Item 9A (2)Item Item 9A: SV109A: SV10--001001 Applicant:Applicant:Hart Restaurant Management, Inc.Hart Restaurant Management, Inc. OwnerOwner::DnDnKingston Southlake L.P. and Kingston Southlake L.P. and Burger KingBurger King Location:Location:125 N. Kimball Avenue125 N. Kimball Avenue Request:Request:Variance to the Sign Ordinance Variance to the Sign Ordinance 704704--D regulationsD regulations Sign RegulationSign RegulationCurrent RegulationCurrent RegulationProposed SignProposed Sign Maximum number of Maximum number of One attached sign per One attached sign per Two attached signs on the north Two attached signs on the north signs permitted per signs permitted per frontage with a total of two frontage with a total of two elevation and two on the south elevation and two on the south tenant/lease spacetenant/lease spaceattached signs are allowed on attached signs are allowed on elevation, for a total of four.elevation, for a total of four. this buildingthis building NonNon--permitted sign permitted sign Signs are not permittedSigns are not permittedThe applicant proposes to place The applicant proposes to place structurestructuresigns on each side of an existing signs on each side of an existing architectural wall extension; located architectural wall extension; located on the west façade adjacent to N. on the west façade adjacent to N. Kimball Ave. These signs are Kimball Ave. These signs are included in the four attached signs included in the four attached signs proposed and are not in addition to proposed and are not in addition to the four signs.the four signs. VICINITY MAPVICINITY MAP SITE PLANSITE PLAN To be removed Current Current SignageSignage Proposed SignageProposed Signage Proposed SignageProposed Signage Proposed SignageProposed Signage Proposed SignageProposed Signage Aerial ViewAerial View { 12” { 10” ADJACENT SIGNADJACENT SIGN } 7’ ADJACENT ADJACENT SIGN SIGN ––Variance grantedVariance granted Questions?Questions?