Item 6BItem 6B: ZA09-055 Owner/ Applicant: Noble Oaks Partners Request: Approval of a Zoning Change and Site Plan from “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District to “S-P-1” Detailed Site Plan District (2nd Reading) Location: 1121 S. Carroll Avenue Zoning Change Details Change proposed is to allow a limited medical use General and Pediatric Dental Practice planned No changes proposed in structure or parking PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN P&Z ACTION: November 19, 2009; Approved (5-1) limiting the medical use to dental only not to exceed 3,000 square feet, also including the previously approved regulations outlined in the Site Plan Zoning Letter; and subject to the Staff Report dated November 13, 2009. COUNCIL ACTION: December 1, 2009; Approved first reading (7-0) subject to P&Z recommendations, limiting medical uses to dental only and subject to the Staff Report dated November 24, 2009. Questions? Zoning District Map LU Map Site Data Summary Building Occupancy Information Attachment C – page 2 Second floor is finished out and occupied First floor is 30% finished out Dentist practice – office hours not concurrent Medical office space not to exceed 3,000 square feet Granting the requested variance for driveway stacking to allow a stacking depth of approximately 22 feet for the drive on S. Carroll Avenue;  Granting the requested variance for driveway spacing to allow approximately 183 feet of spacing from the intersection for both proposed drives;  Granting the requested variance for the number of parking spaces to allow a total of 49 spaces; Approving the development regulation that walk-up banking only shall be permitted (drive-thru banking is not permitted); Approving the development regulation that all medical uses that would require one space per 150 square feet are eliminated due to parking ratio; Approving the development regulation that the setback line from single family residential property shall be eighty (80) feet and the building height shall be allowed to encroach above the 4:1 slope by 12 feet at this point; Eliminating printing/copying services, medical office, and conventional banks as permissible uses; Accepting the applicant’s willingness to make as part of the site plan approval the addition of a number of speed bumps in the main interior drive lane sufficient to slow traffic; Current Zoning Regulations – Changes Proposed Highlighted in Yellow Accepting the perimeter fence shown in Exhibit “B”, pages 12 and 13; Recognizing that a slate roof will be made of a slate product and the building will have stucco, stone, and cedar as shown on the building elevations; Requiring the applicant to put opaque covers on windows at a later date if the issue of office tenants looking out at adjoining neighbors is determined to be a problem; Recognizing that the applicant has committed to add four (4) twelve (12) foot live oak trees along the north and east property lines; Recognizing that the applicant is in the process of entering into agreements with the adjoining neighbors regarding the planting of canopy and/or under story trees on their properties according to their individual agreements; Recommending that a left turn lane be striped on east bound Continental Blvd. adjacent to the offices; And, requiring the applicant to install a six (6) foot sidewalk along E. Continental Blvd. and S. Carroll Avenue as shown on the plan; Noting the applicant has agreed to add an additional seven off-site live oaks and three crape myrtles at locations to be determined by the neighbors; Current Zoning Regulations – Changes Proposed Highlighted in Yellow Parking Calculations