A-899 (5D) (2) ( I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARD UTILITY EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT THE STATE OF 'IEXAS COUNI'Y CF TARRANr KNCM' ALL MEN BY 'lHFSE PRESENTS: That (1) (Wc), -r c',ea K c.o\N\lM~""\\ \-.-..) ::r \l\L , for am in consideration of the sum of Ten ( 10) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in ham paid by Grantee herein, the receipt am sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged am confessed, have granted, sold am conveyed, am by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the CITY OF OOUTHLAKE, Grantee rerein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, rraintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across am umer that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Permanent utility Easement: See attached Exhibit 'A' for metes am bounds description See attached Exhibit 'B' for Graphic depiction together with the, right of ingress am egress as necessary for such purposes. Such permanent easements shall include the right'to excavate upon such property, but Grantee shall replace any fences, improvements, or other fixtures upon said property without cost to Grantor, or current owner thereof, am shall restore the property, the. subject of the temporary easement, as nearly as possible to its condition prior to entry thereon. See Addendum to Easement for additional conditions. 'lD HAVE AND 'lD HJLD the above described easement, together with all am singular, the rights an:1 awurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors am assigns forever; and I/We do hereby certify that I/We are the owners of the property described herein and bind rrriself/ourselves, my/our reirs am assigns, to warrant am to forever defend all am singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. EXEX:UTED this the \ ~+- day of ~,^e.. ~) C?~ , 1910 -11 Page One of Two ,,' 9 r- t'. i,' 9 " .'\ "', \J u \_. :..1295 THE srATE OF 'IEXAS COUNI'Y OF TARRANI' ACKNCWLEIX;EMENT BEFORE ME, the urrlersigned authority, on this day personally appeared L. , 1'. fY\ 1 d -+!Q~ known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) 1S are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same for the purposes am consideration therein expressed. GIVEN urrler my hand am seal of office on this the l.l \ ~ +- day of (J""",,,,, e.- , A.D. 19 -, D. ~ . "c; , ., ' ..> '; -" " J.:>/ >~. > . '- .j " .". l ......;. ',' IP:, . /'" ~ ''7;i;: " My commission expires: &it~ '~ /172--- 7' the City of /.Pwthlake, this the , A.D. l~. JI day of .~~. ~\: ~,p ;.. .'".~ ,-h; .'ir,j' ",\''''' \..:; t ~, <! -"'41', ,,~ ,ow' ~_ ['~ i' C:. .... ......~.;. !~.....~A'. ....~.~ ~ : ':'<i ::>-: . :>: ;~.~ :cn~ '\v.... ,,: ~ ~ .... .... f ""'.-, -........... '!t.'~ ";"1. ...." ,-", '" "" 1IIIIIfIll""'" By: !Jlw~'!JiJ~4u~ ~ 4et4J~ City of S uthlake, Texa . REl'URN r:x:x:UMENTS 'IO: CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES 1170 Corporate Drive West, Suite 207 Arlington, Texas 76006 Page Two of Two :1'39(:r::: U v...... ;~j 2 9 7 SOLAKE.S-6 3/20/90 EXHIBIT 'A' Parcel #26 Southlake Sanitary Sewer S-6 Tract 5D, Abstract 899 BEING a tract of land out of ~le O. Knight 8urvey, Abstract 899, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract recorded in v. 2165, P. 590 Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: The following is intended to describe a 20' utility easement along the proposed south R.O.W. of F.M. 1709; COMMENCING from the northeast corner of the referenced tract, being in the existing south R.O.W. of F.M. 1709; THENCE 800046'09" W along the east line of said tract a distance of 19.67 feet to the POINT OF BEX;INNING; THENCE 800046'09" W along the east line of said tract a distance of 20.04 feet to a point for the southeast corner of the herein described easement; THENCE S87002'43" W a distance of 248.21 feet to a point for a corner and the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 5,844.58 feet, a tangent of 52.68 feet, a delta of 01001'58", (Chord: N85019 '10" W, 105.36'); THENCE along said curve to the right an arc distance of 105.36 feet to a point for the southwest corner of the herein described easement; THENCE N00022' 51" W along the west line of the referenced tract, a distance of 20.10 feet to a point for a corner in the proposed south line of F.M. 1709 and the begining of a curve to the left having a radius of 5,824.58 feet, a tangent of 52.86 feet, a delta of 01002'24", (Chord: 885018'13" E, 105.71'); THENCE along said curve and the south R.O.W. of F.M. 1709, an arc length of 105.71 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE N87002'43" E along said south R.O.W. a distance of 248.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.1623 acres of land, rrore or less. , . '~} CJ 1.- ,< ~ '." . ',,, ".,-, , ~ ..... . '. ' \.J .J ." '\.J t....".; ''-100 · / -, U' I,*", J.._ J PEARL DRIVE ---~ ~- aNO S~C aNO 0' f>.~ LOT /2 --~ - . PRo, I . (5~/~~ r P!!O.!! R.O. W ~ . L N OOo22'SI"W 20.10' TR 5E - - F AI. O~i j'f: 5 Sip.. LOT /4 ~. 6 /3 ) ~ SCALE:I." 100' EASEMENT TR 5 0 V. 2165 I P. 590 S OO"46'09"W-19.67' PROP. R;.~ W., f?QB. 500046'09"- 20.04' TR 501 CURVE DATA 6= 01001 '58" ^ R = 5844.58' ~ L:: 105.36' T = 52.68' C.B.:: N 85019' 10"W C.L.:: 105.36' Arling ton Surveying a Mopping Public Surveyors 6= 01002'24" ^ R = 5824.58' ~ L= 105.71' T = 52.86' C.B.:: S 85018'13"'E C.L.:: 105.71' ~RCEL TRACT EXHIBIT #26 50 I B I 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 2011 EAST LAMAR, SUITE 200 460-2111 ARLINGTON I TEXAS 76006 METRO 265-7948 I certify that this is a true and accurate representation of this survey as m:de on the grot.D1d and that there are no visual encroachnEnts except as shown. , : ;~ q!; r \,.J J ., \....' \ ,- 0 f) c: ..i j , ~..,........... .... ..:..., C EDDff L CHEATHAM >> "'..,................... ..., ~\ 2346 ...~, ....,~ '-6' off" ~o .'n~ .....V'~...!, .H.~..L~-., .. !Io1c......a...'" A '. SU~...' 'v" DATE: ~ - ~-....e:,. \ \ \ \ \ ADDENDUM TO CITY OF SOUTHLAKE STANDARD UTILITY EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT This Addendum to City of Southlake Standard utility Easement Permanent Easement (this "Addendum") is attached is a City of Southlake Standard utility Easement Permanent Easement ("Easement Document") executed by Bear Creek Communi ties, Inc. ("Grantor") dated ::rv.."'~ \ ,1990, conveying an easement ("Easement") to the ci ty of Southlake ("Grantee"). If the terms of the Easement Document conflict with the terms of this Addendum, then the terms of this Addendum shall control. 1. Puroose. The Easement granted by Grantor is for the sole purpose of placing, operating, maintaining, and replacing an underground sanitary sewer line within an easement that is 15 feet wide and located as set forth on Exhibit A to the Easement Document. 2. Construction. Grantor, its successors and assigns, hereby reserves the right to review and approve, prior to Grantee's commencement of work on the Easement (i) the final plans with respect to the sanitary sewer line to be placed within the Easement and (ii) the position and alignment of the Easement in the field. 3. Use. Grantee shall not construct or maintain any above ground structures within the Easement. Grantee shall repair and replace any improvements within the Easement area that are damaged as a result of construction or maintenance operations of Grantee and shall repair the Easement area to its original condition after any construction or maintenance operations. 4 . Grantor's Use. Grantor, its successors and ass igns, hereby reserves the right to make all use of the easement area that is not inconsistent with Grantee's use thereof, including specifically, but without limitation, constructing and maintaining improvements such as a golf course, trail systems, roads, walkways, lakes, and ponds located over or along the Easement. 5. Abandonment. The Easement shall terminate if Grantee ceases to use the Easement for the purpose herein stated for a period of more than twelve (12) consecutive calendar months. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. 7 (J By: 0 ~ L ~ts: ~ \mob371\mobdocs\addcssua.pa ",:1qr:::::: ;.)] .) \.J ,,) -I J~ no '_ '\;.,,0' ...,.. U l'~7UU'7(":;./ i::J4. LHLAIHAM ~ A~~UC :Ll/U LU~PU~AIL D~ WL~! '.;;U11 L '2U/ M<L 1L1\lb 1 i...'JI"J , i X /bUUC -~.j (\ l-c I'.! J j\j b ,. I IH ~:::' 1:;;; 1'1\1'< i UI i HL. U1 i 1 C 1/\L I',LCUI,U.. -U U r'j U I U L ~ I.~ () y " 1 L [ U (\ I: I,,: ;\ I\j ~ U U 1\/ ';,;; lJ :;:. l\ !\J 1\.J .,V~ r'1 C ;\1 t) L b.~ :':;;, U 1\.J y L. X .1:\ ~~;j CUUN 1 Y CLLI";r(, (J 1t.l/\L h'L,CL~ () : L 1 i Y UI ';.5UU i HL/\l(,L i:L(~L 11'! NU l":?Ul"-)'--},~'.:;:"-} I<U" 1. ~::> I LI< j"IU 1\/1 LU UA I L I lI"IL lJ h~ '.-} ~l UG/l~~)/'--}U 14,;:2{.~ L.JU /\l"IUUI\l i 11.UU i 1 LLU '~7UU61 ;::> 11IVIL :U~ ; :24. C!(, '--} 0 ..;. .5 1 11\lc~,< I I.:UI"!LI\I 1 l) 1 '--}I..JU'7(,; /',:;,," c._ (;~ ',_" L..' L) " L LH.Jl~l)I"ILi\J i ':5" Ul L L ~3~ 11.UU L) y;: i\NY i'i.:UV lc~>l UN ,.Ji! 1CH 1'<Lc,) j i<lC I ~:::' I HL c;;;/\l_L i<LI\J I ,.!\L WI.~ U~L UI i HL \)L~:;,:,Ch:1L)l~i.: 1';L!\l_ ,'I<WI"LI, I Y L)L.i~/\U'3L L); LULUI,,; UI< I.:I\CL 1~ :LNVAL1U AND UN~U~CLAL)LL UNUL~ ~LUL~AL LAW. 'J " ,-.. ;., _ \..'-~1 l._,~ ~-'. -' \.,," '.---' '1 j~ 1'1 '} '". .,. t.__._ ~.._~ ...~~.__.....---;""-,,,-_._~-~------""'-"'- <I1C.' ~ -:-