City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LOCATION: Southlake West DPS Facility
2100 West Southlake Boulevard
Southlake, Texas 76092
Board Members Present: Bob Mundlin, LouAnn Heath, Robert Williams, Richard Sandow
and Craig Sturtevant.
Staff Members Present: Director of Public Safety Jim Blagg, Finance Director Sharen
Jackson, Fire Marshall David Barnes, Fire Services Divisional Assistant Diana Green and Police
Services Divisional Assistant Melissa Rodriguez.
Contractors and Consultants Present: Robert Garza with RPGA Design Group; Smith
Dorman and Bob Reynolds with Lee Lewis Construction.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order.
The September 23, 2008 CCPD Meeting was called to order by Bob Mundlin at 7:04 p.m.
A. Oath of Office for new and re-appointed members
Diana Green administered the Oath of Office to re-appointed Board Members Bob Mundlin and
Craig Sturtevant.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session:
No executive session.
Agenda Item No.3 Reconvene:
No action
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum:
No Public Forum.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments:
A. CCPD Sales Tax update
An update on the sales tax was given by Finance Director, Sharen Jackson. Three point 8 million
dollars has been collected to date, which is 8.8% above 2007 collections for the same period.
Taxes are above budget by $104,000.00 and it will continue to be monitored.
B. Update on progress of DPS Headquarters Construction
An update on construction was given by Smith Dorman with Lee Lewis Construction. The
update included the following: State & Division Street have been paved with first course of
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
asphalt and will be installing top course closer to completion of facility; plumbing and electrical
are in the process of being installed; underground rough-in is primarily complete with both
plumbing & electrical with the exceptions of some back-fill behind some retaining walls. Also,
grade beams for lower levels of building are about 85% in with retaining walls being about 90%.
The first slab of concrete on lower lever of building has been poured and it is projected that the
Eastern half of the building slabs will be installed within the week.
A Board Member asked if whether the project is ahead or behind schedule. Mr. Dorman advised
we are right on schedule at this point. Jim Blagg advised that Oncore has agreed to re-locate the
Tri-County overhead electrical lines from the East side of property to the West side of Carroll at
no cost to City. It was asked when the first walls might go up. Mr. Dorman informed the Board
that installation of concrete masonry and framing walls should start the middle of November
Consent Agenda:
Agenda Item No. 6. Consent:
A. Approve Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting
held on July 08, 2008.
Board elected to table the Minutes of the July 08, 2008 meeting for later review.
B. Approve Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Meeting/Public
Hearing held on August 12, 2008.
A motion was made to approve the August 12, 2008 CCPD Minutes with corrections to attendees.
Motion: Heath
Second: Sandow
Ayes: Heath, Sandow, Williams, Mundlin,
Nays: None
Abstained: Sturtevant
Approved: 4-0
Regular Agenda:
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion:
A. Anne Wise will give presentation on Safety Town
Anne Wise presented a Power Point Presentation of Safety Town and explained what it would
offer the community. Presentation included: concept of Safety Town; design plan; activities &
education Safety Town would provide; statistics on catastrophic accidents children experience in
growing up & positive affects of teaching children safety at a young age. An explanation of funds
that have and will be raised for Safety Town was given. Also, the activities and success at Safety
Town located in Frisco and the desired location for Southlake Safety Town were covered in the
Board Members asked what was being asked of them. Anne Wise informed the Board that the
SDCA is asking them to consider the use of land to the West side of West DPS as the site for
Safety Town and for the CCPD Board to consider contributing financially to the construction of
Safety Town.
City of Southlake
Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting
Discussions on cost, location, whether or not the school district would support Safety Town and
the number/locations of other existing Safety Towns took place. Board decided they would re-
visit the request presented on Safety Town. The Board will also entertain the idea of touring the
Safety Town located in Frisco, TX.
Agenda Item No. 8. Consider:
A. Approve recommendation from DPS Art Committee regarding DPS
Headquarters Public Artist selection.
A motion was made to approve DPS Art Committee's recommendation of Artists Archie Sinclair
and Liz Bonum for DPS Headquarters Public Artist Selection.
Motion: Williams
Second: Heath
Ayes: Mundlin, Sturtevant, Sandow, Williams and Heath
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
B. Selection of Board Officers for FY2009
It was recommended that the current Officers remain in position with the exception of the
secretary: Martin Schelling for President; Bob Mundlin for Vice President; Sharen Jackson for
Treasurer and Melissa Rodriguez for Secretary.
A motion to select the above Board Officers was made.
Motion: Heath
Second: Sandow
Ayes: Mundlin, Sandow, Heath, Williams and Sturtevant
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
An announcement was made that there will be a Board Member reception October 21, 2008 at
5:00 p.m. Discussion took place in reference to the next CCPD Board Meeting; it was decided
that there will be no CCPD Meeting in October.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment:
Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
o~_ Martm Schelling, President
Melissa Rodriguez, Secretary