1984-08-13 3~ Cn n < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > m td 0 0 -3 -3 0 -3 M M MINUTES OF THE Regular d d d 7rX~A9cGzzTd€'x ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING ac r~ z a DATE: August 13,1984 U d a ~ TIME: 7:30 p.m. mp'' o o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS '-3 -3 Cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 y TEXAS. ~COUNCILPERSON z z ~ PAGE: 1 INDEX BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson; Wade Booker, Vice-Chairperson; Elean r Kasper. R.G. Lyford, Bill Peck, and Ralph Evans. ABSENT: Alternate, Dan Light. The meeting was called to order by Wade Booker, chairperson. Case # 37. The request for variance CASE # 37 to the Sign Ordinance No. 161-68 OR was considered. The property in question is located on the corner of Highway 114 frontage road and East Southlake Blvd. The South- lake National Bank. There were no comments during the w public hearing. It was stated in th request that they wished to have the sign between 35 and 40 feet because of visibility. at In behalf of the bank group, Davis Bradley gave the presentation. Jay Alexander, Director of the bank also spoke. Other directors present were Jim Burger and John Moore. It was noted in the presentation that the City of Grapevine which is on the other side of Highway 114 has a maximum sign height of 501. After discussion, motion was made by R.G. Lyford to deny the request. Motion died for lack of a second. Peck moved to grant the variance. Motion died for lack of a second. Lyford moved to reject the appli- cation. Motion died for lack of a second. Kasper moved to go according to the ordinance and grant the request. ;4 cf) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS a m to 0 0 M 0 ~ M -A 6-3 M MINUTES OF THE Regular. 92T)txe@VX21$ ty t7 xx34WR . ZONINU BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING r d > o DATE: August 13,1984 a W TIME: 7:30 p.m. o o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS '3 -3 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. COUNC TLPERSON V PAGE: 2 INDEX "Booker x Lyford seconded the motion. Motion jKasper x x carried. 4-1. Lyford x x qM Peck x a Evans x Case # 39. Harold Dalton represented CASE # 39 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowe, in their re- quest for a variance to Ordinance No. 261, Section 5, maximum lot coverage of accessory buildings. The land being 1.75 acres would allow them a 1,750. square foot bark but their d1 request is for a 2,000 square foot building. I Letters presented from property owners adjacent to 750 Ginger Creek Estates were not objectionable. ;,,,,,oker x Kasper x Motion was made and approved to grant g1Lyford x x the variance as requested. ,,Peck x Evans x x Case # 38. George Banks was present CASE #38 to present his request for a variance to the maximum lot coverage. His property located at 1510 North Carrol Avenue, is .8179 acres which would on y allow him 818 square feet of accessor buildings. He was requesting a 2,000 square foot building. After discussion, motion was made Booker x and approved to Kasper x grant him a variance Lyford x x for a 1,000 square foot accessory building, which would be a 25X40 di EPeck vans x x square foot building for storage of equipment. There were no comments during the public hearing. 40 ob-1 With not further business, the meeting was adjourned by chairperson Booker. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. LeGrand. Citv Secretarv