Item 9AItem 9A Consider Approval of Four Proposed Intersections for Red Light Camera Enforcement Robert Finn Davis and Southlake Blvd June 2008 Davis and Southlake Blvd June 2008 Peytonville and Southlake Blvd May 2008 Peytonville and Southlake Blvd March 2006 Red Light Camera Agenda Red Light Camera Enforcement Update Purpose of Red Light Cameras Review of Proposed Intersections On April 15, 2008, the City Council approved the placement of red light cameras at the intersections of State Highway 114 at Gateway and F.M. 1709 at Pearson. The red light cameras went live at those intersections on August 29, 2008. Red Light Camera Enforcement Update Red Light Camera Enforcement Update From August 29 – September 30: 812 Total Violations 660 Available for Prosecutions 561 Violation Notices Mailed (85%) The City of Southlake website now has several web links and pages devoted to helpful information related to red light camera enforcement. Red Light Camera Enforcement Update After conducting several studies throughout the United States, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has found “that cameras have reduced red-light running and crashes at intersections.” Garland, Texas 56% reduction crashes due to red light running 25% reduction in overall crashes 38% fewer crashes at intersections without photo enforcement (driver behavior changed) Oxnard, California 32 % reduction in front-into-side collisions 68 % reduction in front-into-side collisions resulting in injuries Why Red Light Camera Enforcement? Why Red Light Camera Enforcement? El Paso, Texas From November 2006- February 2007 80% decrease in overall collisions 50% decrease in T-Bone collisions (the most dangerous and life threatening red light collision) 0% change in rear-end collisions These statistics assisted El Paso in challenging the perception that red light cameras increase the occurrence of rear-end collisions. El Paso, Texas From November 2006- February 2007 Violations: 4,892 Total violations issued 68 Contested 1 Dismissed Why Red Light Camera Enforcement? Carroll and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB Kimball and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB Davis (FM1938) and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-NB Peytonville and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-EB Proposed Red Light Camera Intersections Intersection Accident Data Southlake Department of Public Safety-Police Services Report for the last 18 months: Carroll and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB 29 Total Accidents and 57 Total Citations Issued Kimball and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB 30 Total Accidents and 55 Total Citations Issued Intersection Accident Data Southlake Department of Public Safety-Police Services Report for the last 18 months: Davis (FM1938) and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-NB 37 Total Accidents and 71 Total Citations Issued Peytonville and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709) -EB 13 Total Accidents and 33 Total Citations Issued Redflex Survey Results Carroll and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB Kimball and East Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-WB Peytonville and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-EB Red Light Camera Engineering Statement Davis (FM1938) and West Southlake Blvd. (FM1709)-NB Red Light Camera Engineering Statement The Red Light Camera Citizen’s Advisory Committee The Red Light Camera Citizen’s Advisory Committee approved these four intersections at their September 23, 2008 meeting by a vote of 5-0. Questions?