City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
LOCATION: Southlake West DPS Facility
2100 West Southlake Boulevard
Southlake, Texas 76092
Board Members Present: Martin Schelling, Bob Mundlin, Craig Sturtevant and Robert
Staff Members Present: Director of Public Safety Jim Blagg, Police Chief Robert Finn, Fire
Chief, Mike Starr; Police Services Divisional Assistant, Melissa Rodriguez; Finance Director,
Sharen Jackson
Contractors and Consultants Present: Robert Garza with RPGA Design Group and Smith
Dorman with Lee Lewis Construction
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order.
The July 14, 2009 CCPD Meeting was called to order by Martin Schelling at 7:01 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session:
No executive session.
Agenda Item No.3 Reconvene:
No action
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum:
No Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments:
A. CCPD Sales Tax Report
An update on the sales tax was given by Sharen Jackson. Ms. Jackson reported that May sales
were down 22.1% below May 2008 sales. Ms. Jackson advised that in speaking with the state the
majority is retail. Year-to-date sales tax is about 3 or 4% below budget and we are anticipating
ending the fiscal year around 5% below budget. Sales tax numbers will continue to be monitored
very closely.
A Board Member inquired about projections for next year. Ms. Jackson gave a brief overview of
sales tax projections for next year.
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
B. Update on progress of DPS Headquarters Construction
An update on the progress of the DPS Headquarters Construction was given by Smith Dorman.
Updates on the progress of DPS Headquarters included:
■ Most of the grading is complete at this time
■ Installed all of the utilities on the site
■ Concrete paving around north side and as it approaches to Carroll Ave has been installed
■ On the exterior of building all of the roofs have been installed with the exception of the
clock tower
■ Masonry has been installed with the exception of the clock tower and the police & courts
■ On the interior of the building, the lower level has drywall installed and is taped and
bedded. Primer is going on to the walls and we are installing ceiling grid.
■ Main level has about 90% of drywall installed and is being taped and bedded
■ Third floor on the fire side has most of the drywall installed
■ Framing is primarily complete on the 4"' floor
■ Data, security, fire alarm and cabling crews have completed most of their installation on
the lower level
A Board Member inquired about any delays in our December opening date. Mr. Dorman advised
that the schedule has tightened up a bit, but still believes that December 9t' opening day is
completely within reason.
C. DPS North Facility Update
An update on the NDPS Facility was given by Robert Garza with RPGA. Mr. Garza provided
visual aides of schematic designs and floor plans for the Board and staff to view. Discussions in
regards to total project costs, location and size of the firing range, use of the driving course and
suggestions for landscaping at NDP facility took place.
D. Crime Control Long Range Financial Update
Sharen Jackson gave the update on the CCPD Long Range Financials. The Board and Staff were
provided with a hand-out of the financial floor plan. Ms. Jackson gave a presentation of the
financial floor plan which included projected ending balances of revenue over the life of the
district. The projected revenues included the following: slight increases in sales tax revenue,
proceeds from the sale of excess land of the north property and Bond Sales in 2010 and 2011.
E. Update on Call for Artists for DPS HQ Mural
Jim Blagg gave the update on the Call for Artists. Mr. Blagg advised that the Call for Artists for
the Mural has been sent out and they are due back by July 31s`, 2009. When the Calls for Artists
are received they will be reviewed by the Art Committee, who will select some finalists. Finalists
will tour the DPS Headquarters site to be briefed on what the Board and Staff want the Mural to
look like. The artists will then submit their final concepts and an artist will be selected. Mr.
Blagg also stated that our contract with the previous artist, Ms. Liz Bonham, has been canceled
and Ms. Bonham was paid for the work she did.
Consent Agenda:
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
Agenda Item No. 6. Consent
A. Approve Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting
held on May 12, 2009.
A motion was made to approve the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention
District meeting held on May 12, 2009.
Motion: Mundlin
Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Sturtevant, Mundlin, Williams, Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Regular Aunda•
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion:
No Items to discuss.
Agenda Item No. 8. Consider:
A. Adoption of the FY2010 CCPD Operating Budget and CIP
Robert Finn presented the Board with the proposed FY2010 Operating Budget and CIP via a
power point presentation. The proposed Operating Budget included the following: in-car video
system upgrades = ( $62,500.00), laptops for patrol vehicles $65,000), new portable radios =
($57,000), crime scene vehicle = ( $50,000) and Town Square Security Initiatives = ($50,000).
The proposed CIP included the following: continue the funding of DPS Headquarters
construction = ($10,000,000), funding completion of the design and the initial construction costs
of the NDPS facility = ($5,000,000) and the funding of public art for DPS Headquarters =
($45,000). The total cost of the proposed Operating Budget and CIP is $15,239,500.00.
The Board inquired about existing in-car video technology and the functions of a crime scene
vehicle. Discussions took place.
Staff briefed the Board on the existing nuisances going on in Town Square and explained the
need for police presence to hopefully control the issues. Discussion took place.
Martin Schelling opened the Public Hearing at 8:25 p.m. There were no members of the Public
present. Mr. Schelling closed the Public Hearing at 8:26 p.m.
Martin Schelling entertained a motion to approve or modify the CCPD FY2010
Operating Budget and CIP.
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
A motion was made to approve the CCPD FY2010 Operating Budget and CIP
Motion: Mundlin
Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Mundlin, Sturtevant, Williams, Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment:
Martin Schelling entertained a motion to adjourn.
A motion was made to adjourn the July 14, 2009 CCPD meeting.
Motion: Sturtevant
Second: Mundlin
Ayes: Williams, Sturtevant, Mundlin, Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 4-0
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
I)tp Martin Schelling, President
Melissa Rodriguez, Secre a