Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
3 July 13, 2009
5 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall - 3rd Floor Training Room 3D
6 1400 Main Street
7 Southlake, Texas
9 Board Members Present: Chair John Slocum, Ken Goodman, Vice Chair; Margaret
10 Adams, Sherry Berman, Elaine Cox, Julie Landesberg, Bill Packer, Kevin Smith and
11 Tina Wasserman
13 Board Members Absent: None
15 Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services; Kari Happold,
16 Deputy Director of Community Services; Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community
17 Services; and Peter Kao, Construction Manager
19 Guests: None
23 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Slocum at
24 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.
28 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
30 Director Tribble presented the administrative comments.
32 A. Oath of Office - The oath of office was administered to new Park Board
33 members Tina Wasserman and Kevin Smith and to reappointed members
34 Elaine Cox, Julie Landesberg and John Slocum.
36 B. Construction Report - Construction Manager Kao presented the report. A
37 written report of current park projects was included in the meeting packet.
38 The construction projects were reviewed and staff responded to questions.
40 C. Non-agenda item - Joint City Council, Parks Board and SPDC Meeting
41 August 3, 2009 - A joint City Council/SPDC/Parks Board meeting will be
42 held August 3, 2009 to allow for comprehensive discussion regarding the
43 Capital Improvement Projects program and funding.
Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
1 Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the June 8, 2009
2 Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting - There were no corrections to the
3 minutes.
5 Agenda Item No. 3B. Approval of the minutes from the June 16, 2009 special Joint
6 SPDC and Parks and Recreation Board meeting There were no corrections to the
7 minutes.
9 Agenda Item No. 3C. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members. -
10 Park Board agreed to excuse the absence of John Slocum and Elaine Cox from the
11 June 8 meeting and the absence of Ken Goodman from the June 16, 2009 meeting.
13 Agenda Item No. 3D. Consent: Recommendation to approve SPDC Matching Funds
14 request from Bob Jones Nature Center organization in the amount of $550 ($1,100 total
15 cost) for purchase of four additional benches for the nature center patio - The Bob
16 Jones Nature Center organization received a grant from the Southlake Newcomer's
17 Club to purchase additional benches for the nature center patio and requested SPDC
18 matching funds in the amount of $550 ($1,100 total). Funding is available in the FY
19 2009 Matching Funds budget for this expenditure and will leave an unencumbered
20 balance of $192,800 in the matching fund budget.
22 A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda Items 3A, 313, 3C and 3D as
23 presented.
24 Motion: Cox
25 Second: Packer
26 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith,
27 and Wasserman
28 Nays: None
29 Abstention: None
30 Vote: 9-0
31 Motion carried.
33 Agenda Item No. 3E. Consent: Recommendation to approve a Professional Services
34 Agreement with Dean Electric Inc., dba Dean Construction, as Construction Manager at
35 Risk for the Bicentennial Park Improvements, Phase I - Director Tribble and
36 Construction Manager Peter Kao presented the professional services agreement for a
37 Construction Manager at Risk for the project. The total cost for Construction Manager at
38 Risk services is approximately $261,250, based upon 2.75% of the estimated
39 construction cost of $9,500,000. This fee includes the Construction Manager at Risk's
40 role in the construction phase and supplementary services. Industry standards for these
41 services range between 3% and 6% of total construction costs.
43 The Board discussed financial issues related to this agreement and to other
44 construction projects.
46 A motion was made to approve the professional services agreement with Dean Electric,
47 Inc., as Construction Manager at Risk for the Bicentennial Park Improvements, Phase I.
48 Motion: Cox
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
1 Second: Goodman
2 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, and
3 Wasserman
4 Nays: Packer
5 Abstention: None
6 Vote: 8-1
7 Motion carried.
11 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum - No one was present to address the Board during
12 Public Forum.
14 Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Recommendation to City Manager regarding request for
15 a variance to allow wine at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve during the Bob
16 Jones Nature Center board of directors fundraising event Saturday, November 7, 2009
18 Director Tribble presented the request for a variance to allow wine at the BJNC for the
19 fundraiser event. The Southlake City Code, Parks Rules and Regulations prohibit
20 alcoholic beverages in City parks; however, the City Manager may issue special permits
21 or grant variances to the provisions of this ordinance upon the recommendation by the
22 Park and Recreat;-n Board. The Bob !ones Nature Center organization must also add
23 the City of South-. e as an Additional Insured in the amount of $1,000,000 for the
24 date(s) of the event, and must obtain a temporary permit from TABC in order to sell
25 wine.
27 The item was discussed by the Board and staff responded to questions about insurance
28 coverage and TABC requirements. The Nature Center organization will contact TABC to
29 complete the nec )sary application id permit process and handle the additional
30 insured insurance cquirement.
32 Emily Galpin, BJNC organization officer and Executive Director, 1481 Post Oak,
33 Southlake, spoke about the event and the need for the variance to allow wine at the
34 fundraiser.
36 Debra Edmondso 3JNC organ, .,,-),1 )resident, 1730 Tuscan Ridge Circle, Southlake,
37 supported the request for the variance.
39 A motion was made to recommend approval of the request for a variance to allow wine
40 at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Pi- -erve during the Bob Jones Nature Center board
41 of directors fundrai,,:ng event Sate r-t~ ,lovember 7, 2009 as presented.
42 Motion: Gooc' an
43 Second: Ads::.
44 Ayes: Ada,...,, Berman, Cox, Coodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith,
45 and k'.Iasserman
46 Nays: None
47 Abstention: Nonc:
48 Vote: 9-0
Minutes of the July 13, 2 cs and Recreati-,
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
1 Motion carried.
3 Agenda Item No. 5B. Consider: Recommendation on proposed Fiscal Year 2010
4 General Fund Operating Annual Budget for the Parks and Recreation Divisions -
5 Director Tribble presented the budget and highlighted proposed expenditures. The
6 major changes to the proposed budget include: 1) Annual Well and Pump Repairs
7 ($25,000); 2) MaxiCom Irrigation Management System Phase 3 ($30,000); 3) Park
8 Amenities for Liberty Park at Sheltonwood and Royal & Annie Smith Park ($60,000);
9 and 4) Parks Entry Monument Signage for Liberty Park at Sheltonwood and Royal &
10 Annie Smith Park ($40,000). The Park Boards recommendation will be forwarded to the
11 City Manager who will file the City's budget on August 151H
13 This item was discussed by the Board and it was generally agreed that future parks and
14 recreation operating budgets should be presented to the board as a discussion item in
15 stead of an action item.
17 A motion was made to approve the proposed Fiscal Year 2010 General Fund Operating
18 Annual Budget for the Parks and Recreation Divisions and recommendation to see item
19 as a discussion item only in future years.
20 Motion: Goodman
21 Second: Berman
22 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Slocum and Wasserman
23 Nays: None
24 Abstention: Packer and Smith
25 Vote: 7-0-2
26 Motion carried.
28 Agenda Item No. 5C. Consider: Recommendation on proposed Fiscal Year 2010
29 Bicentennial Concessions Fund Annual Budget - Director Tribble presented the budget
30 and explained the proposed budget requests of: 1) $5,000 for Bicentennial Park special
31 program and event support and promotion as required under Section 5 (c) of the
32 Agreement with Coca Cola; and 2) $40,000 for windscreen and shade structure
33 improvements for Bicentennial Park. This item was discussed by the Board.
35 A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed Fiscal Year 2010
36 Bicentennial Concessions Fund Annual Budget
37 Motion: Cox
38 Second: Packer
39 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith,
40 and Wasserman
41 Nays: None
42 Abstention: None
43 Vote: 9-0
44 Motion carried.
46 Agenda Item No. 5D. Consider: Recommendation for naming a section of Liberty
47 Garden in honor of Dorothy Wood - Deputy Director Happold presented the proposal to
48 name a garden in honor of the late SPDC and Parks Board member Dorothy Wood.
Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
1 Staff has been working with Keep Southlake Beautiful (KSB) on plans for future
2 improvements to the western section of the Liberty Garden. KSB President Wendi
3 Carlucci proposed that this portion of the Liberty Garden improvements be named the
4 Dorothy Wood Education Center in honor of her service to the Southlake community.
5 The proposed landscape plan would include the acceptance of donations to purchase
6 earth kind roses and Texas Superstar plants to be planted in and around raised beds of
7 herbs, flowers, etc. this fall. This naming is allowable within the existing guidelines as
8 one of the requirements is as follows: "A park facility may be named for a deceased
9 individual(s) who have served the community."
11 Wendi Carlucci, KSB president, 2000 North Peytonville Avenue, spoke in favor of
12 naming the garden in honor of Ms. Wood.
14 The board discussed and agreed upon the proposal to name the section in honor of Ms.
15 Wood.
17 A motion was made to recommend naming a section of Liberty Garden in honor of
18 Dorothy Wood from friends and family.
19 Motion: Berman
20 Second: Cox
21 Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith,
22 and Wasserman
23 Nays: None
24 Abstention: None
25 Vote: 9-0
26 Motion carried.
28 Agenda Item 6A. Discussion: Discussion related to the election of Parks and Recreation
29 Board Officers for 2009-10 - The Board discussed the election of Parks and Recreation
30 Board officers for 2009-10. Per the Southlake City Code, Section 12-78, as soon as
31 practicable after the annual appointment of new board members by the City Council, the
32 Board shall select from the members a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary each
33 to serve until the next annual election. Any sitting Board member may be considered for
34 the officer positions.
36 The Board discussed the officer positions, noting that John Slocum and Ken Goodman
37 were interested in serving again in their relative positions of chair and vice-chair. The
38 Board will vote on the officers at their next board meeting.
40 Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment
42 A motion was made to close the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
43 Motion: Cox
44 Second: Goodman
45 Ayes'. Adams, Berman, Cox, Goodman, Landesberg, Packer, Slocum, Smith,
46 and Wasserman
47 Nays: None
48 Abstention: None
Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board
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Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 8/10/09
1 Vote: 9-0
2 Motion carried.
John Slocum, Chair
10 est:
15 fns le, Director of Community Services
Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Parks and Recreation Board
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