Item 4D AudioItem 4DItem 4D
Resolution No. 09Resolution No. 09--020, giving 020, giving
support of and partnership with support of and partnership with
the 2010 Census.the 2010 Census.
Ben ThatcherBen Thatcher
2010 Census Campaign2010 Census Campaign
Request to partner with 2010 CensusRequest to partner with 2010 Census
Ask that a citizen committee be formedAsk that a citizen committee be formed
Help disseminate awareness informationHelp disseminate awareness information
Encourage community participationEncourage community participation
Utilize SPIN Standing Committee structureUtilize SPIN Standing Committee structure
Staff commitment of web & newsletter Staff commitment of web & newsletter
City of Southlake Strategy MapCity of Southlake Strategy Map
The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of highest quality of
Fulfill OurFulfill Our
lifelifefor our residents and businesses. We do this by delivering for our residents and businesses. We do this by delivering outstanding value outstanding value and and
unrivaled qualityunrivaled qualityin everything that we everything that we do.
Deliver on OurDeliver on Our
Safety Mobility Infrastructure Performance Management Quality PartnershipsSafety Mobility Infrastructure Performance
Management Quality Partnerships
and Securityand Securityand Service Delivery Developmentand Service Delivery Developmentand Volunteerismand Volunteerism
Focus AreasFocus Areas
C3 Provide attractive C4 Attract and keep top-tier
C2 Provide travel
C1 Achieve the
Serve OurServe Our
and unique spaces for businesses to drive a
convenience within
highest standards of
enjoyment of personal dynamic and sustainable
city and region
safety and security
interestseconomic environment
B2 Collaborate with
B1 Implement andB3 Pursue
B5 Optimize
B4 Provide high
Manage theManage the
select partners to
share best practices innovative service
use of
quality customer
implement service
across all departmentsdelivery options
F3 Invest to provide and
F1 Achieve F2 Maintain or F4 Maximize
FinancialFinancial maintain high quality
competitive financial improve AA bond return on
public assets
L5 Actively promote
L1 Ensure our people
L2 Enhance L3 Attract, L4 Recognize
opportunities for partnerships
understand the
leadership develop and and
and volunteer involvement
strategy and how they
capabilities to retain a skilled reward high
and Growthand Growth
(individual and group)
contribute to it
deliver resultsworkforceperformers
Live Our Core ValuesLive Our Core Values
Integrity Integrity ƔƔInnovation Innovation ●●Accountability Accountability ●●Commitment to Excellence Commitment to Excellence ●●TeamworkTeamwork
Staff RecommendationStaff Recommendation
Financial Consideration: Financial Consideration:
No financial impactNo financial impact
Strategic Link:
Partnerships and Volunteerism; L5:
Actively promote opportunities for partnerships and
volunteer involvement
Citizen Input or Board Review: Citizen Input or Board Review:
SPIN DiscussionSPIN Discussion
Legal Review: Legal Review:
Alternatives: Alternatives:
None at this timeNone at this time
Staff recommendation: Staff recommendation:
Approve Resolution No. 09Approve Resolution No. 09--020020
2010 Census Campaign2010 Census Campaign
Please contact Ben Thatcher at x.8005.Please contact Ben Thatcher at x.8005.