\\\\\\ ~~HLAiE ~~~ CITY ~"G'CRETAR-V AFTER FILING. PLEASE RETURN TO: City of Southlake c/o Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 16702.1 [January 25. 1999] Dedication Instrument - Page 3 . . a. <( - t:: aJ J: >< lJJ o + ~~ lD 01...-- 0'0 COO ~N tDU1 NO . . NO :so ::t - ~ I""J g;1 , I't') o .. .. N ~... o . N- O... m... .0 .00011"'- . ONn""O~ It'l 0 . r-. 0..... l()Z"'" ,....~~CO II U IIndllCO...J a:: _JC:h- U (,.) fa .~ 01- O)~~~ tl--':~ ~dl~~ g~~~~ ~..!2~ ~~ ~~~-: ....~~ f'>c_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C,. ~~. $~ . ~ ~. ~ ? -- - e.- 'iF' -=' If! =~ 10:- (Caw#" '\ '\ EXHIBIT A i e!- b]~~ I"l ,... do _"-:~a.. ~ i ~ .g "'~Q1~cn ~SQ.! \ \ \ \ \ l I \ 1;11 ... I! g=lj i ~ :t~1 ~ J !" I .. SI ! o I . Hit ut~ _jil hI~ a .~I l i fJ I J ." ..1 _I. ~.,.... ......J.'.lt '''''1..,.1... ..1....'_.1 " ... I . - , ., ;::-.... E.1bibit 'Bt Being a 0.052 acre tr8Ct ofland in the W. W. Hall Survey. AbstI'lwt No. 69S, City 01. Soulhlake, TlUTIDt County, TelCU. and l>ell.a I ponton of I trac;t ~cd to Viola M. ou..., u seeurded in Volume 1948,h&e ljl (D.R..1'.C.T.) mid ~IMttl partlcularly dete.!ibed at &'.lIow$: BEOINNING at II. S/8- iron pitt found in the north propertY line of said Que3! tract, ~id point also bein& th'O llOuth.-t CQrnc' of .. I:r3ct conveyed to S~uthview Joint Ventun: n, as recorded in Volume 9994, Pap 195.4 (D.R.. r.C.T.): THENCE EAST, alorli the nonh property line of ~d Guess tract, for a ~ of 19,61 feet to the northeast cortter of said tract, said point being in the exinit1g west rlght~-way tine of'N<<1h Can'oU A~: THENCE soum. tbr a d1stance CJf 169.59 ~ to II. }'<JIm in th. ~ propmy litu! of !laid Guess tract and in the: ~t riJbt-of-way line of North CatroU A venue. said point heinIE in B curve: to tho rip. havins II tadiu. I)f L050.00 feet. a chord bearina N 07" 23' 38" W, IDd . chord length of 171.01 feet THENCE continuini a1on~ said curve. for a distana: of 17] .20 !l!et to II point, ,cd point being In the north pr'J~ llne of s:id t1u=s tract; UlENCE EAST, for a diltance of 2.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.052 acnlS. more or leIS. Q'.llIlI.jj1lD2../I.doc ~).I!lge " , EXHIBIT 8 ... iZ' D199054839 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 ~~ ~ i {,;W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD- -D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 199170360 REGISTER DR91 RECD-BY T025417 PRINTED DATE TIME 03/05/99 15:32 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199054839 WD INDEXED TIME 990305 15:32 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 17.00 B Y: v/ ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.