667 North Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas
The Zoning Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake, Texas,
met in regular meeting on November 24,1980. The meeting was called
'to order by chairman, George Kolb at approximately 8 p.m.
Present for the meeting were: George Kolb, chairman
Eleanor Kasper, vice chairman
Carolyn Poe, alternate
Mary Dorsett
Absent for the meeting were: Bob Lyford
Fred Merrill
Walter Garrett
Case # 18. Request of M.A. McClendon to place a mobile home on
4.79 acres of land out of the James Thornhill Survey,
Abstract 1505, Tract lEl. The property is zoned
q Agricultural. The request is due to a family hardship.
Public Hearing.
„ Mr and Mrs. McClendon were present as was their son-in-law, Richard
Osborne. Their was a general discussion concerning city ordinances
and restrictions against Mobile Homes in Southlake, not in
Mobile Home Parks.
Carolyn Poe made the statement that by allowing them to move the mobile
home onto the property would in fact create a hardship for the family
due to the fact that the expense would be so great for them, and the
variance would only be temporary.
Carolyn made the motion to deny the request, it was seconded by
Eleanor Kasper.
Mary Dorsett wanted it on record that the problem is not financial,
but rather not having a place to put the mobile home.
After further discussion, the item was tabled until further information
rr can be sought by the McClendons concerning costs for septic system
and costs to run the water lines and gas lines to the proposed property.
The meeting was then adjourned by chairman, Kolb.
;&a.pdra ectfully submi ted,
L. LeGrand
City Secretary
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested persons that the Zoning
Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake, Texas, will be
holding a public hearing on November 24,1980 at 7:30 p.m. in
the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue,
Southlake. Purpose of the hearing is to consider the request
of M.A. McClendon, to place a mobile home on property located
d. in the James Thornhill Survey, Abstracg 1505, Tract lEl. The
4.79 acre tract is zoned Agricultural. The request is made due
to a hardship in the family.
City of Southlake
,f, Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
I hereby certify that the above notice of public hearing is
posted on the bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue,
Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 80.