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Item 4BCITY OF SOUTH LAKE MEMORANDUM (November 3, 2009) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Subject: Approve Change Order No. 2 for civil engineering modifications to the existing construction contract for the Wholesale Meter Station Improvements with Legacy Contracting, LP in the amount of $60,369.00 and amend the project budget Action Requested: Approve Change Order No. 2 for civil engineering modifications to the existing construction contract for the Wholesale Meter Station Improvements with Legacy Contracting, LP in the amount of $60,369.00 and amend the project budget. Background Information: In 1984, the Cities of Keller and Southlake contracted to build and share ownership and use of a water transmission main from the City of Fort Worth's North Beach pump station. Since that time, the contractual arrangement for water billing was that the City of Fort Worth billed Southlake for all the water passing through the FW -North Beach meter and Southlake would bill Keller for their share based on the Keller /Southlake meters and calculate Max Day /Hour charges based on the percent of use. Increased water demands by both Southlake and Keller warranted the building of a second 42 -inch water supply line from the City of Fort Worth Caylor Pump Station that was completed in December 2005. The plan by the three contracting cities has been that once the second water transmission line was placed in service, a new billing contract would be completed by the parties. Under the new contract, the Cities of Keller and Southlake will upgrade the meters at their respective Pearson Rd. pump stations and at the two Fort Worth pump stations to the same accuracy standards as normally used in the City of Fort Worth. Once completed, Fort Worth will begin using the Southlake and Keller meters for billing the two cities individually for their water use. In November of 2008, Legacy Contracting, LP began construction on the improvements required by the City of Fort Worth on the Southlake - Pearson, Keller- Pearson, North Beach, and Caylor Meter Stations. It was discovered after the project was under construction, that a draft 2006 set of plans were inadvertently placed in the bid documents instead of the final set of plans that were approved for construction by the City of Southlake and the City of Fort Worth in 2007. The design engineer, Freese and Nichols, Inc., and Legacy Contracting, LP met to determine the level of effort required to construct the project according to the 2007 edition of the plans. The work required is work that would have been required if the 2007 edition of the plans had been included in the bid documents. Change Order No. 2 includes the civil engineering component of the project that will need to be installed and constructed in order to meet the requirements of Fort Worth. Financial Considerations: On September 2, 2008 the City Council approved a bid amount of $776,867.00 with a construction phase contingency amount of approximately 10% or $77,683.00 for a total project budget of $854,550.00 for the Wholesale Meter Station Improvements project. On September 1, 2009, City Council approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $53,331.64 resulting in a total project cost of $830,198.64 and increased the project budget by $54,000.00 for a total project budget of $908,550.00. Staff recommends that City Council approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $60,369.00 resulting in a total project cost of $890,567.64 and increase the project budget by $61,000.00 for a total project budget of $969,550.00. Staff recommends funding the change order from the following existing CIP accounts: 502699- 598804 -00019 $ 61,000.00 The interlocal agreement between Southlake and Keller allocates the cost of the meter modifications proportionally to each city. Southlake will pay the cost of the project and will be reimbursed by Keller for the cost of the Keller- Pearson pump station meter and 50% of the cost of the Fort Worth North Beach pump station and Caylor pump station meters. The net Southlake cost for Change Order No. 2 will be $30,184.50 and $30,184.50 for Keller. Strategic Link: The meter station improvements links to the city's strategy map relative to the focus areas of Infrastructure and Performance Management and Service Delivery. The specific corporate objectives that are met by the construction of this water system infrastructure include: Providing High Quality Customer Service and Investing to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: None Legal Review: None Alternatives: The City Council may approve Change Order No. 2 or deny it. Supporting Documents: Location Map Change Order No. 2 Project Schedule: Project completion is anticipated to be in March 2010. Staff Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 2 for civil engineering modifications to the existing construction contract for the Wholesale Meter Station Improvements with Legacy Contracting, LP in the amount of $60,369.00 and amend the project budget. Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Gordon J. Mayer, Jr., P.E. Deputy Director of Public Works Michelle McCullough, P.E. Civil Engineer u Wa May NMDNWNW 4-j +21 I'AAI ° UBOMMO 0 kp4y I 10H WAM 0 XL�-m0d�Wctqm UNY Fdly) 8 Ciwrw&Or tj.,.m Z2 — - — — — — — - — — =wmmn 4 [41MU Cop LF '%i m 4 ie %rwori-,, 12 Z 6. :XwvmeHmw: W MARMDI xyeLiopaw,., e&gll MUM qffnrA4 trg� ..LIM vm �,qjaNvk,) JAPA" - nAmou 0 4AIMNM4dllH 1 vm[TwEFE P033OW HALL —Aw WNMNWILU tacwaND Cfjo:mv,� rl — �UWIIL44 3D 1-"Nydxy* AW44 &-IJNDk AD m 1MALS w1w L f.-M o M 3FEYW u .31 P RMTDO .11 AQV WWII; mlww I CULLE(w gvh&ii �pd 2 rLJLL.k ? ;4.. T fAw t3w/ A;l ffl? Fu w uVA At& -LL%f)i I.rvs LROW 4 AWD-,*14 -A Z o il N v LLIEW TRAM LA W,7� wmno 12 R hLxl-i-*u 2 N L"Td ilffG SI 1 11 F 1 n p aw" ' ww I Oro AJ z i (1) C 0 O a� 0 LM am LU U 1 MAJ WE E RE ESE � NICHOLS CHANGE ORDER (4.43) PROJECT: ' ` Wholesale Meter Upgrades PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Southlake SOL02175 CONTRACTOR: Legacy Contracting, L.P. ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO.: 2 - PCM #2 Change in Work and Modify Construction Time DATE; 19- Oct -09 Make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents: Item Bid Item Description Effective Change in Unit Price No. 1-4 Fan, Lights, Hatch Alarm, Dehumidifier, and Sump Pump $ 7,568.00 11 -2 Fan, Lights, Hatch Alarm, Dehumidifier, and Sump Pump $ 7,568.00 III -9 Labor for Vault Modification /Construction $ (3,500.00) III -9 Materials for Vault Modification /Construction $ (3,640.00) III -12 Materials for Check Valve/Vault Construction $ 25,645.00 III -12 Labor for Check Valve/Vault Construction $ 2,450.00 III -12 Equipment for Check Valvetault Construction $ 3,010.00 III -13 Exploratory Digging for existing 24 136" Water line $ 6,800.00 IV -10 Delete Item in its entirety, and reduce Unit Cost from $30,000 to $0 $ (30,000.00) IV -9 Revise Unit Cost from $30,000 to $60,000 $ 30,000.00 IV -9 Additional Contret and Reinforcement for Extra Depth $ 8,980.00 10% Overhead and Profit $ 5,488.00 Net Change Total $ 60,369.00 The compensation agreed upon in this Change Order is full, complete and final payment for all costs the Contractor may incur as a result of or relating to this change whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at this time, including without limitation, any cost for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of this Change Order. Original Contract Amount $ 776,867.00 Previously Approved Change Order Amount $ '. 53,331.64 Adjusted Contract Amount $ 830,198.64 Proposed Change Order Amount $ 60,369.00 Revised Contract Amount $ 890,567.64 Previous Contract Time Previous Substantial Completion Date _April 1, 2009 Previous Final Completion Date Net Change in Contract Time Revised Contract Time Revised Substantial Completion Date February 1,_2010 Revised Final Completion Date . March 1, 2010 Recommended by Approved by FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. Legacy Contracting, L.P. t B 'i' a � {1 f �G By 0A ( lG - oc, Date Date Approved by City of Southlake B Date k s',`• 1 ` sloq*gj p- asewd �� NOliViS 8313IN OV08 NOS8V3d 311S NOS9V3d 3NY1H1rOS YSOM 311S - 11AID d3JSNVdi �J3AIN J31VM 31VS3 DVIHinos v 83113>1 10 S31110 gf J I rj W., Gio MIP Z BE cn x I xa F7 gf J s Gio L a , Z BE Mz < m Z . 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