A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522 (Lot 2C1D1) - ROW l~ i ;/ DEDICATION INSTRUMENT ..~)j!>:) ',- STATE OF TEXAS S S KNO\V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT S THAT WE. FRED R. JOYCE AlID WIFE WAlIDA J. JOYCE ("Dedicator"), of Tarrant County, Texas, as the owner of that certain tract of land in Tarrant County, Texas described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes of this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas that certain portion of said tract as more particularly described in Exhibit liB", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes of this dedication, for the use and benefit of the public as a perpetual right-of-way and easement for the passage and accommodation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the construction, operation, use, maintenance, inspection, repair, ~ alteration, .~nd replacement of a paved road within the boundaries of the right-of-way and easement area, and for all other purposes for which a public street and right-of-way is commonly used, including but not limited to all such uses permitted by the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances and Charter of the City of Southlake, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, and Dedicator hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, said premises unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City of Southlake and its successors and assigns. RETURN TO OFF. OF THE CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SOUTH LAKE 667 N. CARROll AVE. SOUTHLAKE. TEXAS 76092 1 , (~', -'7 ~J ~,~ I v I .... v 1r-.,,'1 J ~.) c.... ~r ~ WITNESS MY HAND this the ,3+"- day of ~~ lcA~ By: ~t'" 'J01.-<<l'~1- .. ~- ~ }lA.l ltO't STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF TARRANT S I~+"- THIS .INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me on this 0 day of D h~F ' IfJ;J, by Fr~cJ R... --::Soy ce -.i- LV',fe. Uo.~a. "3, -:Sayee . . ~~~~~~~~"~~~ U MiCHELE GHEEN U it , ~\~Gt,~ry P~"d.)~ic ~) ,~...., ~,'" O"'".l~X ~ ~ 1'. ~~ 0 .; /{ I C ~r I, (..-; J.t':j fc ?~ Mv Camm. Ex". D9!2lig.~ ! 'i . ~ , ~i~~t,i~..f~j~;:r.;!'t>'.~~~W--~~~~,;.t..~:( My Commission Expires: Type or Print Notary's Name 2 ..., t .., ~!~, :, I , U , ... ...., l'-~Q3 ...v CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE T is is to certify that the interest and real property onveyed by this dedication instrument dated 'i ICJ 2- from ' t40 the City of Southlake County of arrant, State of Texas, has been duly accepted subj t all terms and CO/d~ions contai ed thereinp resolution of the City Cj>uncil adopted the day of . 191'~nd the City Council has consented to recordation of such edication instrument by its duly authorized officer. DATED: ~ /~ 111~ . --"'""',..,,, '10.'-- U l II, ~,fI, ~'" A;"~ ~.. ~ . .........." -!' ~.L ~ S " '. ~ ~l.4. ..*. . '.: ~~ iC;).... ....~\ ~>-: :,.ci =......: :~= :.......... . icn: ~~... ... i \: ..... .....i' ~,. ............. $" "'''.o! .. -tl +,,, """ .. ~\,\ "",..""''''''~ ATTEST: ~~A~ ..cITY SECRETARY AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: City of Southlake Attn: Mr. Curtis Hawk 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76002 3 (1 -; I, '-~.. v I ", '-' ~ d2--- I ')'l!, [ ...n..; "t EXHIBIT 'B' PEYTONVILLE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Fred Joyce Field Notes Being a 0.1645 acre tract of land, more or less, of which 0.0885 acres is within the existing roadway (peytonville), situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 522, and being part of a tract of land conveyed to Fred Joyce, by deed recorded in Volume 6807, Page 787, deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, which 0.1645 acres of land, more or less, is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the southwest corner of the above referenced tract of land. THENCE N 07001 '00" E for a distance of 238.69 ft. to a point, said point being the northwest corner of the above referenced tract of land. THENCE THENCE THENCE N 89018'59" E for a distance of 30.27 ft. S 07001 '00" W for a distance of 238.69 ft. S 89019'00" W for a distance of 30.27 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.1645 acres of land more or less. ~ f ,'"., -~ J ~_-: I U , ,~ ,J. '')Q~ l...;Uv ~ A.A. FREEMAN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 522 O.164~ ACRES I.R.F. 'STING FENCE UNE X 3,305.98 SQ. FT. 0.07589 ACRES ~ I ; I ~ )(~: ~/9 r. I . 11)", ~ ~ NO ~ C\I Q: a FRED JO)'CE TRACT 2C10t \IOL 6807 P.787 O.R. T. C. T. )( W ...J ...J 5> J&.I2 ..8/~ -)- ~ w )( o Q ~I ~ . Il " I~ )( P .O.B.., EXISTING FENCE UNE X N W*E S R.R. SPIKE FOUNO SS9'9'OO.W 30.27' I )( 1" =40' I CBBATIIAII AND ASSOCIATES 1170 CORPORATE DRIVE WEST SUITE 207 ARlINGTON. TEXAS 76006 METRO (817) 640-4329 (817) 633-1023 I certify that this is a true and accurate reprulDtattoD of WI survey .. made on the &round and that there are no visual encroachments except as .hoYll. ~ DATE: W., fa. ,... , (1/ r, .'.=_-~ ' r; ("'1 :- J .,..) I ~.. V : ~ !:,} ;J D192160644 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY F I LED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 192279576 REGISTER DR93 PRlNTED DATE TIME 08/20/92 10:33 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D192160644 WD FILED TIME 920820 10:33 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 14.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. f (" ~) t r- l ,I , 'I -) i \.,)' i ~,. v f ..... n ~I 1..)0 tj~ . AFFIDAVIT FOR REFILING OF DEDICATION INSTRUMENT THIS AFFIDAVIT SHOULD BE FILED IN THE RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS. THIS AFFIDAVIT IS BEING MADE SOLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING A CLERICAL ERROR IN AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT (HEREIN REFERRED TO AS "DOCUMENT', THE ORIGINAL OF WHICH IS ATIACHED HERETO.) BEING A DEDICATION INSTRUMENT DATED AUGUST 18, 1992. FILED AUGUST 20,1992, RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS, EXECUTED BY FRED R. JOYCE AND WANDA J. JOYCE. TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AFFECTING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Being a 0.1645 acre tract of land, more or less. of which 0.0885 acres is within the existing roadway (Peytonville). situated in the City of South1ake, Tarrant County. Texas and being a portion of the A. A. Freeman Survey. Abstract No. 522 and being a portion of a tract of land as described in a deed to Fred Joyce as recorded in Volume 6807. Page 787 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County. Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found for the northwest comer of the aforementioned Fred Joyce tract, as recorded in Volume 6807, Page 787, of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, said point being S 890 19'OO"W a distance of 571.65 from the northeast comer of the same Fred Joyce tract. said comer being the point of beginning of said tract. THENCE N 89018'59" E for a distance of 30.27 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set for comer; THENCE S 07001 '00" W for a distance of 238.69 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set for comer; THENCE S 89018'59" W for a distance of 30.27 feet to a railroad spike for the northwest comer of said Fred Joyce tract; THENCE N 07001'00" E for a distance of 238.69 feet to an iron pin found, said pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING containing within these metes and bounds 0.1645 acres of land. more or less. THIS AFFIDAVIT IS BEING MADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF FILING SUCH CORRECTION OF RECORD IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS. AS ORIGINALLY EXECUTED AND FILED, THE ATIACHED DOCUMENT MISTAKENLY DID NOT INCLUDE BEARING REFERENCE NOTATION OR ADEQUATE CLARIFICATION OF BOUNDARY MONUMENTS. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN CORRECTED AS SET FORTH IN ABOVE PARAGRAPH, AND IS BEING REFILED WITH THIS AFFIDAVIT AS A CORRECTION DOCUMENT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF THE DOCUMENT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 10745, PAGE 1382, IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS. IN ALL OTHER RESPECTS THIS CORRECTION DOCUMENT IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS NOTARY'S PRINTED NAME KIM L. BUSH Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. Exp. OSn7198 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES W:\LEGALS\OO 1208L2.AFF RETURN TO OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SOUTH LAKE 667 N. CARROLL AVE. SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS 76092 .lJ I 950 0848 EXHIBIT 'A' A.A. FREEMAN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 522 0.1645 ACRES >< 1"=40' R.R. SPIKE FOUND 5/8- IPS N8919'OO"E 541.38 P.L. NOTE: BEARINGS BASED ON THE WEST UNE OF THE FRED JOYCE TRACT, VOL. 6807, P. 787 (D.R.T.C.T.) FRED JOYCE TRACT 2C1D1 VOL. 6807 P. 787 D.R. T.e. T. N W.E S ,EXlSnNG FENCE UNE X S89018'59"W 30.27' I x 00120BL2.DWG I TOTAL AREA = 7,160.70 SQ. FT. EXISTING ROADWA Y=3.854. 72 SQ. FT. REMAINDER = 3,305.98 SQ. FT. 0.07589 ACRES CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 1170 CORPORATE DRIVE WEST SUITE 207 ARLINGTON. TInS 76006 IIE'l'RO (817) 840-4,329 (817) 633-1023 I certify that this is a true and accurate representation of this survey as made on the lI'Ound and that there are no visual encroachments except as shown. Revised: 3-28-96 DATE : 4 -\ \..AI\.... IJJ 9 5 0 0849 Revised 3/28/95 EXHIBIT 'B' PEYTONVILLE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Fred Joyce Field Notes Being a 0.1645 acre tract of land, more or less, of which 0.0885 acres is within the existing roadway (Peytonville), situated in the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of the A. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522 and being a portion of a tract of land as described in a deed to Fred Joyce as recorded in Volume 6807, Page 787 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.) and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found for the northwest corner of the aforementioned Fred Joyce tract, as recorded in Volume 6807, Page 787, of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, said point being S 89019'OO"W a distance of 571.65 from the northeast corner of the same Fred Joyce tract, said corner being the point of beginning of said tract. THENCE N 89018'59" E for a distance of 30.27 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set for corner; THENCE S 07001 '00" W for a distance of 238.69 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set for corner; THENCE S 89018'59" W for a distance of 30.27 feet to a railroad spike for the northwest corner of said Fred Joyce tract; THENCE N 07001 '00" E for a distance of 238.69 feet to an iron pin found, said pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING containing within these metes and bounds 0.1645 acres of land, more or less. G:\WORD\LEGALS\OO1208L2.LGL iil 950 0850 'r~-,' ~~." {~. !/ DEDICATION INSTRUMENT ~:){j - / STATE OF TEXAS S S KNO\V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT S THAT WE. FRED R. JOYCE AlID WIFE WAlIDA J. JOYCE ("Dedicator"), of Tarrant County, Texas, as the owner of that certain tract of land in Tarrant County, Texas described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes of this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas that certain portion of said tract as more particularly described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes of this dedication, for the use and benefit of the public as a perpetual right-of-way and easement for the passage and accommodation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the construction, operation, use, maintenance, inspection, repair, alteration, .~nd replacement of a paved road within the boundaries of the right-of-way and easement area, and for aU other purposes for which a public street and right-of-way is commonly used, including but not limited to all such uses permitted by the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances and Charter of the City of Southlake, Texas. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, and Dedicator hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns to warrant and forever defend, aU and singular, said premises unto the City of Southlake, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City of Southlake and its successors and assigns. RETURN TO OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SOUTH LAKE 667 N. CARROll AVE. SOUTH LAKE, TEXAS 76092 1 ... ('. -., ,.' ~ I' .~ J ') i") ? "'" 'v ..... ~r :"'v-1 I ~~:. .:-- .1950 0..85 i '~. ~'>;~~~.."..,v.;. ... . ,. . ......"'.~.....~_.,,-....... WITNESS MY HAND this the 13-f "- day of ~ .L.nT lcA~ By: !UtS tl .. 11G'f11l~' Sl~~ . lSitrrM 'tt11 }lA.l llOJ. STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF TARRANT S THIS .INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me on this I ~+"- day of n 1 ""~ ' !<fl;;)., by Fr ,d R. ::S<;lY CE' ... ki,{:", L ) Q~d 6. :'S _ ~ oy<'~ . ~~~~~~;z:. " ~.~.:t'''''''): ~ 'ICI......' E ^ F ..." ji A;.'.If',;,:t.~tr", I'lL ';,.c... - ~R_EN )! ,;j l .r~..i\,.\'" ,!,,} P"hl'- ~t, 'J t( ~..!?tr. rJ S~;T:16F TE~~S H !1 ~1?i9'MY Comm. Exp. 09/21/94 [; <:-{;:_":.::O""~":"!;:.':...>.~..:::.:f~,*:.;...;.~'~.~.::;:;;,,~:::..:.:.~~~.:.::;~J'.D,:..: My Commission Expires: Type or Print Notary's Name 2 .! i ..':, -.'- J .:. J 'Ii)" JOJ .;)'" ~'. ;: ?: ~: (I 950 l 0852 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE T is is to certify that the interest and real property ~nveyed by this dedication instrument dated f 1e?J from,- U_I,'i-~ ~t40 the City of Southlake County of arrant, State of Texas, has been duly accepted subjeit all terms and COjdpiOnS contai~ed therein b resolution of the City Council adopted the day of U . 199' ~nd the City Council has consented to recordation of such edication instrument by its duly authorized officer. DATED: ~ I~ /1C):2--- ~""""'"r",,, ~~. U l '" ~'\~ \\1" 04;",,- ~.. ~ ...........',~ ~ ~ ~ .' '. ~ ~"- ..*' '.: ". ~ i <:> .... .... (f' \ E>: ':~i ;:......: :>: S.......... .:cn~ ~V.. ... ~ ~ ..... .....f ~~ ............. ,~ ...., ...... ~ ~ ~" '11" ..... \'\\\ II"'lUm,""'\ ATTEST: _~A IJtvuJ .cITY SECRIITARY AFfER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: City of Southlake Attn: Mr. Curtis Hawk 667 North Carroll Avenue South lake , Texas 7f:1J92 3 ! (1- l-V . tv--, ~2-- --+ni:' L v v ~t f ,- , , .-' /: (; u :~ ]950 0853 .EXBIBIT ' A' A.A. FREEMAN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 522 O.J64~ ACRES N W,-E S 1- =40' I.R.F. EXIS11NG FENCE UNE X )( 3,305.98 SQ. FT. 0.07589 ACRES ~ / ~ / .. )(~ ~ 0) ~/~ ~ led I:::: "., NO k1 N ct ~ FRED JOYCE )( TRACT 2C1Dt W VOL 6807 ..J P. 787 ...J D.R. T. C. T. 5 J41z ~ .8/~ . 0 ->- I~ Pw )( SQ " 2:/ J1H )( R.R. SPIKE FOUND S89'9'OO.W 30.27' J )( I CHEATIJAl( AND ASSOCIATES 1170 CORPORATE DRIVE WEST SUITE 207 ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76006 METRO (817) 640-4329 (817) 633-1023 I certify that this is a true and accurate representation of this survey a8 made on the around and that there are no visual encroachments except as shown. 00' ..LotLl..b\:;- EXISl1NG FENCE UNE X ~~' ,-...t..~ DATE : ~~ -i I ~.. I I.) , (i J t- r) (', ,- \5 S::' 0 .- - --' tn CO a o If) 0') EXHIBIT 'B' PEYTONVILLE ROAD RIGHT -OF- WAY Fred Joyce Field Notes Being a 0.1645 acre tract of land, more or less, of which 0.0885 acres is within the existing roadway (Peytonville), situated in the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, and being out of the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract 522, and being part of a tract of land conveyed to Fred Joyce, by deed recorded in Volume 6807, Page 787, deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, which 0.1645 acres of land, more or less, is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the southwest corner of the above referenced tract of land. THENCE N 07001 '00" E for a distance of 238.69 ft. to a point, said point being the northwest corner of the above referenced tract of land. THENCE THENCE THENCE N 89018'59" E for a distance of 30.27 ft. S 07001 '00" W for a distance of 238.69 ft. S 89019'00" W for a distance of 30.27 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.1645 acres of land more or less. ~ ~ I I'~l --: f ,- - 1 v " ~ ~, :J.. lr-.nr ...; 'J ..; - .,;,;:{" j /1, '~ 950 0855 4 . D192160644 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY F I LED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 192279576 REGISTER DR93 PRINTED DATE TIME 08/20/92 10:33 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D192160644 WD FILED TIME 920820 10:33 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 14.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. ! ...,'" t ,'-' l ~,I i . ~I 0 I -:, ~-: -; l'w~jl .,,*. :c :~ ( fl) Ii 950 'f ',. 0856 J D195071853 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE CITY SECRETARY SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -w A R N lNG-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 195170214 REGISTER RECD-BY DR92 T003957 PRINTED DATE TIME 04/28/95 14:54 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D195071853 WD INDEXED TIME 950428 14:54 CG DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 23.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. HI950 0857