Item 4EItem 4E Approve an interlocal agreement with the City of Grapevine for provision of sanitary sewer services to the Simmons Service Area for a period of 99 years Simmons Service Area Vicinity Map SIMMONS SERVICE AREA Sanitary Sewer Provisions Simmons Service Area Sept. 1998 Agreement Grapevine & Southlake 10-Year Agreement – Expired September 2008 Grapevine to serve 40 Southlake residential lots Southlake to serve 40 Grapevine residential lots Current Status of Agreement Investigation yields 36 Southlake lots served by Grapevine Need to be able to serve all of the area (50 lots) Septic service not an option for lots in floodplain Current Sewer Accounts Simmons Forest & Rainforest Vicinity Lots currently being developed GRAPEVINE Simmons Service Area Cost to Sewer Requires Use of Lift Station Construction of New Lift Station Use of Existing Grapevine Lift Station Requires construction of Force Main Probable cost $605,000 (2007 Cost) New Agreement w/ Grapevine for use of Lift Station Sanitary Sewer Service Map of Simmons Forest Addition Proposal Pros and Cons – Sewer Service PROS Construction Cost Avoidance ($605,000*) Not required to construct lift station and force main Reallocate Utility Fund CIP budgeted dollars Maintenance & utility cost avoidance ($64,000/yr) Could serve remaining developed and undeveloped lots CONS Service to Southlake residents provided through interlocal agreement * 2007 Costs Questions