2009-08-11 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 09/08/09 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION August 11, 2009 White's Chapel United Methodist Church (Temporary Location) MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: David Baltimore, Chairman; Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd, Pat Burnett, Craig Hayes, Marge Kyle, Cleta Pierce, and Nancy Sporn, Secretary MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES ABSENT: Dick McCauley, Vice Chairman EX OFFICIO MEMBERS AND GUESTS PRESENT: Darla Fowler, MMOW Coordinator, Virginia Muzyka, Southlake City Council, Dick Johnston, C.A.R.S., Terri Messing, APEX Arts Council STAFF PRESENT: Amanda Troum, Senior Services Coordinator and Kerry McGeath, Community Services Deputy Director GUEST: Terri Messing, APEX Arts Council Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Baltimore called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments Virginia Muzyka, City Council Member, gave an update on City activities and brought several brochures for the Commission to review. On Monday, August 17, 2009, there will be a meeting at the Senior Center with residents in the surrounding neighborhood and City staff to discuss the Senior Center expansion project. At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, the Senior Center expansion project will be discussed and voted on. Terri Messing, APEX Arts Council, discussed upcoming plans and expressed an interest in having a liaison from the senior center to attend three meetings a year and report back to the Senior Advisory Commission. She also expressed interest in having the seniors volunteer at future events. Ms. Messing told the Commission about upcoming plans for Southlake to host a concert for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Amanda Troum, Senior Services Coordinator, extended an invitation to the upcoming Sock Hop Dance to be held on Saturday, August 22, in the Town Hall Building. Ms. Troum and Craig Hayes will meet in the near future to discuss senior job opportunities, both paid and volunteer. Agenda Item No 3A Approval of the July 14 2009, Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes. A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Boyd Second: Burnett Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Hayes, Kyle, and Sporn Minutes of the August 11, 2009 Senior Advisory Commission Page 1 of 2 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Advisory Commission 09/08/09 Nays: None Abstention: Pierce Vote: 7-0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum No items at this time. Agenda Item No. 5. Report: CARS (Dick Johnston) Dick Johnston reported that CARS will have a table at the "Empowering Seniors Conference" on Thursday, October 29. Mr. Johnston also reported on one new driver and two new users from Watermere Retirement Community. He also reminded the Commission that the next CARS meeting will be held at Watermere. Agenda Item No. 6. Report: Southlake Senior Activities (Nancy Sporn) Nancy Sporn, liaison for the Steering Committee, reported on the many activities that occurred in the past month and invited all seniors to the upcoming Sock Hop Dance to be held in the Town Hall Building. Agenda Item No. 7 Reort• Metroport Meals on Wheels (Darla Fowler) Darla Fowler, MMOW Coordinator, reported on a new caterer; Blue Star Catering, that supplied today's luncheon. She plans to use them again in the future. Agenda Item No. 8. Report: Facilities Update - Current & Future/New No Items at this time Agenda Item No. 11. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Motion: Sporn Second: Boyd Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Hayes, Kyle, Pierce and Sporn Nays: None Abstention: None Vote: 8-0 'on carried. f (~m(i&baltimore, Chair , girectolr,-Community Services A RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN TH OFFICCITHE CITY ECREZ Minutes of the August 11, 2009 Senior Advisory Commission Page 2 of 2