1982-12-27 r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS n Cn ° ° MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ZONING rr' z a d d BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS; MEETING d x M z a DATE: December 27,1982 em u- a ~d TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, 0 o a TEXAS. Wii' z z NAME OF „COMMISSIONER PAGE: 1 INDEX a + BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson; Wade Booker, Vice-Chairperson; Eleanor Kasper. Members: Bill Peck, Fred Merrill. Alternate; Loyd Eubanks. MEMBERS ABSENT: R.G. Lyford 4" New alternate member, Loyd Eubanks, do choose to abstain from voting during the meeting, due to the fact that 40 four regular members were present for the meeting. 10 Chairman, Wade Booker called the meeting to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. Case # 23. The request for a continua CASE #23 tion of a variance made by Bruce Binns was considered by the board. Mr. Binns was present and spoke in his own behalf. He explained that he has in fact applied for a building permit and that the permit would be ready on the next day. He indicated that he would be his own contractor, subcontractors would be used. After discussion, motion was made Booker x and approved to extend the variance Kasper x for 30 days from this date. At that Peck x x time, Binns must come back before the Merrill x x board and give a progress report on the status of the construction. Mr. a Eubanks x Binns agreed to this action and agreed to come back before the board. Case # 24. The request made by CASE #24 Everett Aslin for a variance to the „r Zoning Ordinance No. 261, to operate a heavy construction company and store heavy construction equipment on his ~w property was discussed. " CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Cl) > C n W ° ° MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ZONING tIrl z d d a BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING DATE: a 0 TIME: December 27,1982 o o z PLACE: CI Y3bFp OUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, 0 o a TEXAS. Z z AME OF COMMISSIONER PAGE: 2 INDEX rw Mr. Aslin was present as was his r. attorney, Joe Gregory. Mr. Gregory gave a presentation in behalf of Mr. Aslin, explaining his request. He indicated that Mr. Aslin is a asphalt contractor and he also digs swimming pools. He has been operating his business on-the location 4M for 3 years. Property is zoned AG. Persons who spoke during the public hearing include: Mr. Dalton - in favor Stacy - in favor Fultz Ranch - opposed rrli Booker x Motion was made to give a variance for one year provided that he does no Kasper ow Merrill x x x increase the size of the business or Peck x x change ownerships of the business. Eubanks x The meeting was adjourned by Booker. rrr Respect ully Submitte , an ra LeGrand, ity Secretar MR w A December 24,1982 err MEMO..... TO: ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS FROM: SANDY LeGRAND, CITY SECRETARY At the request of City Council members, I asked the City Attorney for an opinion concerning the legality of the Board of Adjustments acting on the request of Everett Aslin for a variance. His comments to me and.he ask that I pass them on to you, are that the principle 4 of the request are much thesame as the request made by the owners of the Southlake Plaza in relation to their request. Copies of that opinion are available if any of you need it, or you may have it from the last meeting. We need four members in order to have a quorum, please call me by noon on Monday and let me know if you will be present so that I can complete arrangements for the meeting. err Ile y Christmas, Sandra L e G r a n d rrl r do ~w