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Item 4L AudioItem 4L: SV09Item 4L: SV09--011011 Applicant/Applicant/ Owner:Owner:Cencor Realty Services on behalf Cencor Realty Services on behalf of GameStopof GameStop Location:Location:1251 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 3511251 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 351 Request:Request:Variance to the Shops of Variance to the Shops of Southlake Conditional Sign Permit.Southlake Conditional Sign Permit. Sign Sign Permitted Permitted Requested Requested RegulationRegulationRegulationRegulationRegulationRegulation Maximum Maximum 18 inches18 inches22 inches22 inches Letter HeightLetter Height VICINITY MAPVICINITY MAP SITE PLANSITE PLAN PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN --WESTWEST PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN --WESTWEST PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN --SOUTHSOUTH PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN --SOUTHSOUTH PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN --EASTEAST PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN ––EASTEAST 27” 42” ADJACENT SIGNSADJACENT SIGNS 65”65” ADJACENT SIGNSADJACENT SIGNS 36” ADJACENT SIGNSADJACENT SIGNS Questions?Questions? Ken BakerKen Baker (817) 748(817) 748--8067 8067