2010-01-12 City of Southlake Crime Control Prevention District Meeting 01/12/2010 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT MEETING Tuesday, January 12, 2010 MINUTES LOCATION: Southlake DPS East Headquarters Facility 600 State Street Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: Martin Schelling, Craig Sturtevant, Bob Mundlin, Ken McMillan, Frank Powers and Robert Williams Staff Members Present: Police Chief Robert Finn, Fire Chief Mike Starr, Police Services Divisional Assistant Melissa Mensch, Southlake PD Firearms Instructors Mike Dunn Mike Bedrich, Finance Director Sharen Jackson and Assistant Finance Director Sean Leonard Contractors and Consultants Present: Robert Garza with RPGA Design Group Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The January 12, 2010 CCPD Meeting was called to order by Martin Schelling at 7:08 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session: No executive session. Agenda Item No.3 Reconvene: No action Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum: The president for the Southlake Police Officer Association spoke in favor of the NDPS Training Facility. He advised the Board he would be present for the meeting and will answer any questions the Board may have. There were no questions from the Board. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments: A. CCPD Sales Tax Update An update on the sales tax was given by Sharen Jackson. Ms. Jackson advised that the numbers for the first two months of the fiscal year were less than what was collected in the prior two years and less than budget. Year -to -date for the first two months sales tax collections are about 80% of what was anticipated. Sales tax collections will continue to be monitored and in the event that adjustments become necessary, amendments will be made. Ms. Jackson also advised that based on very conservative sales tax numbers; there will be funds left over at the end of the district. Ms. Jackson addressed questions from the Board. Consent Agenda: City of Southlake Crime Control Prevention District Meeting 01/12/2010 Agenda Item No. 6. Consent A. Approve the minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held on October 13, 2009. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2009 CCPD meeting. Motion: Mundlin Second: Williams Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Powers, McMillan, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 B. Approve the minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held on December 08, 2009. A Board Member requested changes to the December 08, 2009 meeting minutes. The changes requested are for Agenda Item No. 1 A change the capitalization of the word recommendation, Agenda Item No. 5B add a comma after the word granite, verify the spelling of wanes coat and make a spelling correction if needed, and Agenda Item No. 5C capitalize the word parks in the second sentence. Martin Schelling entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the December 08, 2009 CCPD meeting with the changes above incorporated. Motion: Mundlin Second: McMillan Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Powers, McMillan, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 Regular Agenda: Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: (no items for discussion) Agenda Item No. 8. Consider: A. Approval of the North DPS Site Plan Robert Garza provided the Board with a hand -out which included changes to the elevations of the proposed North DPS Training Tower based on comments received during a Planning Zoning meeting. Robert Finn gave a power point presentation of the proposed NDPS Site Plan. The presentation included an aerial view of the location for the NDPS facility. Mr. Finn's presentation also explained that the proposed facility will include a one story building to house training classrooms and a fire station, an indoor firearms range, a four story training tower and a driving course. The Board was advised that the total building area is 41,477 sq. ft. In regards to the driving course, Mr. Finn advised it would not be utilized for high speed police pursuit style training, but rather for slow police vehicle driver training and it will also be used for fire apparatus driver training. Information in regards to the Tree Conservation Plan and Landscape Plan was also covered in the City of Southlake Crime Control Prevention District Meeting 01/12/2010 presentation. Mr. Finn advised that the landscaping was designed with sensitivity to the neighbor's to minimize the impact of the building when looking out from their residences. Mr. Finn gave the Board a breakdown of the site plan regulations of the S -P -1 designation that was approved at Planning Zoning. Development Regulations included the height of the training tower structure shall not exceed four stories or forty eight feet, minimum building setback will be the same as allowed by "CS" zoning with the exception that the setback for the training structure adjacent to residential property shall be forty feet, no buffer yard will be required along the eastern property line and six parking spaces to be designated as preferred parking for low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles are allowed to encroach into the south buffer yard as shown on the site plan. Mr. Finn explained the tangible and intangible benefits of the proposed NDPS Training Facility. Board Member Williams asked if Mr. Finn and his rank and file are comfortable with moving forward with the firearms range as it is being proposed. Mr. Finn answered yes. Board Member Williams asked if there was anything left out that the Staff or rank and file would want. Mr. Finn advised that firearms instructors, Mike Dunn and Mike Bedrich, were present for the meeting and would be the best people to address this question Mr. Dunn advised that the firearms range is correct as it is being presented. Mr. Finn addressed additional questions from the Board and he presented a fly over DVD of the North DPS Training Facility. Mr. Finn and Mr. Garza addressed questions from the Board and from Mr. Dunn. The Board gave their input on the training tower and the firearms range. A Board Member inquired about what it is exactly that they are going to be approving today and what it means. Discussions took place. Sharen Jackson addressed questions from the Board in regards to the financial aspects of the proposed NDPS Training Facility. There were no further questions from the Board or Staff. Board Member Sturtevant moved for the approval of the North DPS Training Facility Site Plan including a firearms range consisting of (2) 50 yard lanes and (8) 25 yard lanes and the upgraded four story training tower as presented by RPGA. Motion: Sturtevant Second: Mundlin Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Powers, McMillan, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 B. Resolution No. CCPD 10 -001, Relating to the use of Revenues in Support of the City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System (Limited Pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2010 and Resolving Other Matters Incident and Related Thereto Sharen Jackson advised the purpose of Resolution No. CCPD 10 -001 is for the City to know of the Boards intents to use their potion of sales tax to repay the Crime Control and Prevention District Board's portion of the bond sale that is related to any DPS facility. The Board expressed concerns with some of language in Resolution No .CCPD 10 -001. Discussion took place in regards to some of the language in the Resolution. Mr. Sturtevant City of Southlake Crime Control Prevention District Meeting 01/12/2010 suggested amendments to the language in the first part of the first sentence in Section 1 of the Resolution. Board Member Sturtevant moved that Resolution No. CCPD 10 -001 be approved with modifications as previously stated. Motion: Sturtevant Second: Powers Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Powers, McMillan, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment: Martin Schelling entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion: McMillan Second: Mundlin Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Powers, McMillan, Schelling Nays: None Approved: 6 -0 Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. '11 .41 kr Martin Schelling, President Melissa Mensch, Secretary