Item 6AItem 6A Amendment to the Master Thoroughfare Plan and Map (2nd Reading) Ordinance No. 962 Mobility & Master Thoroughfare Plan Amendment to indicate the general alignment and roadway classifications for the Kirkwood Blvd. Extension, 800 feet east and west of Carroll Avenue and the Highland/Kirkwood connection. Current designation = A3U – 70 ft Proposed designation = A4D – 88 ft Mobility & Master Thoroughfare Plan Kirkwood, Highland, and Carroll Purpose of the MTP Reservation of adequate rights-of-way for future long-range transportation improvements; Making efficient use of available resources by designating and recognizing the major streets that will likely require higher design of improvements; Minimizing the amount of land required for street and highway purposes; Identifying the functional role that each street should be designed to serve in order to promote and maintain the stability of traffic and land use patterns; Informing citizens of the streets that are intended to be developed as arterial and collector thoroughfares; and Providing information on thoroughfare improvement needs which can be used to determine priorities and schedules in the city’s capital improvement program and capital budget Traffic Circulation Analysis Analyze future conditions Gateway Church CISD Middle School Extension of Kirkwood Recommendations Short-term improvements (complete by Summer 2011) Long-term improvements Update Mobility & Master Thoroughfare Plan City Council Approved this item at First Reading (7-0) Proposed Improvements Short-term Improvements (Kirkwood / Highland) Insert Exhibit: Kirkwood/Highland/Carroll - Ultimate Long-term Improvements (Kirkwood / Highland) Insert Exhibit: Ultimate Kirkwood/Carroll Intersection Long-term Improvements (Carroll / Kirkwood) PZ Recommendation On November 19th, the PZ Commission recommended approval of this item (6-0) City Council On December 1st , the City Council approved the first reading of this item (7-0) Questions? Insert Exhibit: Ultimate Kirkwood/Carroll Intersection Long-term Improvements (Carroll / Kirkwood) 125’ 22’ 15’ 28’ Short-term Improvements (Kimball) Timeframe (Short-Term Improvements) N. Kimball Avenue (SH114 – Kirkwood) Design is 95% complete Construction to begin in 2010 Kirkwood / Highland Improvements Survey underway Design begins December 2009 Construction complete Summer 2011 Carroll ISD Middle School Opens Fall 2011