1985-08-20 aw o o CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS M td -3 -3 No ~ o y M M MINUTES OF THE Special, XXD=X303 IKL z a r r MkifftNigx ZONIN STMENTS MEETING tM z a ~11 DATE: August 20,1985 d d a TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS o o 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF z z TEXAS. 4 OUNCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX EMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson; Wade Booker, Vice-Chairperson; Eleanor Kasper. Ralph Evans, Billy Peck. EMBERS ABSENT: R.G. Lyford and Dan W Light. +w he meeting was called to order by Wade Booker, chairperson. Booker indicated that the meeting scheduled for August 11, had been postponed due to lack of a quorum. CASE # 42. The request for a variance to the sign ordinance for the Park Place Shopping Center was discussed. Phillip Bressinck was present and r represented the Henry S. Miller Co. Bressinck indicated they are asking for an additional 25' in height. The ordinance will allow for 25' signs r Booker x After discussion, motion was made and 4asper x x approved to deny the request for eck x variance. vans x x CASE # 43. A request was made for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance No. 261, side yard requirements. Mr. Buck White, was present and spoke for Mr. & Mrs. Shy, owners of the property. Mrs. Shy was also present for the meeting. Mr. White explained that the variance is needed as the foundation for the house he is building on Edell Court off of North Kimball Avenue, is 12' over the side building line as -indicat ed in Agricultural zoning. The location of the foundation does not meet the requirements for rear yard set back either. The foundation has not been poured at this time. . 9 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a rn W o 0 M C ~ M d MINUTES OF THE Special xNFM~n XZ1UX ZONING STMENTS MEETING ~r. z a ~rj DATE: AUGUST 20,1985 3 H x' TIME: 6 p.m. 0 o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS. OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX White indicated if the request is not ranted, it will cause numerous trees to have to be moved. 4R Booker x Kasper x x fter.discussion, motion was.made and Peck x x approval given to grant the variance. Evans x ith no further business, the meeting as adjourned. w e ectfully sub tted, andra L. e r n do ity Secretary 40 a on im OR 0