1987-09-14 rN > o o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 0 -Cn -9 -3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular )I 'XX DNOX y d tj t:=$ 4991 "gg~ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING M d M 0 It DATE: September 14,1987 A» t= x' TIME: 3 p m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H H y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. "RCOUNCILPERSON :.r PAGE: INDEX 1 ar BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson, Ralph Evans; Vice-Chairperson, Lanny Tate. MEMBERS: John Scoggins and Herb Schantz. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Pamula Muller and Carter Barcus. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by Chairperson, Ralph Evans CASE #55. Request for Side Yard CASE #55 Variance on Agricultural zoned lot. Francis Throop Survey, Abstract 1511, Tract 2A8. 0.49 acre lot. wr" Location: 2002 East Highland. Owner: George Sutton. om Owner of the property, George Sutton, was present for the meeting and explained to the Board his reason for the request for variance. He stated if he builds the addition to his home forward or backward, it will create a watertrap. Mr. Evans read the recommendation from the city staff, which indicated they'have no problem with the request It was noted that the property is d located on East Highland, west of Kimball Avenue. The total property is less than 1/2 acre and is on septi system. There were no comments during the Evans x public hearing. Tate x x Scoggdns x x After discussion, motion was made to --''Schantz x grant the variance as requested. + Approved, 4-0 vote. .w t~ o o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS y 0 a M M MINUTES OF THE Regular Yc alck f,91*~&x ZONING BOARD F A USTMENTS MEETING ]c M z a DATE: September 14,1987 d d H TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 0 z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS H ~ a 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF °z z TEXAS. -RCOUNCILPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX The meeting was adjourned by Chair- person Evans. a1~ Res ectfully submitted, iA11641 Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary a acct aw .r 4M a.r a~W look ,.,Y.• s BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE #55 Board of Adjustment Case #55 is a request by Mr. George Sutton, 2002 East Highland ( a 0.49 acre tract of land out of the Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, Tract 2A8 ) to be granted a variance to the side yard setback for the Agricultural zoning District. The side yard setback for this district is twenty-five (25) feet on each side per Ordinance No. 334-A, Exhibit A. Mr. Sutton proposes to build a fourteen by twenty-four foot Ai (14' x 241) bedroom and bath addition to the East side of his home. He feels that due to the configuration of the house and potential drainage problem that the East side provided the best location for such an addition. 44* so., There were thirteen (13) letters sent to surrounding property owners. Three (3) written responses were received; all were in favor of Mr. Sutton. No phone calls were received regarding this case. The Staff feels that the property conforms to residential use and should meet the parameters of that zoning district. The side yard W requirement for the Single Family-1 District is twenty (20) feet on each side. The resulting side yard would be fourteen (14) feet and should not present a problem. 44 w w CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL ;i NAME : FEE 50.00 ADDRESS: Y - TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~~j 7 Zz - 70 Yom- - LOCATION OF APPEAL:( address/legal description) REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) " +n'` t1la~' ~ ~(1~~ ~~u-✓'c-.p( y'~- ~G-t,~~ T.~ ~s ..t/!,/ C2~e-S~. I~rr ~w 4m DATE SIGNATURE: _ ~ClQv-'c= o W Hill ri y~ r . N _ J M rt l_ A I o *0 K,. to r \ N %n 1 n ft) 01 c h r wv r. r• 0.1 SZS Gins 3310ivf ; NT~~7N tvm _.!Erg_y Wnr NVW.R Y-4~S co 1 -ip i~ al/7 5 nrYHVW 1 ~O~ Eor Oil nZS vss s8 s9 0► N N N O d o) u ¢v e~ P Lev + 100 -T- Do 4 Y ° uZ4 ' aOo 5 N r. Sol (Y~ - r 1055 14 ~i I oc> \ OSi L I t, Ua. s T N Co \J A Nv CIA t- Ir 7-7 6ia URZ al c0 J J 49 c 11: ~L Q IJ. 7 N f-j- 4c r T) C C~ ~ dp Ilk, 9111, Or N - 96 1 yl ss♦ ` Iwo OOT. ect S ~ v85 ifs J 10 40 Otr Soo? a M F 6r sot h ~J 1dj'q I~ 1893:-2 SURVEYING COMNNNY P:' 0. BOX 15043 I'FORT r:oaTH. TEXAS 76119 ^I2GISTMED P1.13LIC SURVEYOr.5 P1-.ONE 293-5684 ~1r x ri' B9 °Ds'E 93.9 ' N ry ,0 - y AIMS: go. - t 94:0 ' PLAT S1101411,,c Y AND FIELD 110TES FOR A TRACT OF LA1:D OUT OF TI11i F. TIIR60P SU3VF.Y - NT COMTY, TM. %S. AND MORE PARTICULARLY A PORTICN OF A CERTAIN 20"ACZET~~ N0. 1511" - lll TO IJ. ,1. EVA1:S AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1627" PAGE' 131" DEED RECORDS CT OF LAND EINC DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOVIS: " TA1tItANT ~~TYr TEXAS. Pat :ING at a point in the Centerline of Count Road No. 3034, feet from the Southeast corner of said Throop Survey andnsaidi20 acre9tract'. • N. 890-05' W. along the Centerline of County Road No. 3034" 94.0 feet to a point for _ sw corner; _ i I1W N. 000-02' E. at 18.0 feet an iron pin in the North line of said road" in all 210.0 feet to an iron pin for corner; - S. 890-05' E. 93.9 feet to an iron pin for corner; =1 South at 192.0 feet an iron pin in -tile North line of said road, In all .0 feet to the POINT OF BECINXING and containing 0;45 acres of land of which 10.04 acres is in use as a public road. go Thin is its eerlif) that 1 have .orvcvcd dlc alnlve t1mribtrl prtrytrny r and find building. wholly %ilhin Ihr hotnals of mid properly. and nu uncroadinvills 111CICO11. exceill as \1111%11. • 3CAL[ By ez- • - 1-r n 0 IRON liNf Im • 11j 1 I , bM on o 40 ilYl oI q 40 -di ,Qb vk ( a Ai 'V RM i to 3 ON 00 W .3 ;woo 0 x c