MAY 27, 1995
The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in called session in the
y~ Council Chamber of City Hall, at 667 North Carroll Avenue in
Southlake, on Tuesday, May 27, 1975, with the following mem-
bers present:
R. V. Trammell, Chairman
Lloyd Wolf, Secretary
Walter Garrett, Board Mmmber
R. D. Drummond, Board Member
L. A. Casey, Board Member
Also present: Pat B. Nichols, Applicant.
Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Harlow.
Bob Pasley
Eleanor Kasper
C. M. Gordon
Mr. Trammell called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The
Chairman stated the Board was to consider the appeal of Pat
B. Nichols, 219 E. Lilac, for a building permit, which was
denied on the grounds that it exceeded the limitation of 1,500
sq. ft. for accessory buildings in AAG" Distiffict, a barn al-
ready having been built. D. C. Harlow, 105 E. Lilac Lane,
stated to the Board that he was opposed to this request for
such a building and offered as evidence that the building will
not have an agricultural use the fact that a quarter page ad
in the yellow pages of the General Telephone directory shows
1 "Pat B. Nichols Excavating Company" listed, using this same ad-
dress. Chairman Trammell offered to the Board a letter re-
ceived by the City from one of the near neighbors, Mr. Lloyd
Latta, 250 E. Lilac Lane, also opposed to Mr. Nichols' request.
The Chairman stated that the question here for their considera-
tion was not zoning and use, but a permit for an accessory
building used in conjunction with agricultural needs. The Board
questioned Mr. Nichols as to what kind of equipment he wished
to store in the building. His response was a welding machine,
a jeep, and all kinds of sammtenance equipment. Walter Garrett
moved to waive the restriction of 1500 sq, ft, and grant the
permit as requested for the building in order to enable Mr.
Nichols to work on pdrsonal equipment and no other equip-
ment of any commercial nature and, further, to comply with
all boundaries. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr.
Harlow again spoke to the Board stating that the road is
too narrow to allow an auto and heavy-duty piece of equip-
ment to pass and the read is not designed to carry heavy
equipment and further the equipment is of a commercial nature.
The Chairman stated the public hearing was officially closed
and called for a motion. Discussion followed. R. D. Drummond
then moved that the request for a building permit be denied;
seconded by L. A. Casey. Mssrs. Casey, Wolf, and Drummond
voted "For"; Mr. Garrett voted "Against". (The Chairman did
not vote.) The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
R. V. Trammell, Chairman
City Secretary