City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
LOCATION: Southlake West DPS Facility
2100 West Southlake Boulevard
Southlake, Texas 76092
Board Members Present: Martin Schelling, Craig Sturtevant, William McGuire, Bob
Mundlin, Robert Williams and Richard Sandow.
Staff Members Present: Director of Public Safety, Jim Blagg; Police Chief, Robert Finn;
Fire Chief, Mike Starr; Director of Finance, Sharen Jackson; Police Services Divisional Office
Assistant, Melissa Rodriguez and Deputy Director of Community Services, Kerry McGeath.
Contractors and Consultants Present: Robert Garza with RPGA Design Group and Bob
Reynolds with Lee Lewis Construction.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order.
The January 13, 2009 CCPD Meeting was called to order by Martin Schelling at 7:01 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session:
No executive session.
Agenda Item No.3 Reconvene:
No action
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum:
No Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments:
A. CCPD Sales Tax update
An update on sales tax was given by Sharen Jackson. Mrs. Jackson advised the Board that year-
to-date, October and November sales were $36,000.00 above budget. The Board inquired about
expectations for December and future sales; a brief discussion took place.
B. Review of Long Term Financial Position
Sharen Jackson provided the Board Members with a report to show projected revenues and
expenditures for the life of the district. Mrs. Jackson gave the Board a brief overview of the
figures provided in the report and a discussion of proceeds from Bonds took place. A brief
discussion took place regarding the likelihood of proceeds from the sale of excess land.
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
C. Construction Update
Bob Reynolds with Lee Lewis gave an update on DPS Headquarters Construction.
The update included the following: metal framing has started to go up; duct work on lower lever
is about 70% complete, plumbing is going into place and fire sprinklers in the lower level are
almost complete. Mr. Reynolds advised that overall, the project is moving along well.
Consent Agenda:
Agenda Item No. 6. Consent
A. Approve Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting
held on November 11, 2008.
A motion was made to approve the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention
District meeting held on November 11, 2008.
Motion: McGuire
Second: Mundlin
Ayes: McGuire, Mundlin, Williams, Sturtevant, Sandow and Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Regular Agenda:
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion:
A. Discuss and share information on the location of Safety Town
Jim Blagg advised the Board that Staff wants to bring the Board up-to-date on Safety Town and
explain why the choice of location for Safety Town has changed to the West DPS Facility.
Robert Finn presented to the Board all the benefits of building Safety Town next to DPS West
and how it would contribute to Safety Towns' success.
Mr. Blagg reminded the Board of a concern that was expressed in a previous meeting, in regards
to whether or not the School District would put Safety Town on their list of approved field trips.
Mr. Blagg advised that he and Mr. Finn met with School Principals and that the Principals
expressed a great deal of excitement for Safety Town. It was also mentioned that the School
Board thought it was a good project.
A Board Member inquired about parking for Safety Town. Robert Garza explained plans for
parking via a site plan visual aide.
Mr. Blagg advised the Board that it is the Staff's recommendation for Safety Town to be placed at
DPS West Facility.
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
B. Receive direction from Board regarding Construction Manager Risk Contract
for the North DPS Facility.
Staff advised the Board that they would like to receive direction from the Board as to whether or
not to consider negotiating a contract with Lee Lewis Construction, or to elicit for formal requests
for proposals. Mr. Blagg advised that it is the Staffs recommendation to negotiate a contract with
Lee Lewis and bring it back to the Board for consideration and approval; a discussion took place.
Agenda Item No. 8. Consider:
A. Approve contracts for DPS Headquarters Art Project
Staff provided the Board with a contract for DPS Headquarters Art Project. Mr. Blagg gave a
power point presentation on the Art Project which included art samples provided by selected
Artists, Liz Bonham and Archie St. Claire. A brief discussion took place in regards to the size of
a painting noted in Ms. Bonham's proposal.
Subject to the limitations of size noted in Liz Bonham's proposal; a motion was made for
Staff to make a recommendation to City Council for DPS Headquarters Art Project.
Motion: Mundlin
1 Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Mundlin, Sturtevant, Williams, McGuire, Sandow and Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Discussion of whether or not a February meeting was necessary took place.
It was decided not to hold a February meeting. A March meeting was also discussed and is to be
announced at a later date.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment:
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Mundlin
Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Mundlin, Sturtevant, Williams, McGuire, Sandow and Schelling
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 000,
Martin Schelling, President
Melissa Rodriguez, Secreotar~